After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 211 Qiao Xixi and Qin Yihan Are Having an Affair

Qin Yi suddenly became cold, and his face became even darker.

Is this woman still angry? !

Qin Yihan forced the water into her hand, "Would you like to drink it or not!"

Jo Xixi pursed his lips, and simply threw it on the ground.

The two confronted each other, and the atmosphere became more and more rigid, falling to zero.

Qin Yihan didn't expect that she would have such a trouble with him because of Sheng Tianjue.

His face darkened, and he couldn't help pinching her jaw.

"Josh, I warn you, don't get too close to that Sheng Tianjue in the future!"

Qiao Xixi was in pain and couldn't understand his thoughts at all. He only thought that this man was crazy.

"Qin Yihan, you are not qualified to order me, let alone manage everything about me!!!"

Qin Yihan was so angry that his lungs hurt, but he had nothing to do with her.

He suppressed the churning emotions in his heart, paused word by word, gritted his teeth and said, "Jo Xixi, don't take my words seriously, if you dare to date another man again, I promise it won't be as simple as doing it, I will It will make his death ugly!"

He absolutely can't let this woman betray his elder brother!

Qiao Xixi believed that such a thing could be done with Qin Yihan's personality.

But why should he take care of his own affairs...

He is not his own!

The more Qiao Xixi thought about it, the more wronged she became, the circles of her eyes turned red, but she still held back her tears.

She doesn't want to be ashamed in front of this bastard!

Seeing her appearance, Qin Yihan was visibly stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a pang of distress in his heart.

Did he say too much just now...

However, if you don't say it seriously, Qiao Xixi doesn't have a long memory, what if something like this happens again in the future.

Qin Yihan was inexplicably flustered, wanted to comfort him, moved his thin lips but found that he couldn't say anything at all.

There was an indescribable feeling in Qiao Xixi's heart. Now that it was one more minute, one second, he didn't want to stay with him any longer.

She glared at him with red eyes, turned around and walked in the other direction.

She will never see that bastard Qin Yihan again! ! !

Seeing her leaving back, Qin Yihan's heart became more and more panicked, and he kicked the car door so hard.

It was pitch black here, several street lights were broken, and the environment seemed to be getting weirder, and there was no car passing by at all.

It took a lot of effort for Qiao Xixi to walk down the mountain.

She didn't know where this was, and she took out her mobile phone, but she couldn't find any signal.

She seems to be unable to go back...

Jo Xixi stood there in a daze, with an embarrassing expression on his face.

Now if he wants to go home, begging Qin Yihan seems to be the only option.

However, just a second after this idea came up, Jo Xixi killed it in the cradle.

If it weren't for that bastard Qin Yihan, so many things wouldn't have happened tonight, and I wouldn't have fallen into this place.

Even if she had to stay here for three days and three nights, she would never go back and beg him!

Qiao Xixi pursed her lips, gritted her teeth and continued walking forward.

She remembered that when she came here, she seemed to come from here...

As the minutes passed, Jo Xixi's throat was extremely dry, his face became paler, and all the strength in his body had long been lost.

Her legs are so tired and her feet hurt...

But the road in front of me seemed to be a long and endless walk.

At this moment, a black Rolls-Royce suddenly stopped in front of her, and the window slowly lowered, revealing Qin Yihan's stern face.

He said angrily, "Get in the car."

Qiao Xixi clenched his back molars tightly, without any intention of moving.

Qin Yihan almost died of anger.

This stupid woman really wants to go back alone!

He has been following behind just now, waiting for her to turn around and beg himself.

As long as she speaks, he will definitely take her back.

However, after waiting for a long time, he only saw her lonely and stubborn back, and he didn't see her intention to turn back at all.

Finally, Qin Yihan was still defeated.

He still couldn't leave Qiao Xixi here alone.

Qin Yihan couldn't bear it anymore, pushed the door and got out of the car, picked her up and threw her into the passenger seat.

His actions seemed rude, but they didn't hurt Jo Xixi at all.

In the face of an absolutely powerful force, Qiao Xixi has no strength to resist at all.

Besides, she was really tired now.

Jo Xixi glared at the man next to him, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't think that, I will forgive you..."

Qin Yihan's eyebrows twitched twice, and he was really speechless.

He threw a bottle of mineral water over, "Before you forgive me, you'd better take care of yourself."

Qiao Xixi was taken aback for a moment, the expression on his face changed slightly, and his eyes darkened.

Angry to be angry.

Why is she trying to make life difficult for herself...

Qiao Xixi hesitated for a few seconds, finally unscrewed the bottle cap, and drank.

The cool water passed through the mouth, moistening the dry throat, and the lack of water in the body felt much better.

Qin Yihan took a look, his expression softened slightly.

On the way back, the two fell into the first cold war in history, and they ignored each other.

Each was silent.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, they arrived at the Qin family's villa.

Jo Xixi glared at him, then pushed open the car door and walked in.

Qin Yihan was so angry that his head was buzzing, he couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his forehead twice, got out of the car and followed behind.

living room.

Qin Jingyan was sitting in a wheelchair, reading a book in his hand.

The incandescent light fell on his face, which looked unusually gentle and clear.

After hearing the movement outside the door, Qin Jingyan immediately raised his eyes and looked in that direction.

I saw Qiao Xixi and Qin Yihan coming back one after the other.

Qin Jingyan's eyes flashed a flash of hostility, but it disappeared in a flash, and soon disappeared.

His face is still refined and refined, and no one can see anything abnormal.

Qin Jingyan asked softly: "Ahan, Xixi, why did you come back together? Did you go out to play?"

"Who is hanging out with him!"

Annoyance appeared in Qiao Xixi's eyes, and he directly refuted without thinking.

Qin Jingyan was taken aback for a moment, with obvious astonishment on his face.

"What's the matter, what happened?"

Qin Yihan's face darkened, and he didn't speak.

Qiao Xixi was furious, and the anger on his face became thicker, like a bun.

The two stalemate in a cold war, and the atmosphere froze to the extreme.

Qin Jingyan obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

He took the initiative to speak and said soothingly.

"Xixi, Ahan's temper is indeed a little anxious sometimes, but he doesn't mean anything malicious. If there is anything wrong with him, then I apologize to you on his behalf."

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