Full-time sword repair

Chapter 962 I am really filial!

After two days of rushing, the three finally returned to the Tianyan Sword Sect that they had been thinking about.

Lin Jichen heaved a sigh of relief, and sighed: "I'm finally back, no matter how good the outside is, it's not as good as my own sect~"

"That's true, but I still prefer to stay at home, hehe." Li Muhan said with a smile.

Chu Tianhan didn't speak, but looked at the familiar Jianzong Mountain Gate before him, and he smiled unconsciously.

"Okay, let's report to our respective masters, I'll slip away first!"

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Li Mu said strangely: "Junior brother Lin didn't go to see Junior Sister first when he came back, but to meet the head sect? It's really strange, I thought he would go to see Junior Sister Nangong immediately."

Chu Tianhan had no doubts, and said in an appreciative tone: "Junior Brother Lin respects his teacher and his filial piety can be learned from. This is quite rare, and the head of the sect has indeed seen the right person."

Li Mu scratched his head in puzzlement. He always felt that Lin Jichen's expression on saying that he was going to visit Master just now seemed to be out of line with respecting Master...

When the two were discussing, Lin Jichen couldn't wait to fly to Jiangong Mountain.

After finding no one in the main hall, Lin Jichen went straight to Leng Feiyan's bedroom.

When he came to the outside of the bedroom, Lin Jichen shouted to the inside: "Master~ I'm back!"

However, there was no response from inside, and Lin Jichen called out again, but there was still no movement.

"Strange, Master won't retreat again, why don't you go to the little senior sister..."

Lin Jichen muttered in disappointment.

At this moment, a cool and elegant voice sounded from behind: "Who said you are in retreat for the teacher?"

Lin Jichen turned around in surprise, only to see the familiar Leng Feiyan standing behind him.

Master Leng, who had been away for a long time, was still as beautiful as a fairy, with his natural red lips slightly raised, looking at him with a half-smile.

Lin Jichen's heart beat faster, he had to admit that no matter how many times he had seen Leng Feiyan, every time he saw it, his heart was still so beautiful.

"Master, this disciple misses you~"

Seeing Lin Jichen running away, he forcibly pulled Leng Feiyan into his arms.

Although Leng Feiyan had a calm expression, the red glow on his face still betrayed her.

Especially after Lin Jichen suddenly pecked her on the face, the master's aura she had pretended to be instantly disintegrated.

"Stinker...not big or small..."

Leng Feiyan's beautiful eyes stared without any threat, and then pushed Lin Jichen away.

Lin Jichen was a little taken aback, and asked with a guilty conscience: "What's wrong, Master?"

He thought that Leng Feiyan knew about him in the demon world, the little fox and the mermaid princess...

Leng Feiyan snorted and said, "What's wrong? You still know to come back? Do you remember what you promised me before you left? You won't come back for the Luna Festival. As a teacher, you still want you to accompany me to enjoy the moon?"

Leng Feiyan's continuous questioning made Lin Jichen feel ashamed.

"Master, it's all the disciple's fault, but the disciple can't do anything about it. I encountered too many things when I went to the Rakshasa Sea this time, so I wasted time."

Then Lin Jichen talked about his experiences in the Rakshasa Sea and the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory, but he dared not mention the little fox and the mermaid princess.

It's just that when they met the phantom whale in the deep sea, they were forced to go to the territory of ten thousand monsters.

Leng Feiyan has been listening carefully and quietly by the side, watching Lin Jichen talk about his hands and feet

When she gestured together, she couldn't help pursing her mouth.

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, the little resentment in Leng Feiyan's heart disappeared.

"Since you have a reason for what happened, then as a teacher... I will forgive you."

Lin Jichen chuckled and asked, "Then can I continue to hug Master?"

Leng Feiyan's jade face turned red, and she didn't know how to answer.

And Lin Jichen didn't give Master Leng a chance to refuse at all, he hugged her slender waist when he came up, and embraced her again.

Leng Feiyan did not resist this time, and asked with a smile: "Disciple, do you miss being a teacher on Luna Festival?"

"Of course!" Lin Jichen said decisively, and opened his cuffs, showing the imprint of the soul on his arm.

"Master, look, I have it to accompany me through the Luna Festival, so I'm not alone."

Leng Feiyan was quite touched, and embarrassedly took off the hosta on the tip of her hair, and said: "On the Luna Festival, I also have it to accompany me as a teacher."

Lin Jichen laughed, and suddenly asked curiously: "Master, where did you go just now? Why are you not in the bedroom or the sword palace?"

Leng Feiyan suddenly felt guilty and hesitated.

Lin Jichen was a little strange, and suddenly noticed that there was a plum blossom in Leng Feiyan's hand. This plum blossom was planted by Lin Jichen himself. In the entire Jiangong Mountain, only his living place had it.

There are water chestnut flowers near the master's bedroom, and there are no plum blossoms at all.

Lin Jichen came to his senses immediately, and said, "Master, were you staying in the disciple's living room just now?"

Leng Feiyan was stunned and embarrassed, and tried to explain in vain: "The teacher is... afraid that your plum tree will wither... and wither... just go and take care of it..."

Lin Jichen looked at Master Leng's hard-talking manner, which was so cute that he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

Unable to bear it, he lowered his head slightly, and put his lips on the master's red lips.

Master Leng couldn't resist any longer, he sighed, and leaned against his disciple's arms, his beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

The longing for this period of time seemed to be melted into this kiss.

Lin Jichen probably doesn't know, but in Chu Tianhan's heart, he is a filial disciple who respects his teacher~

Even if he knew that Lin Jichen couldn't care so much at this time, he was immersed in the master's fragrant tongue and soft lips and couldn't extricate himself.

Even gradually, his hands started to mess up again...

Leng Feiyan really wanted to push him away, but maybe it was the longing accumulated during the Luna Festival, or maybe it was because the apprentice who had reunited after a long absence became more attractive.

She couldn't bear to push Lin Jichen away...

Just when Lin Jichen was about to climb up to the high ground of Master, Leng Feiyan's beautiful eyes suddenly opened, and then he broke free from his arms.

Lin Jichen looked at the hardworking hands that almost succeeded, and smiled wryly. The hands that have always wanted to bravely climb the peak, still failed~

Master still doesn't allow him to go too far. It seems that there is still a long way to go to conquer Master...

But at this time Leng Feiyan said: "Smelly boy, Xiaoyue'er is here, you should go back quickly."

After all, with Leng Feiyan's sleeve move, Lin Jichen appeared in his living room in a second.

Not only was Lin Jichen not sad, but he was beaming with joy.

"Master just said that he pushed me away because the little senior sister came? That is to say, she doesn't object anymore?"

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen couldn't help laughing out loud, his mouth crooked with joy.

"Little brother~"

At this time, Nangong Yue's voice sounded from behind.

Lin Jichen suppressed his smile, and when he turned around, he found Nangongyue flinging into his arms like a baby bird returning to the forest.

"Little brother, why didn't you come to find me when you came back?"

Nan Gongyue pouted and asked aggrievedly, that small mouth could hang a bottle of oil.

Lin Jichen was a little guilty, and quickly explained: "I want to say that I will visit the master first, and then you. The fine tradition of our sect is to respect the teacher~"

Nan Gongyue also nodded when she heard the words, and said: "That's true, you are so filial, Junior Brother!"

"Ahem, I am indeed quite 'filial'..."

Lin Jichen opened his eyes and said.


Two more~

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