After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 239 Qiao Xixi Came to Find Qin Yihan in Person

Josh paused for a moment, then continued, "However, before Uncle Qin comes, Tuanzi has to eat obediently at noon and take a nap. Can you do this?"

"Of course," Tuanzi immediately agreed without thinking, "Duanzi will definitely... be able to do it obediently."

Jo Xixi's eyes were complicated, and he said "Hello" softly.

Tuanzi really did what he said. After lunch, he immediately lay down on the bed and fell asleep obediently...

Taking advantage of this time, Qiao Xixi left the hospital and called Qin Yihan.

She didn't want the dumpling to be disappointed, so she had to use this method.

However, a cold mechanical female voice came from Qin Yihan's end, "I'm sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unanswered..."

After Qiao Xixi heard it, she couldn't help but frowned, and her face was also full of confusion.

Why didn't Qin Yihan answer the phone in broad daylight?

Qiao Xixi had no choice but to call Chen Fuming, and only after asking did he find out that Qin Yihan was in a company meeting at the moment.

She looked at the time and had no choice but to take a taxi and drive there.

After 15 minutes, they arrived at the Qin Group.

The building goes straight into the sky, with a full 33 floors, and you can hardly see the top floor when you look up, which is very grand.

This is the first time that Qiao Xixi has come to his company, which is full of modern designs and full of technological information.

As soon as she walked in, she was stopped by the girl at the front desk.

The other party asked politely, "Hi miss, may I help you?"

Qiao Xixi replied, "Hi, I'm looking for Qin Yihan."

Hearing this, the eyes of the girl at the front desk changed, showing more contempt and disdain.

"Do you have an appointment?"

Qiao Xixi really didn't. After hesitating for a few seconds, he said, "I'm his friend. I can't get through his phone, so I can only come to the company to find him."

The face of the young girl at the front desk suddenly became cold, and her tone became a little more arrogant and superior.

"Sorry, according to our company's regulations, it is impossible to find Mr. Qin without an appointment!"

Qiao Xixi looked at the time on her phone, there was still half an hour before Tuanzi would wake up, and she didn't have much time to waste.

She frowned, "I'm really in a hurry, can you accommodate me?"

The girl at the front desk snorted, as if I had seen a lot of women like you.

"No! If everyone can accommodate, wouldn't our company be messed up!"

After she finished speaking, she paused again, and said angrily from behind, "Miss, you have hands and feet, and you are not good at what you do, so why take such a shortcut, even if you see our President Qin, you will be judged by him." Get kicked out!"

What they President Qin look down on the most is this kind of woman who wants to climb the dragon and become the phoenix!

Previously, there were also some small Internet celebrities, gold-worshiping women who came here admiringly, pestering and clamoring to see Qin Yihan, but in the end, not all of them were thrown out!

Not everyone can fall into their Boss Qin's eyes!

Hearing the words, Qiao Xixi froze in place, and then the expression on his face suddenly turned cold, and he was almost speechless.

"You misunderstood, I came to him on business!"

"Hehe, those women said the same thing."

The young girl at the front desk had an arrogant attitude and said in a mocking tone, "Hurry up, don't disturb my work here, or I'll ask the security to throw you out. Girls nowadays really don't know the slightest bit of propriety."

Josh was so angry that he was almost speechless, and sneered out of his voice.

"Oh, work? You don't even know the identity and purpose of the other party, and you want to drive them all out. Is this your work attitude?"

She paused for a moment, then continued to say angrily, "Is it because you look down on others?"

The little girl at the front desk was ridiculed, and her face instantly became extremely ugly, turning blue and white at times.

what? !

How dare you speak to her like that? !

The Qin Group only recruits from prestigious universities, and they want top students in the school.

Even the younger girls at the front desk all graduated from 985 and 211 colleges.

She considers herself noble in her heart, so she naturally doesn't want to be looked down upon by this 'material woman' in front of her.

The little girl at the front desk was about to yell at her, but at this moment, a man's voice suddenly sounded not far away.

"Miss Qiao, are you here?!"

In an instant, the scene became quiet, and even the atmosphere froze slightly.

Just after Chen Fuming answered Qiao Xixi's call, he felt that she would come to the company, so he planned to come down to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, I really met her here...

Chen Zeming followed Qin Yihan the longest, so he naturally knew how important Qiao Xixi was to his CEO, so his tone couldn't help but become more respectful.

"Miss Qiao, President Qin's meeting will end in 10 minutes, please wait a little longer."

Hearing this, the little girl at the front desk was completely dumbfounded, and stood there in a daze, her face full of astonishment.

She looked at Qiao Xixi and said in disbelief, "You, you really know Mr. Qin?!"

It's not like those materialistic gold diggers who came here to seduce President Qin under the guise of having a serious business! ! !

There was sarcasm in Jo Xixi's eyes, and he sneered.

"if not?"

"Do you think everyone is as narrow-minded as you are?"

The little girl at the front desk choked, her face flushed, and she was speechless for a long time.

Chen Fuming has been in the workplace for many years, and he immediately understood what happened just now through their dialogue.

His face darkened, and his tone became a bit cold, "You have been fired, immediately go to the HR department to settle your salary and leave!"

Their company doesn't need such a front desk that doesn't take customers seriously.

If the person who just came is a director representative of a certain company, wouldn't this business be lost with the attitude of the girl at the front desk!

Besides, Qiao Xixi's identity is much more important than any client boss...

The little girl at the front desk had just survived to become a full-time regular, and when she heard the news, she almost fainted on the spot.

Her heart was full of infinite regret, but it was too late to say anything now.

Qiao Xixi only felt that she was doing it to herself, and didn't even bother to give her a look, so she followed Chen Fuming in the elevator and came to the president's office.

Coincidentally, Qin Yihan had just returned from a meeting.

The eyes of the two people collided, and countless sparks collided in the air immediately.

Qin Yihan froze on the spot, never expecting that Qiao Xixi would come here, a ray of surprise appeared in his dark blue eyes.

Chen Fuming knew that the two of them must have something to say, so he didn't bother any more, and quietly retreated.

Qin Yihan's heart was inexplicably joyful, but his face did not show the slightest abnormality, and he still had that cold and indifferent appearance.

He asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

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