After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 283 I Can't Give Up on Josh

Qiao Xixi has been standing by, listening to the conversation between the two of them.

Although I don't quite understand what they mean by interference, it can be clearly seen that Ruirui dislikes Qin Jingyan very much, even to the point of rejection.

Looking at this picture, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Although she is with Qin Yihan.

But no matter what, Qin Jingyan is Ruirui's biological father, which cannot be changed.

It's not a good thing that the relationship between their father and daughter is so rigid.

A strange light flashed across Qiao Xixi's eyes, and he wanted to enhance the relationship between the two of them, so he proposed, "Ruirui, shall we go out to eat with uncle?"

Qin Jingyan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes showed surprise, apparently he did not expect Qiao Xixi to help him.

He was overjoyed, and his mood became joyful.

Ruirui frowned, a little unwilling in her heart, but seeing the expectation in Qiao Xixi's eyes, it was hard to refuse.

"OK then!"

Forget it, for my mother's sake, I will agree.

Qiao Xixi frowned, "Thank you, Ruirui."

"You're welcome!"

When I was doing handicrafts in the kindergarten today, Ruirui's clothes were accidentally stained by glue and paint.

If you want to go out now, you have to go upstairs to change.

Qiao Xixi and Qin Jingyan were waiting for her in the living room.

"Xixi, thank you just now!"

Qin Jingyan looked at her with grateful eyes, curled his lips and said with a wry smile, "If it weren't for you, Ruirui would never have agreed to me just now... I am really a failed father!"

Qiao Xixi's heart softened suddenly, and he said comfortingly, "Ayan, don't say that, you and Ruirui have just met again, and everything needs time to get used to it."

Qin Jingyan's eyes darkened, and he sighed, "I'm afraid that Ruirui won't accept me even after a long time, after all... Ahan has been by her side all these years."

Qiao Xixi could see that he really wanted to get close to his daughter.

After a few seconds of silence, she sincerely suggested, "No, Ruirui is a sensible child, as long as you treat her well, she will definitely give feedback! You just need time to get in touch and cultivate your relationship."

Qin Jingyan nodded, a bright light flashed across his eyes, and said, "Na Xixi, if you have time in the future, the three of us will go out together more often, okay?"

Qiao Xixi didn't know why, when he heard the words "a family of three", he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he was vague and couldn't figure it out clearly, so he nodded stiffly.

Qin Jingyan's eyes were burning, "Thank you Xixi, you are so kind."

Qiao Xixi felt extremely uncomfortable being stared at by him like this.

The expression on her face changed slightly, her eyes revealed a coldness, and she said, "A Yan, you are the father of the child, I promote the relationship between you and your daughter, this is what I should do!"

In one sentence, the boundaries between them are clearly drawn and distinct.

Qin Jingyan's pupils trembled slightly, and a line of embarrassment flashed across, and he couldn't help but clenched the armrest tightly.

His eyes sank, and the inside was cloudy.

If it was Qin Yihan, would she still be so clear?

After changing her clothes, Ruirui ran down the stairs. She was wearing a light yellow dress, which set off her skin as white as milk, and her immature face was innocent. Yellow duck hat.

It really looks as cute as it needs to be.

She said with a smile, "Uncle, Mom, I'm ok, let's go."


In this way, the three of them went out together and came to the French restaurant Qin Jingyan mentioned.

The address is located on Xinhua Road, which is quiet in the middle of the bustle. The entrance is specially planted with sycamore trees to embellish it, which adds a bit of French-style romance. The overall tone inside is dark, and every corner is carefully arranged. The environment is elegant and stylish. Comfortable and pleasant.

After Ruirui saw it, she couldn't help sighing.

Such a nice place, it would be great if Dad brought her and Mom...

Qin Jingyan reserved a seat in advance.

After entering, the waiter directly led them to sit by the window.

With a warm smile on Qin Jingyan's face, he gracefully pushed the menu in front of them and said, "Xixi, Ruirui, order whatever you want, and I will pay for it today."

"Thank you uncle."

Ruirui would not be polite to him, so she immediately ordered several signature dishes...

Qiao Xixi also couldn't help laughing, "Ruirui, if you order so much, can you finish it?"

"These few dishes are what I want to eat myself, and these few dishes... are what I plan to pack back for my dad to taste," Ruirui asked after a pause, tilting her head and looking at the man sitting across from her. "Uncle, don't you mind?"

"How could it be?" Qin Jingyan's eyes sank, and he replied with a smile, "If it wasn't for Ahan's company business tonight, I would like to invite him together."

Ruirui didn't believe it.

If he really wanted an invitation, he would have called his father when he left the house.

She rolled her beautiful big eyes twice, then said with a smile, "It's good that uncle doesn't mind, mom, you can also order something for dad, as a supper?"

When Qiao Xixi thought of Qin Yihan leaving without dinner today, he couldn't help feeling a little worried in his heart.

However, this is Qin Jingyan's treat, so it's not good for them to be so rude!

Qiao Xixi looked at her daughter and said, "Ruirui, let's buy it for Dad on the way back, shall we?"

Qin Jingyan felt even more uncomfortable.

Although Xixi rejected Ruirui, she still missed Qin Yihan in her heart!

There was no dissatisfaction on his face, but a magnanimous look on the contrary, he smiled indifferently and said, "We're all a family, it's okay, Xixi, just listen to Ruirui."

Now that it's all said and done, it's hard for Qiao Xixi to refuse, so he can only agree.

She turned her eyes and glanced at her daughter, as if to say, don't be an example!

Ruirui stuck out her tongue mischievously.


She did it on purpose for uncle to see!

Let uncle know how much she and mom care about dad! !

this girl...

With helplessness in Qiao Xixi's eyes, he couldn't help scratching her nose.

Soon, the food they ordered was delivered.

Qin Jingyan has always been very caring and gentle, and keeps giving them various services for their mother and daughter.

It made Qiao Xixi feel really embarrassed.

She politely refused, "A Yan, you eat yours, don't worry about ours..."

The two of them can take care of themselves.

The tenderness in Qin Jingyan's eyes was about to overflow, and with a little greed, he said, "Xixi, it's rare to have such an opportunity, so let me show it well."

Qiao Xixi thinks about the relationship between him and Ruirui, and it really needs to behave like this.

However, Qin Jingyan also treated her like this...

It made her a little unacceptable.

At this moment, the lights in the audience suddenly dimmed.

Qiao Xixi was taken aback for a moment, and a bit of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

What's happening here?

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