Full-time sword repair

Chapter 963 Master Leng is jealous!

"Little brother, you seem to look good again~"

Nan Gongyue looked at her lover's face, the more she looked at it, the more fascinated she became.

What's going on, I just feel that the little junior brother is getting better and better!Is it an illusion...

Lin Jichen said with a sneer: "Is there? Maybe it's just that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think the little senior sister is even more beautiful than before."

Nangong Yue's cheeks flushed, she raised her cheeks, and then closed her eyes.

How could Lin Jichen not understand, but he was a little hesitant, because the fragrance of Master Leng's lips still remained on his lips.

But he couldn't control the situation.


The two hugged and kissed each other, affectionately.

Nan Gongyue also seemed to have overlooked that there was a scent on Lin Jichen's mouth, and Lin Jichen's superb kissing skills made her lose her way.

She blushed and opened her eyes, looking at the man in front of her, the more she looked, the happier she was.

She found that the little junior brother was becoming more and more charming, as if she had been poisoned by the charm...

I heard from my mother that the more excellent a man is, the more he must hurry up to catch him, otherwise there will be many rivals in love who will come to fight for him.

According to my mother, she has a disciple named Jiang Luoyu who has a very good relationship with the younger brother, and that girl seems to like the younger brother very much.

Thinking of this, Nangong Yue realized that she was getting more and more dangerous, she had to seize the opportunity...

"Little brother...let's...double cultivation..."

Nangongyue breathed out the fragrance and winked like silk.

Lin Jichen was shocked when he heard this, and swallowed wildly.

This was invited by the little senior sister on his own initiative. Can he finally start his dream of dual cultivation?

Having said that, the new talent 'Double Cultivation Genius' he obtained after breaking through the Nascent Soul has always been a tasteless thing, and it has not played the slightest role at all.

Perhaps today is the best time to test how this talent really is?

Lin Jichen was so excited that he just wanted to pick up the little senior sister and go into the house.

Unexpectedly, a cold snort came from behind the two of them!

The two of them woke up instantly as if falling into an ice cellar.

Turning around, I saw Leng Fei staring at them with a frosty face.

The two suddenly looked like children who did something wrong, they lowered their heads and dared not speak, and Lin Jichen almost stopped breathing.

Leng Feiyan looked at Lin Jichen unkindly, and said after a while: "Disciple, you have paid a visit to me, shouldn't you go to visit Uncle Tianqing? He is also your second master, go quickly."

Lin Jichen quickly agreed: "Good master, I will go down the mountain with my little senior sister."

But Leng Feiyan said: "I still have something to talk to Yue'er about as a teacher, you go first."

Lin Jichen's scalp is numb. I don't know what Master means. Didn't he agree to be with the little senior sister? Why are you so jealous today...

But at this time, he could only agree honestly, and then left anxiously.

Nan Gongyue stayed where she was, also at a loss, she didn't know why the sect leader kept her, was she still unwilling to stay with her junior brother?

She plucked up her courage and said: "Sect Leader, I really hit it off with Junior Brother...you just let us be together~"

Nan Gongyue begged, but Leng Feiyan didn't change his face, and said, "Yue'er, did I explain the reason to you back then?"

Nan Gongyue bowed her head guiltily, and said, "Well... you said, the head, that my junior brother and I are too low-level.

, can't... double cultivation..."

Leng Feiyan just showed a satisfied smile, but in the next second, Nangongyue raised her head and said, "But the head, you also promised that as long as my junior brother and I break through the Nascent Soul Realm and pass the Dijian Pool and Soul Tower After the test, I agree that we are together."

Leng Feiyan's smile disappeared immediately, and she thought about it, as if she had really said this...

She had no choice but to ask back: "But have you passed the Dijian Pool and the Soul Tower?"

Nan Gongyue raised her chest and said resolutely: "Well, Dijian Pool will be opened in a month, and I will definitely pass! Junior brother will definitely pass!"

Leng Feiyan had no choice but to say: "Then let's wait until you pass these two tests."

Nan Gongyue took the order, and then, like a victorious ewe, she resigned and left.

Leaving Leng Feiyan in place with a headache.

Not long after, Lin Jichen ran back after paying homage to Elder Tianqing, he was afraid that the two women would fight.

But after returning, Nan Gongyue was nowhere to be seen.

Lin Jichen suddenly said anxiously: "Master, where is the little senior sister? You won't..."

Leng Feiyan said with a chuckle: "You suspect that you will kill someone to silence your teacher?"

Lin Jichen shook his head quickly, and said, "How could it be, I want to ask if the little senior sister has been punished to go to Jingsi Cliff..."

Leng Feiyan snorted coldly, and said: "She went back and said that she will prepare for the Dijian Pool in a month's time. After the Dijian Pool and the Heart and Soul Tower, she will double cultivate with you. Are you satisfied?"

After finishing speaking, Leng Fei turned away in a huff.

Lin Jichen was dumbfounded, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that Master Leng was really jealous.

He quickly figured out the reason, it must be his own fault.

Although the master acquiesced in allowing him to be with the little senior sister, it didn't mean that the master could accept him being so close to the little senior sister.

Maybe it's acceptable to kiss Master Leng just now, but how can Master Leng not be angry if he wants to double cultivate with his little senior sister.

Lin Jichen couldn't help but want to give himself a slap in the head.

Oh, why am I so stupid? If you want to double cultivate, you have to double cultivate with the master first~ How can you not know the order of the big and small kings...

Lin Jichen was crying stupidly by himself, and hurried forward, grabbing Leng Feiyan's wrist.

"Master, don't be angry, this disciple is wrong."

"What's wrong with you?" Leng Feiyan asked with a sneer.

"My mistake was that I shouldn't have double-cultivated with the little senior sister first, but should have double-cultivated with the master first!" Lin Jichen said bluntly.

Leng Feiyan blushed, and almost kicked Lin Jichen out of Mu Xianzhou with a flying kick.

"You rebel, you know nonsense, believe it or not, I will clean up the house today!"

Leng Feiyan was ashamed and angry, like a doormat, wishing to vent all on Lin Jichen.

With a bitter face, Lin Jichen hurriedly coaxed him to marry him, which made Master Leng calm down a little. She asked Lin Jichen to go back, and she also went back to the bedroom to be quiet.

Lin Jichen knew that Master Leng was still not very happy, so he had an idea and said, "Master, why don't we go on a date!"

Leng Feiyan was a little moved after hearing this, but still said with a cold face: "Who wants to go with you!"

Lin Jichen felt desperate as he was about to leave after speaking.

But Leng Feiyan walked halfway, but quietly asked: "Where are you going?"

Lin Jichen was overjoyed, and immediately said, "Go anywhere!"

"No sincerity, don't go

Now! ”

"Don't, don't, let's go to Eternal Winter City! It's our first date!" Lin Jichen was quick to wit.

Leng Feiyan stopped as expected, but then she left without hesitation.

Just when Lin Jichen was completely at a loss, Leng Feiyan left a sentence: "Go back and change clothes for the teacher."

After speaking, the person disappeared.

Lin Jichen smiled, his face was full of the smile of the survivors...


Three shifts~

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