Full-time sword repair

Chapter 947 Demon Emperor Scarlet Tiger!

The arena has been repaired.

The final final has finally arrived.

Kong Jie stepped onto the ring first, as if he had heard the scene of Wan Yao cheering for him, his face was full of excitement.

And Lin Jichen stepped onto the stage slowly, with a lazy look on his face, in Kong Jie's eyes, he was showing off.

It also made Kong Jie even more proud.

"The competition begins!"

When the referee gave an order, Kong Jie signaled Lin Jichen to start the show with his eyes.

Lin Jichen seemed to cooperate with him very well, he rushed up with his teeth and claws, raised his limp bear paw and pretended to pat it.

The force of the shot was weak, slow and dull, seemingly harmless.

Kong Jie, who was still a little skeptical at first, was completely relieved when he saw it, and he was ready to play two rounds with him at will, and after a few moves, he would defeat the opponent with one move.

Kong Jie, who had put down his guard, was also not very prepared, and simply retreated to avoid the opponent's palm.

However, the bear's paw suddenly accelerated halfway, bringing with it the sound of howling wind... and... golden flames... and slapped Kong Jie's face fiercely.

Kong Jie didn't react at all for a moment.


The bear's paw fell, and Kong Jie flew backwards with a scream on the spot, and then desperately slapped the flame on his face.

Fortunately, the flame was quickly extinguished. Kong Jie stopped and touched his own face, which turned out to be scorched.

The demon clans watching the battle could also clearly see a large black palm print that was clearly visible on Kong Jie's face, almost running through his entire face.


I don't know who couldn't hold it anymore, and then there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Kong Jie was extremely annoyed, he stood up and stared at Lin Jichen, and said in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

Lin Jichen grinned, and said, "It's nothing interesting, just looking at you as a pheasant, I'm not happy!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Jichen jumped up, holding fire in one hand and ice in the other, and launched an attack on Kong Jie.

Kong Jie dodged in a hurry. He still held a sliver of hope. While dodging, he whispered anxiously: "You are crazy! You bear demon king is my father's subordinate!"

"Stop it! Whatever you want, I promise you!"

"As long as you admit defeat, you can do whatever you want, and I can still promise to marry my sister to you."

"Stop it, bastard..."


No matter how hard Kong Jie tried to persuade him, the bear in front of him seemed determined to beat him up.

Kong Jie had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the move.

On the top of the Demon God Mountain, the previous atmosphere was suddenly reversed.

The demon kings who had already celebrated Kong Wentian's ascension to the throne in advance all held their breath and dared not speak.

Kong Wentian's face was even more gloomy, his eyes were spitting fire.

"Old Xiong, I ask you, what is the meaning of this iron-eating bear? Did you instigate it?" Kong Wen asked in a cloudy tone.

The Bear Demon King shook his head like a rattle, and quickly denied: "I don't have one, I really don't. In fact, I'm not familiar with him, not at all..."

"Atsushi Kumamoto, you are a traitor!"

"You are undercover!"

"This guy looks honest, but he didn't expect to defect to the enemy long ago!"


The other demon kings pointed at the demon bear king and yelled at him. Kong Wentian didn't expect the drama of infernal affairs to be staged, his eyes were fixed on the demon bear king, and he wished he could kill him now.

On the other side, the Red Tiger camp was full of excitement.

"Why is this iron-eating bear turning against each other?"

"Hahaha, there seems to be a play!"

"Tiger King, did you arrange this?"

Chihu laughed loudly, and said: "No, no, it's the third sister's credit. This iron-eating bear has a very good friendship with the fox clan, which is why we have the current situation."

As he said that, Chihu looked at the appearance of the bear in the audience, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"This bear boy is really good, he is bloody, and he will repay his kindness. He is so appetizing to this king!"

In the arena, Kong Jie, unable to persuade Lin Jichen to turn back, was forced to fight.

The two sides fought.

But Kong Jie was already seriously injured in the battle with Hei Xiaohu just now, and now he has to face a bear who is not inferior to him in strength, how can he be an opponent?

Kong Jie only lasted for less than twenty rounds, and then began to retreat steadily. Lin Jichen kept catching him and inflicting heavy injuries.

In the end, it gradually became a one-sided beating.

Kong Jie, who was beaten and bruised, was dying. Seeing that Xiong Ziang was going to kill him, he could only declare his surrender out of fear of death.

The moment he surrendered, the Chihu camp boiled instantly!

On the other hand, on Kong Wentian's side, no one dared to breathe.

Countless monsters who supported Chihu couldn't hold back their inner excitement, rushed to the ring, surrounded by throwing bears up, catching them and throwing them up again.

There was also a group of little mother demons gathered around to kiss and kiss, and Lin Jichen almost fainted from fright. If he hadn't tried his best to suppress the sleeping bear-like soul, he probably would have turned against him.

The bear at this moment seems to really want to take back control of its own body, but unfortunately it can't do it, woo woo

On the Demon God Mountain, thousands of demons are jubilant.

Because in addition to the end of the Monster Clan Conference, it also indicates that the new Monster Emperor is about to ascend the throne.

After everyone's enthusiasm subsided a little, the referee came to Lin Jichen and asked, "Okay, boy Xiong, now please choose the demon emperor in your mind, who will it be?"

All the monster clans became quiet immediately, for fear that they might not be able to hear Lin Jichen's answer clearly.

On the top of Yaoshen Mountain, Chihu and Kong Wentian both stood up at the same time, staring at the bear below.

Kong Wentian still held a sliver of hope, praying in his heart that if Xiongzi just wanted to show himself, he would still choose himself if he won the game?

Or it's not impossible to simply see Kong Jie unhappy and resolve personal grievances.

However, the illusion was eventually shattered very quickly.

Xiong Zang on the ring pondered for a moment before speaking his answer.

"I choose... don't go away, it will be more exciting after the advertisement!"

All the monsters will fall!

"I choose the Scarlet Tiger Demon King!"

As soon as these words came out, the Demon Emperor had already decided!

Kong Wentian slumped down on his seat like a gambler who had lost everything.

The next moment, he was murderous, and he was about to kill the bear below with red eyes, but was stopped by Chihu in time.

"What? Brother Kong can't afford it? If you dare to attack this brat, I, Chihu, will never agree!"

Chihu naturally wants to protect Xiong Zi, and more than that, he is already ready to thank Xiong Zi.

If it wasn't for him, I really wouldn't be able to sit on the position of Demon Emperor.

Kong Wentian's face was as gloomy as water, but due to Chihu's strength, he didn't turn his back on him and left the stage angrily.

In this way, under the surrender of Wan Yao, Chihu ascended to the throne of Demon Emperor and became the leader of the demon world.

On this day, the Yaoshen Mountain became a sacred place for the demon clan to celebrate, and a grand ceremony for the enthronement of the demon emperor was held!

All the demon clan took advantage of this to sing and dance, eat and drink to their heart's content, in order to celebrate Chihu's becoming the demon emperor.

Chihu sat on the throne, looking at the demon clan below, as if looking at his own subjects, at this moment, he was filled with emotion.

And soon, his eyes fell on Xiong Xiangxiang who was eating Hesai.

one more

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