He deserves to touch her too? !

Qin Yihan opened and closed his thin lips, uttering cold words.

"let go!!!"

Sheng Tianjue was determined and did not waver in the slightest.

He said righteously: "Qin Yihan, you should respect Xixi's decision!"

Qin Yihan's face became more and more gloomy, his eyebrows twitched fiercely, "I'll say it again, let go!"

Xixi is also worthy of your name?

Sheng Tianjue held her wrist even tighter, "I won't let her go."

This time, it aroused all of Qin Yihan's anger.

very good!

He had already given him a chance, but he himself didn't know how to cherish it!

The aura around Qin Yihan suddenly turned cold, dropping to zero degrees, and a layer of dangerous murderous intent appeared in the dark blue eyes, which made people's hearts tremble uncontrollably.

Qiao Xixi was taken aback for a moment, keenly aware that something was wrong, and couldn't help asking: "Qin Yihan, what are you going to do?"

Qin Yihan didn't answer her words, he just tugged on his tie and loosened his collar in agitation.

Just when everyone couldn't react, Qin Yihan suddenly punched Sheng Tianjue hard in the face.

The pictures in the restaurant seemed to be frozen at this moment, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially Qiao Xixi was stunned.

He never thought that Qin Yihan would actually do it directly...

Qin Yihan used all his strength.

Sheng Tianjue was caught off guard, he felt dizzy for a while, and he couldn't even stand still, so he couldn't help but let go of Qiao Xixi's hand.

But Qin Yihan didn't vent enough, and kicked up again.

With a bang, Sheng Tianjue fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string, unable to fight back.

Seeing that Qin Yihan was going to continue to attack, Qiao Xixi suddenly recovered and stood in front of Sheng Tianjue.

Her face was full of anger, "Qin Yihan, you are enough!!!"

Qiao Xixi's voice sounded, and Qin Yihan regained his sanity, but the situation in front of him made him even more annoyed and angry.

She actually protects another man? !

Qin Yihan's heart seemed to be stabbed, "Get out of the way!!!"

According to his current situation, Qiao Xixi felt that if he really got out of the way, Sheng Tianjue might be seriously injured if he didn't die.

He was beaten by Qin Yihan to protect himself...

Qiao Xixi's eyes couldn't bear it, and he absolutely couldn't let such a thing happen.

"Qin Yihan, you are not allowed to do anything to Tianjue, if you want to fight, just hit me!"

Qin Yihan felt like a lump in his throat, he was almost mad at her, his face was covered with a layer of cool frost.

How could he be willing to do something to her!

Qiao Xixi closed his eyes nervously with a look of death.


In the next second, I just felt a whirlwind.

When she came back to her senses, she was carried on Qin Yihan's shoulders, and she walked towards the outside with vigorous steps.

Qiao Xixi's pupils trembled fiercely, and a thick line of astonishment flashed across, and he couldn't help but began to struggle.

"Qin Yihan, you bastard, let me go... let me go..."

Qin Yihan's face darkened, "Let go of you and let you go back to find that trash again?!"

Sheng Tianjue couldn't even take a punch from him, so he really didn't know what was so good about it.

Qiao Xixi was furious, "Qin Yihan, what are you talking about!"

"Am I wrong?" Qin Yihan raised his thin lips, and said coldly, "He can't even protect himself, so does he still expect to protect you?"

Jo Xixi paused, choked into silence, and said angrily after a while: "Now is a civilized society ruled by law, whoever has nothing to do will use brute force to solve the problem like you!!"

Qin Yihan's eyes were full of hostility, "Men fight like fists."


Jo Xixi didn't listen to him, and immediately struggled on his shoulders.

"Bastard, let me go!"

His voice was low and magnetic, "Be honest with me!"

Qiao Xixi didn't listen to the persuasion, but instead kept shaking his legs, Qin Yihan couldn't help frowning, stretched out his hand and slapped him hard.

But unexpectedly, he hit her on the butt...

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to freeze for a moment.

Qiao Xixi's body froze, and he never thought that he would spank his own butt...

Her face turned red immediately, her eyes glistened, and her face was covered with a blush that spread to the base of her ears.

"Qin Yihan, you rascal, how could you—" She couldn't say the words that followed.

Qin Yihan didn't mean it just now, he just wanted to hit her leg, who would have imagined...

There was also a touch of unease on his face, "I just warned you to be honest."

"Then you can't..." Qiao Xixi was so angry that his teeth were itching, "Qin Yihan, let me go, let me go!"

"Let go of you?"

Qin Yihan's eyes darkened, and his tone became a bit harsh, "Are you going to find Sheng Tianjue again?!"

Qiao Xixi was annoyed, "None of your business!"

Qin Yihan's eyes sank, and the lines on his face became more rigid.

He didn't have the slightest intention of letting go, he carried Jo Xixi with one hand and opened the car door, and threw her into the car without mercy.

What this woman did this time is really too much! ! !

He wants to teach big brother a lesson!

Qiao Xixi was locked in the car, the expression on his face changed suddenly, and his heart tightened, as he became more and more confused about this man.

"Qin Yihan, what are you doing?!"

Qin Yihan's jaw was tense, his thin lips were pursed into a straight line, and he didn't reply.

Instead, he opened the door and sat in the main driver.

Jo Xixi's back stiffened, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, the vehicle suddenly started and rushed towards the front at the fastest speed.

The air seemed to be quiet at this moment, Jo Xixi's pupils trembled fiercely, and a line of fear crossed.

If she hadn't grabbed the handrail in time, she might have fallen to the windshield in front of her by now.

Qin Yihan's face was expressionless, as if he was venting something, he stepped on the accelerator to the end, and he rushed even faster.

Qiao Xixi's face turned pale with fright.

Several times, I saw the car was about to hit the oncoming traffic, which made my scalp tingle.

Qiao Xixi almost thought he was going to die.

Her stomach was extremely uncomfortable, with waves of overwhelming nausea.

I don't know how long the car has been driving, and finally stopped at the top of a mountain in the suburbs.

Qiao Xixi couldn't bear it anymore, pushed open the car door and walked down, retching uncontrollably.

Her face was pale, and tears burst out of her body, she looked so pitiful.

Qin Yihan stood by and saw this scene, his heart seemed to be stuffed with a ball of cotton, he took a bottle of water from the car, unscrewed it and handed it over.

Qiao Xixi was taken aback for a moment, with an unyielding stubbornness on his face.

She pushed it away, "I don't want it!!!"

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