After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 282 This is our family of 1

Both Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi were a little surprised.

"What surprise?"

Ruirui opened the schoolbag and took it out, as if she was offering a treasure, "Dangdangdang——"

She took out three hand-made dolls and placed them neatly on the table.

"Dad, Mom, I did it myself in our handicraft class today."

Ruirui's eyebrows were beaming, and she introduced proudly, "This is Dad, this is Mom, and this is me!"

They are a family of three.

Not to mention, Ruirui really looks alike!

Qin Yihan's hand-made doll is wearing a black suit, her hair is combed meticulously, her brows are tightly knit together, she looks fierce, and Ruirui also put a Doberman pinscher beside her, which looks like no one should enter .

After Qiao Xixi saw it, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Ruirui is awesome, she made out your father's charm."

Qin Yihan's face turned dark when he saw it, "Is this the image I am in your mother's heart?"

The two nodded honestly, and said in unison, "Yes!"

Qin Yihan's face turned even darker.

And look at Josh Xi's figurine, in a beautiful dress and with a big smile on her face.

He couldn't help but snorted softly, "It's nice to make you look good."

"That's it," Jo Xixi's lips curled up, "I have a different image in Ruirui's heart than someone else."

Qin Yihan was dumb, and there was more indulgent helplessness in his eyes.

A dark light flashed in Ruirui's eyes, and she purposely put the figures of Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi together in front of Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi. When she got close, it seemed that Qin Yihan was hugging Qiao Xixi.

Qin Yihan noticed his daughter's petty thoughts, and instead of stopping them as coldly as before, he acted as if he hadn't noticed.

this girl...

Really don't forget to match them all the time.

Qiao Xixi also saw it, and his eyes trembled slightly, and a sweet line flashed across.

She put Ruirui's little figure beside her.

It looks like a happy family of three.

Qiao Xixi felt warm in his heart, and felt that it would be great if Tuanzi also had such figures...

At this moment, Qin Yihan caught a glimpse of Qin Jingyan's figure from the corner of his eye, and was startled for a moment, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him. All the joy and joy just now were gone, completely gone.

The irritability and pain that he had suppressed with great difficulty rose again, torturing every nerve in him, and his heart was filled with deep self-blame and guilt, what was he doing?

He already felt sorry for his elder brother, how could he be so cruel in front of him.

Qin Yihan was ashamed of Qin Jingyan, but couldn't bear Qiao Xixi.

This feeling of being caught in the middle was about to torture him to the point of going crazy.

The expression on Qin Yihan's face changed slightly, a strange light flashed across his eyes, and he said, "Xixi, Ruirui, I suddenly remembered that there is something else going on in the company, so let's go first!"

Qiao Xixi frowned, and couldn't help asking, "It's so late, are you going to the company now?"

Qin Yihan hummed lightly, without changing his face, "I have delayed too much work these two days, and I have to deal with it."

Qiao Xixi paused, thinking that Qin Yihan had indeed been by his side for the past two days, and that the Qin Group had probably accumulated a lot of work, so he understood it in his heart.

"Okay, go early and come back early."

Although Ruirui was reluctant, she could understand in her heart, and waved her hand, "Goodbye, Dad."

Qin Yihan felt bitter in his heart, clenched his fists, turned and left.

Qin Jingyan pushed the wheelchair downstairs and saw the back of him leaving.

His eyes darkened, "Ahan, what are you doing so late?"

Ruirui replied casually, "Dad said he had work to do, so he left first."

Qin Jingyan was slightly stunned, a streak of satisfaction flashed across his eyes.

Count him acquainted!

Qiao Xixi lowered her eyes, and put away the doll made by Ruirui.

She thought about ordering a glass cover another day, turning it into an exhibit and displaying it in the room, which can be preserved for a long time.

At this moment, Qin Jingyan suddenly suggested, "Xixi, Ruirui, let me take you out to eat tonight."

"Ah?" Qiao Xixi and Ruirui raised their eyes at the same time, "Go out to eat?"

"Well," Qin Jingyan's brows and eyes were gentle, and he continued behind, "We stay at home every day, and it's time to go out and improve the food. I heard that the imperial capital opened a delicious French restaurant. I want to go there with you and try it. "

Ruirui felt a little unwilling, "But Dad isn't here..."

Just the three of them, what's the point?

Qin Jingyan smiled and said, "Although father is not here, isn't uncle still with you?"

How can uncle compare with dad?

Ruirui wanted to refute, but she kept the words in her heart and didn't say it.

Qiao Xixi was also lacking in interest, and had no particular desire to go.

When Qin Jingyan saw this, a strange light flashed across his eyes, Qingjun's face became more disappointed, he pursed his thin lips, and asked, "Ruirui, don't you like Uncle?"

As soon as these words came out, the air in the living room became quiet and the atmosphere became solidified.

Ruirui was stunned for a moment when she saw through her mind, and she didn't know how to reply.

Her silence is the best answer.

Qin Jingyan's face revealed an appearance that really was the case.

His brows were stained with a layer of sadness, and his eyes showed a hurt look.

"Ruirui, can you tell Uncle why you don't like Uncle?"

Qin Jingyan's eyes were earnest, his attitude was extremely humble, and he said cautiously, "As long as you say it, uncle will change everything, try to change it so that Ruirui likes it, okay?"

Seeing his appearance, Ruirui was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted.

It is true that she has too much prejudice against her uncle...

But who made him want to compete with his father for his mother!

As long as he is willing to give up, she can still reluctantly accept uncle.

Ruirui raised her palm-sized face, and said in a crisp voice, "Uncle, as long as you don't interfere with what I do, then I am willing to like Uncle!"

What did she do?

Qin Jingyan paused, and immediately realized that he was matching Qin Yihan and Qiao Xixi.

Let him not interfere?

That's absolutely impossible!

He can give up everything, but only Qiao Xixi can't...

Qin Jingyan frowned, and patiently explained, "Ruirui, it's not that uncle wants to interfere with you, it's just that you are too young now, and those are not things you consider. Adults' affairs are left to adults to solve by themselves. okay?"

What Qin Jingyan said was high-sounding, but after all, didn't he just disagree?

Ruirui was unhappy and snorted coldly.

Sure enough, she didn't like uncle the least.

She talked about changing, but when she really proposed it, it was another attitude.

"It seems that we have nothing to say."

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