Full-time sword repair

Chapter 941 The First Battle of the Monster Clan!

"Your Majesty, let me go!"

A domineering voice sounded in the ear of the Bear Demon King.

The Bear Demon King looked back, and found that it was an iron-eating bear with a spiritual realm who overwhelmed himself and recommended himself.

Although the Demon Bear King praised his courage, he still disdainfully said: "You don't look at your own strength, and this is not the time to seek death. Go back!"

However, the iron-eating bear patted his chest and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, although my realm is a little lower, it is definitely not a problem to take down that stupid leopard. If I can't take it down, Your Majesty will take my bear's head off! "

The Demon Bear King couldn't help being moved, it was the first time he had seen such a brave iron-eating bear.

Although the other iron-eating bears are not weak, most of them are lazy and have no fighting spirit. They eat and wait to die every day, so they have good talents.

This iron-eating bear is full of fighting spirit, completely different from other bad boys.

In addition, Ajin has not appeared, and the Bear Demon King has not thought of other candidates for the time being.

After hesitating for a while, the Demon Bear King said to him: "Okay, you will play for Ah Jin this time. As long as you win this match, I will reward you a lot."

Ding!The first task is completed!Reward reputation +2w, experience +10w, land grade equipment x1

Lin Jichen was ecstatic in his heart, and took the time to look at that piece of land equipment, emm, it was a piece of tasteless white quality.

But he didn't dislike it, after all, this was only the first step.

Sure enough, the mission prompt sounded.

Trigger side mission [-]: win the next game!

Task rewards: Reward 1 earth-grade heart fruit, 1 earth-grade skill book, 1 earth-grade magic weapon

If this mission was done before the rules of the Yaozu Conference had not been changed, it would definitely be done with one hand, but after the rules were revised, all opponents would be elites of all races.

It is not easy to win a game.

If Lin Jichen himself can participate in the competition, it will be all right, who made us a bear now, we can only fight with bear-like abilities and attributes.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely handle it properly!"

Lin Jichen agreed without hesitation, and walked towards the ring with big strides.

When all the monster races saw such a fat Lin Jichen on stage, the audience roared with laughter.

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen such a fat bear."

"You want to compete even if you're so fat?"

"Is this for weight comparison?"

"The pig monster clan won't be sure, hahaha."


The monster clan laughed at each other, but Lin Jichen ignored it and calmly stepped onto the ring.

Seeing Lin Jichen's appearance, the Demon Bear King admired it a little.

"Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, and was not affected by the outside world. Well, it's not bad, it's worth cultivating."

After Lin Jichen came to the stage, the leopard demon opposite couldn't help but sarcastically said: "You bear demon clan has no bears? Send you such a useless waste?"

Lin Jichen played with the bear hair on his head, and said casually: "To deal with a little Karami like you, I'm enough to play."

The leopard demon hid his knife in his smile and said: "I hope you can continue to be stubborn for a while."

With the referee's order.

The test begins.


The leopard demon Zhuifeng took the lead in attacking, the demon power was running, the muscles all over his body soared, and his already vigorous body was even more explosive.

Zhuifeng's leopard eyes shone with two dark rays of light, he stepped forward and raised his legs, a simple movement made the air sound like a sonic boom!

In the blink of an eye, Zhuifeng appeared in front of Lin Jichen like a ghost.

Although Lin Jichen had early warning, but because his current body is bear-like, his obese tonnage cannot achieve agile movements.

He who didn't dodge was punched in Lin Jichen's chest by Leopard Demon's punch.

Lin Jichen flew out on the spot, spurting out a mouthful of blood.


After falling to the ground, Lin Jichen got up quickly and quickly checked the opponent's attribute panel.

Monster Race: Leopard Monster Chasing the Wind

Strength: Nascent Soul Middle Stage

Vitality: 300000/300000

Mana: 118000/120000

Strength: 3900

Defense: 2500

Speed: 3500

Understanding: 1500

Heart protection: 900

Toughness: 25%

Resistance: 16%

Evasion: 35%

Supernatural powers: Leopard King Hegemony, Xunfeng Emperor Killing


Zhui Feng, who succeeded in one blow, was even more satisfied. He followed suit and attacked again.

Sure enough, this stupid bear still couldn't avoid the speed he was proud of, and got close again.

"Leopard Shadow Fist!"

The chasing wind fist was fierce, and a leopard head appeared in the void with its bloody mouth wide open, biting Lin Jichen viciously.

Lin Jichen knew that the bear's speed was no match for Chasing the Wind, so he simply didn't hide. He lifted the bear's paw to gather the thunder.

"Split the sky!"


The thunder flashed down, and the two were hit at the same time. Lin Jichen took a few steps back, while Zhuifeng was shocked and trembled all over.

Flying over the head' - 12000! ' number.

Zhuifeng's face was dark, he did not allow himself in the Nascent Soul Realm to be injured by a weak chicken with a spiritual realm!

After being injured, Zhuifeng, in order to save face, made an even more aggressive attack.

Only his shadow could be seen on the stage, but Lin Jichen seemed a little flustered and tired of coping.

After a few feint attacks, Zhuifeng aimed at Lin Jichen's completely defenseless back, and launched a fatal blow!

And just as he was doing it, the bear face, which was still in a panic, suddenly showed a sly smile.

Before Zhuifeng noticed it, he struck with all his strength, intending to take Lin Jichen's life directly.

But at this moment, the clumsy bear suddenly exploded with astonishing speed, and hit him like a shell!

"Earth-shattering impact!"

Before Zhuifeng could react, he was knocked into the air by the huge bear body.

At this moment, Zhuifeng felt that the bones in his body were smashed to pieces, and a sweetness hit his throat, and he spit out a big mouthful of tomato juice.

Then, a bear paw precisely grabbed his leg, pulled him out of the air, and smashed him hard to the ground.

The ground sank, and Zhuifeng vomited blood again.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to run the demon power, and finally broke free from Lin Jichen's control.

But after leaving the bondage, Zhuifeng felt something strange about his legs. When he looked down, he found that his legs were frozen!

The Bear Demon King, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but nodded in approval, and commented: "This iron-eating bear has fully exerted its natal devouring ability, and even devoured the ability of a storm and ice bear, and it has perfectly integrated with itself, which is not bad."

But in the next second, the Demon Bear King couldn't calm down anymore.

Lin Jichen took advantage of the fact that Chasing Wind was being slowed down by him, and a ball of golden flame condensed from his left palm.

The flames rose like a swimming dragon, enveloping the chasing wind!

The speed of chasing the wind was greatly reduced. Facing the surprise attack of the fire dragon, he couldn't dodge it and was swallowed on the spot.

The golden flames burned Zhuifeng's body and scorched his skin. The severe pain made him scream.

The Xiong Clan was ebullient, and everyone cheered for Lin Jichen excitedly.


However, the Demon Bear King was stunned.

"This is... the ability of the Jin Yan bear demon! Ah Jin was killed by him! Damn the iron-eating bear!!!"


two more

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