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Chapter 120 Say I'm Sorry, Doesn't the Hurt Exist?

Ning Tan froze, and slowly stopped struggling.

She couldn't believe it.

"What did you say?"

After Erye Qi said those three words, he found that it was not as difficult as he imagined. Seeing that she stopped struggling, he lowered his head slowly and let her go. His handsome face was calm and dignified, and he sighed: "I I shouldn't have said those things to you, it's my fault..."

Ning Chun violently pushed him away!

Qi Yijing sat directly on the sofa, a little dazed.

Before he could react, the pillow hit his face hard.

Pray for the second master to be cold all over!

"You still know I'm sorry?" Ning Li's face was full of anger, and there was no tear on his face. He grabbed something nearby and threw it at him, "I'm sorry, I have a fart, I'm sorry, why do you need the police?!"

One after another, the first one was the cup, Qi Yijing was startled, and quickly grabbed the pillow to block it.

Then there are newspapers, teapots, vases...

"call out."


"call out."


Qi Yijing dodged one by one, but was still splashed by the water, his face turned black.Looking around, the ground is a mess.

He looked at Ning Chan and scolded: "Ning Chan, stop!"

Ning Tan just ignored him, and the more he threw it, the more excited he became, and even wanted to pick up a chair and hit him.

It didn't work -- because it couldn't be moved.

Qi Yijing's eyebrows twitched, and while dodging the attack, he stepped to the left, blocking the way into the kitchen.

It was also at this moment that an apple hit hard on the bridge of the nose.

The pain made him tremble.

Ning Tan was holding a plate of apples, his face was full of anger, and his obsessed mouth spoke harsh and mean words—even meaner than him.

"If you say I'm sorry, the harm won't exist?"

"I tell you, I don't accept it!"

"Never forgive!"

The four words are loud and loud.

Qi Yijing's pupils shrank, and at the same time a tomato blossomed on his face, the viscous liquid covered his handsome and perfect face, and Second Master Qi froze.


He reached out and touched it.

The next moment, a terrified and low growl sounded: "Ning Chan!"

Ning Li was also stunned, and looked down at his hands, who the hell put the tomatoes in the apples.

No wonder it didn't feel right just now.

At this moment of distraction, Qi Yijing, who could no longer bear it anymore, turned his defense into an offense, approaching her with cold anger, and the cold aura emanating from his body was extremely terrifying.

Ning Tan trembled, threw out all the apples and took out the plates.

Turn around and want to escape.

It's a pity that it was too late. Someone grabbed her wrists, and then her shoulders—with absolute crushing strength, she was powerless to resist.

"Still running?" Qi Yijing's brows and eyes were filled with fierceness and gloom.

Ning Tan thought he was going to be cold, but the next moment he vacated.

She exclaimed.

Qi Yijing picked her up horizontally, held her tightly in his arms, strode up to the second floor across the mess and debris, kicked open the door and threw her on the bed.

A soft bed is naturally painless.

"Bang!" The door was slammed shut.

"What do you want... um..." Ning Tong was about to sit up, when her tall body stepped to the side of the bed, and under Ning Tong's frightened eyes, she pulled the quilt to wrap her up, with only her head exposed.

Qi Yijing pulled out a belt and tied her up with an extremely graceful posture.

The comforter smells very good, like pine wood.

But this was no match for Ning Chan's shock. Being wrapped up like this, she couldn't struggle, and was so annoyed that she met Qi Yijing's dangerous gaze as soon as she said two words, and immediately weakened: "Qi Yijing, what are you...doing?"

Qi Yijing was very satisfied with his masterpiece, the wet feeling on his face reminded him of what had happened, his face suddenly turned cold, he squinted his eyes and stared at Ning Chan: "Is it fun?"

"Can we have a good talk now?"

Talking is okay...but bad.

Ning Tan felt aggrieved.

She resisted Qi Yijing with the utmost movement - turning her head away.

"Listen, the reason why I was so angry that day was because you went to the Lu family in spite of yourself, and now it is rumored that you are Lu Yijin's girlfriend." Qi Yijing sneered, "I also received the photo, plus a day I haven't slept all night, and I have a bad temper."

Ning Tan was taken aback for a moment, and then became annoyed: "I didn't love you!"

Qi Yijing's expression softened slightly: "I know."

"I also know that you ran for me all day. I misunderstood you, and I apologize to you." Qi Yijing's low voice was no longer cold, the sharpness in his eyes disappeared, and there was actually a bit of piety and gentleness.

gentle?Ning Chen pursed her lips, it must be an illusion!

Do you think apologizing is enough?impossible!She was even almost disfigured.

Ning Tan will never forgive him.

Seeing that she closed her eyes and did not speak, Qi Yijing calmed down and said in a deep voice, "As compensation, I will unfreeze all your cards."

Ning Chu quietly opened one eye.

That's it?

She won't forgive him easily!

Qi Yijing: "Another 50 yuan for mental damage."

Ning Tan: "!!!"

For Qian's sake, she reluctantly forgave him once.

"You're not lying to me?" Ning Tan asked in a low voice.

Qi Yijing's face darkened: "Have I lied to you?"

Ning Li pouted.

Seeing that she didn't object, and his expression became lively, the anger in Qi Yijing's chest gradually dissipated. Thinking of her accident, he lowered his head slightly, and said his name in a low voice: "Ning Chan."

"Why?" Ning Tan snorted.

"As stupid as it is for you to run all over town, I appreciate it."

Ning Tan's face darkened, and he turned a corner and scolded her?

The cool and mellow voice fell on my ears, every word and every word was very clear, as if something was beating on Ning Tan's heart: "I like it very much that you can worry about me."

Ning Li was startled, staring blankly at Qi Yijing.

like?Him, does he like her?

Something seemed to break out of his heart, Ning Tong was completely dumbfounded, and stammered: "You, what are you talking about, I am it, just because I am afraid that you will come out and settle accounts with me."

"Really?" He stared at her.

Ning Xin started to panic and didn't dare to look at him, but these two words were like a switch, reminding her of the pain that day, she ran away without even eating, but he called her disgusting.

Now come to bully her again.

The grievance suddenly came to my heart, and my eyes were red: "Fake!"

Her eyes turned red suddenly, which caught people off guard. Qi Yijingmu panicked, and said in a deep voice, "Don't cry."

"I don't forgive you!" The more he forbade him to cry, the more ferocious Ning Tan's tears were, and the tears flowed like money, "I was almost disfigured, do you know how painful it is, I'm in pain and hungry, you And let people catch me, woo woo woo, I don't forgive you, why should I forgive you?"

Knowing that she was afraid of pain, Qi Yijing's heart twitched, and seeing her crying so fiercely, he was in chaos.

Where did Second Master Qi coax people?

"Ning Tan, don't cry!"

The louder I cried, the more wronged I became.

"Ning Chan!"

Ning Tan felt uncomfortable when his hair touched his face, and wanted to push it away with his hands, but remembering that he was tied up and unable to move, he cried even louder.

"You still tied me..."

"If I don't tie you up, you're going to kill me." Qi Yijing reasoned in a deep voice, seeing that her eyes were swollen like walnuts, damn it, what can I do to stop her from crying, in anxiety, Second Master Qi suddenly enlightened, Bow your head and seal her mouth!

"You wronged me, I didn't..."

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