Full-time sword repair

Chapter 948 Missing

"Xiong Yingxiong, the Demon Emperor told you to come over."

A little demon came to Lin Jichen nodding and bowing.

Lin Jichen raised his head and jokingly said, "Hey, aren't you that civet cat little demon? Why, ask me to report to the Demon Emperor to deal with you?"

Isn't this little demon the one who made things difficult for Lin Jichen a few days ago, and even treated Lin Jichen with disdain.

Now the attitude is changing so fast, it's like two different people.

When the civet cat little demon heard that Lin Jichen wanted to complain to the Demon Emperor, his face turned pale with fright, and he begged for mercy repeatedly.

Lin Jichen didn't bother to argue with him, and followed him to the throne.

Chihu looked at him with a smile, and the demon kings beside him also looked at him kindly.

In their eyes, Xiong Zang is a lucky star. He helped their king ascend the throne of the demon king, and he was not fooled by the peacock demon clan. He dared to challenge the evil forces and bravely stood on the side of justice. He was a proper little hero.

After Lin Jichen came over, he didn't bow down, but just stood there calmly.

A demon king reminded: "Little brother, you have to salute when you see the demon king."

Chihu took the initiative to say: "No, this king doesn't have so many rules, besides, Xiong Shaoxia has a great favor for this king, he doesn't need any courtesy when he sees me!"

As he said that, Chihu smiled and said to Lin Jichen: "You helped me, and I want to thank you. Are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Lin Jichen's originally sluggish expression suddenly became energetic.

Ding!Trigger optional rewards!First: In the name of Xiong Zangzi, he chose to worship the Red Tiger Demon Emperor as his teacher.Second: reward Tianpin treasure x1 piece

Please make a choice!

Seeing these two options, Lin Jichen knew that this was the final reward of the mission.

It depends on which one he chooses. Although the former can worship the Demon Emperor as his teacher, the reward does not belong to him, but bears.

The latter rewards the heavenly treasures, which must be used by oneself.

Lin Jichen was stumped by these two options.

Chihu was not in a hurry, and waited patiently for his answer.

After hesitating, Lin Jichen immediately chose to apprentice!

Tianpin treasures are indeed precious, but compared to finding a mentor and backer for Xiong Xiangzi, Lin Jichen still chooses the latter.

After all, the appearance of a bear may be able to improve more strength with Chihu.

Seeing that Lin Jichen agreed to be his teacher, Chihu laughed happily, and soon, the entire demon clan knew that Xiong Xiangxiang worshiped the Demon Emperor as his teacher.

All the youths of the demon clan are envious to death, what a great honor it must be to be a disciple of the demon emperor.

From now on, Xiong Zang might be able to walk sideways in the demon world!

After accepting the apprentice Xiong Wangzi, Chihu asked him to sit down to eat and drink.

The celebration was held until late at night, all the monster tribes returned to their own tribes, and Chihu had no intention of teaching his apprentices for the time being.

After all, there are murlocs outside the demon world stalking them, and he needs to deal with them.

Back in the realm of the Fox Clan, Lin Jichen finally recovered his true self, and no longer needed to control the fat pig.

The war between the two clans that worried the Yaozu lasted for a day, but did not happen, and the murlocs still did not attack the Yaozu's territory.

However, Tie Yanhao didn't seem to give up, and still led the army outside, ready to attack at any time.

The two clans were in such a tense stalemate.

After Lin Jichen heard about the situation, he also knew that the situation would not ease until the leaders of both sides reached an agreement, but it was up to them whether they could reach an agreement.

It wasn't something Lin Jichen needed to worry about either.

Lin Jichen still stayed in the territory of the Fox Clan, patiently waiting for news from the Fox Clan's scouts.

Not only that, he also took advantage of Xiong Ziyang's status as a disciple of the Demon Emperor to ask all the clans to help together. I believe that there will be news of Li Mu and Chu Tianhan soon.

Another two days passed.

In the evening, Hu Qier came over with a bunch of snacks and delicacies.

After Lin Jichen opened the door, he asked with a smile, "Why is there an extra meal today?"

Hu Qi'er smiled and said, "Did Shaoxia Lin forget? Today is the Luna Festival."

"Luna Festival?"

Lin Jichen was taken aback. He was no stranger to this festival. It was the second most important festival in the Eight Desolation World besides the Winter Festival.

The Luna Festival is somewhat similar to the Mid-Autumn Festival in reality.

"Yeah, Lin Shaoxia didn't pay attention to the moon today?"

Lin Jichen raised his head when he heard the words, and saw Qionggou drinking light and the moon shining brightly.

The moon is brighter than ever tonight.

"It turns out that the Luna Festival is here... Time flies so fast..."

Lin Jichen couldn't help sighing in a low voice.

Hu Qi'er noticed Lin Jichen's sad eyes, and asked with a smile, "Your Master, do you miss your relatives?"

Lin Jichen didn't deny it, but just looked at Mingyue, recalling the beautiful image of Leng Feiyan in his mind.

Originally, he had already made up his mind that he would accompany Master in the Zongmen on Luna Festival, but he didn't expect to come out to practice, encountered so many things, and was delayed for so long.

Even festivals can only be spent in this Yaozu.

Looking at the bright moon above his head, Lin Jichen couldn't help sighing: "Even if there is a bright moon in another country, it is not as good as a lamp in the sect."

Hu Qi'er immediately understood, and said: "Young Master, you miss the sect, you should miss your master, right? Young Master, you are really filial to your master."

Lin Jichen's expression flashed a bit of embarrassment, but he concealed it well.

"I won't bother you, young master, you can have some snacks."

Hu Qi'er suddenly had an idea, and left temporarily on the pretext that she didn't want to disturb Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen didn't think much about it, sitting on the stone table in the courtyard, looking at the bright moon above his head, couldn't help raising his arms, looking at the imprint left by his precious master on it, thinking about others when he saw things.

In addition, Nan Gongyue's figure also floated up in his mind, and he couldn't get it out of his mind.

Afterwards, Lin Jichen recalled the figures of Chu Tianhan and Li Mu, and sighed helplessly. If they were there, at least he would not be so lonely.

At least they are disciples of the sect and their own senior brothers, no matter what, they have someone to take care of them when they go out.

I never thought that they would be separated now.

"The two of them don't know if they remember that today is the Luna Festival. If they knew, they would probably want to go back."

Lin Jichen sighed softly.

Just when he was melancholy, his nose suddenly moved, and a gust of fragrant wind wafted into the tip of his nose.

Lin Jichen looked sideways, and saw a girl in pink standing in the courtyard at some point.

The girl has a slim figure, her chest is like a mountain, her waist is like a willow, her fingers are like onion tips, and her face is as bright as jade.

Especially the sculpted skin shimmered under the moonlight, as if coated with a layer of grease.

Lin Jichen was no stranger to the girl in front of him, because she was Hu Qi'er.

It's just that he didn't understand what Hu Qi'er meant by going back and forth, and she also transformed into a human form and dressed up meticulously.

Just when Lin Jichen was curious.

Hu Qi'er smiled shyly at Lin Jichen, and then bowed profusely: "Lin Shaoxia, I'm homesick during the festive season, let Qi'er dance for you a dance unique to our fox girls."

After finishing speaking, before Lin Jichen could respond, Hu Qi'er walked under the moonlight a few steps, looked back and smiled, and danced against the evening wind.


two more

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