After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 238 I want to see Qin Yihan

Thinking of this, the backs of the two of them couldn't help but feel a shudder, and a chill ran across them.

Qiao Xixi was nervous, but his face did not show the slightest abnormality. He replied generously, "I happened to meet and chatted with each other by chance. What is Dr. Michelson?"

Michelson cast a faint glance at Sheng Tianjue, and a strange light flashed across it, and then disappeared in a flash.

He hooked his lips and showed a warm smile, "I just went to the next department to pick up something, and I happened to see you here when I came back, so I came to say hello, Miss Qiao, why didn't you tell Jing Shao when you came here today, This way we can welcome you in advance!"

Seeing Dr. Michelson like this, he probably didn't hear the conversation just now...

When Qiao Xixi heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little more unhappy in his heart.

Her face turned cold, and she immediately said angrily, "When will I come to see my son, and I need to report to others?"

It is true that Qin Jingyan was the man five years ago.

However, the relationship between them only exists here.

She is not Qin Jingyan's accessory, why should she report everything to him.

Michaelson paused slightly, a strange light flashed in his eyes, he quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Ms. Qiao, my Chinese is not very good, there may be something wrong with the meaning I expressed, please don't be offended!"

Qiao Xixi didn't worry about it anymore, and asked about the business, "By the way, how is the situation of Tuanzi these two days? Are you okay?"

Michelson smiled, and immediately replied, "Miss Qiao, since Young Master Tuanzi received medical treatment, his body and condition have improved significantly, and all the values ​​are much better than before. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Jo Xixi felt more at ease in his heart, and nodded.

"Thank you."

Michelson smiled slightly, "You're welcome, this is also Jing Shao's wish, and it's what we should do."

"I'm going to see the dumpling."

Qiao Xixi glanced at Sheng Tianjue.

The eyes of the two people collided, and the meaning was self-evident.

Qiao Xixi went straight upstairs, came to the ward where Tuanzi was, opened the door and walked in.

The ward was full of various instruments, filled with the strong smell of disinfectant and medicine.

Tuanzi was wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, lying alone on the bed, with all kinds of dense instrument tubes inserted into his body.

Seeing such a scene, Qiao Xixi's nose was sore, and he almost couldn't help crying.

"Tuanzi, mom is here to see you."

Hearing this voice, Tuanzi raised his eyes in a daze, and surprise appeared on his face, "Mom..."

Qiao Xixi couldn't bear it anymore, hot tears fell down.

Tuanzi's face showed panic, and he wanted to wipe her tears away, but the instruments on his body restrained him.

He had no choice but to say, "Mom, don't cry... Duanzi is very good... very obedient... these things... don't hurt at all!"

Qiao Xixi felt even more uncomfortable, as if being pricked by countless densely packed thin needles.

She would rather be herself lying here than Tuanzi!

God is really unfair, Tuanzi is so obedient and sensible, why should he suffer this pain.

Qiao Xixi stepped forward, grabbed Tuanzi's little hand, and stuck it to his face.

She forced a smile on her face, "Well, mom doesn't cry, mom is also strong, let's work together to get through it!!"

Tuanzi nodded, with a nice smile on his lips.

"it is good……"

They will surely overcome the disease.

Qiao Xixi stayed with Tuanzi here for a long time, and then his mood gradually calmed down.

She looked at her son, as if she suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Tuanzi, how do you feel about the recent treatment? Has it worked?"

"Yes..." Tuanzi nodded and said honestly, "I am much more comfortable than before, but... I don't like that group of uncles!"

Every time he was treated by them, Tuanzi felt as if he had become their experimental product.

That feeling really made him very uncomfortable.

Also, every time I do the treatment, it hurts so much...

But Tuanzi didn't want Qiao Xixi to worry, so he didn't say these words.

He has already caused a lot of trouble for his mother, and he can't continue to increase the burden...

Qiao Xixi felt uncomfortable, as if a five-flavor bottle had been knocked over, not a taste.

She said, "When the dumpling gets better, we won't have to see those uncles again!!"

Tuanzi nodded, and glanced towards the door, as if he was looking for someone. Seeing that it was empty, he couldn't help showing disappointment in his eyes, "Mom, today... isn't Uncle Qin here?" ?”

Qiao Xixi was taken aback, "Uncle Qin?"

Tuanzi explained, "It's godfather..."

He hadn't seen Qin Yihan for a long time, and he really missed him a little.

Jo Xixi froze, with surprise on his face.

She didn't expect that Tuanzi still remembered Qin Yihan until now...

Her eyes darkened, and a complex light flashed across.

Duanzi was listless, with grievances in his eyes, and his whole body was pitiful. He bit his lower lip and said, "Mom, I really want to... Godfather, did he... forget Tuanzi, that's why... no come see me……"

Qiao Xixi was stunned for a moment, his face was full of deep distress, and this time he really didn't know what excuses he should find to prevaricate.

"How come! Our dumpling is so cute, how could he forget it!"

"Then why...why didn't he come to see me?"

Tuanzi looked lonely, "No matter how busy you are at work, there is always time to rest..."

Tuanzi has always been sensible, and has never said anything to her, except for Qin Yihan's unusual persistence.

Josh Xi didn't want to disappoint him.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she asked, "Tuanzi, is that all you want to see him?"

Hearing this, Tuanzi immediately nodded vigorously, "I want to!!!"

In an instant, Jo Xixi made a decision in his mind.

She looked at her son in front of her and said softly, "Our group is so obedient and sensible, how could Uncle Qin forget you? He told his mother that he will come to see you this afternoon!"

Hearing this, Tuanzi became excited, and the light of hope rose in his eyes.


Qiao Xixi hummed lightly, touched his little head with a smile, and said, "Of course, when did Mom ever lie to Tuanzi?"

Tuanzi was very happy, his face was full of anticipation, and he only wished that it would be the afternoon now.

In this way, he can meet Qin Yihan sooner! ! !

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