Full-time sword repair

Chapter 940 A Jin Missing

The little fox leaped lightly and flew onto the ring.

And the opponent in front of her was an eagle demon.

The eagle demon seemed to belong to Kong Wentian's side, and launched a thunderous attack on the little fox from the very beginning.

The little fox demon Hu Qi'er was naturally not afraid, and the two sides fought dozens of rounds in the ring.

In the end, Hu Qier seized the opportunity to end the game with a fox spirit flame.

All of a sudden, there were cheers from the fox clan.

In the following matches, one after another, at the end of the whole day, more than half of the Yaozu sent representatives to compete.

However, because there are too many types of monster races, the preliminary competition was not over until the evening.

Helpless, the referee had no choice but to announce that the game would continue tomorrow.

All the monsters left the Monster God Mountain one after another, and went back to their respective sects.

On the side of the Xiong Yao clan, they also left the Yaoshen Mountain, preparing to go back to the sect.

A Jinyan bear demon is imagining how he will kill the world in tomorrow's game, win the victory and become famous forever.

Suddenly, a strong aroma wafted from the side, which immediately caught his attention.

Jin Yan Xiong Yao looked back and saw a fat iron-eating bear eating a large piece of honey.

The honey is bright in color and has a tangy aroma. For bears, it is simply a godsend delicacy!

The Jin Yan bear demon was immediately aroused by the glutton in his stomach.

The nearby bear demons also cast longing looks.

However, this iron-eating bear still eats its mouth full of honey.

Jin Yan Xiong Yao couldn't help but said, "Brother, your honey is from the poisonous horn bee, right?"

The iron-eating bear raised its head and asked in surprise, "You also know poison horn honey?"

Jin Yan Xiong Yao laughed and said: "Of course! Honey is an indispensable delicacy for us Xiong Yao, but different honeys have different tastes and textures, among which honey with poisonous horns can be regarded as the best of all honeys. Already!"

At this time, Iron Eater generously broke off half of it, handed it to Jin Yan Xiong Yao, and said: "I'm so smart at you, I'll give you half!"

Jin Yan Xiong Yao took it unceremoniously, and ate it clean.

Seeing this, other bear demons also came to ask for it from Iron Eater Bear.

However, the iron-eating bear directly gave them a face, saying: "Go away, I don't even have enough honey for myself!"

After Jin Yan Xiong Yao finished eating, he still couldn't get enough of it.

"Brother, where did you get this honey?"

The iron-eating bear leaned close to him and whispered softly: "I know there is a place where there is a huge swarm of venomous horn bees. There are countless venomous horn honey in it. I stole it from it."

Jin Yan Xiong Yao's eyes lit up, and said: "Really? Where is it, take me there!"

"Do you want to go? Yes, I am willing to share with you. You have to cover me in the future, but we are leaving now, and other bears will definitely follow. By then, we will not be able to eat alone, and too many bears will pass by. , the swarm of poisonous horned bees will definitely escape, and there will be nothing to eat in the future."

The iron-eating bear analyzed rationally.

When Jin Yan Xiong Yao heard it, he immediately said in a low voice: "Okay, let's sneak out later, don't worry, these honey can only be enjoyed by us brothers! From now on, I will protect you!"

"Okay! No problem!" Iron Eater agreed.

The Jin Yan bear demon was touched on the surface, but he sneered in his heart: "How can such a good honey be enjoyed by a waste bear like you? When I find a place, I will kill you!"

Jin Yan Xiong Yao made up his mind to fight black and white, as for the strength of this iron-eating beast, he didn't even care about it. How can a bear demon with a spiritual realm be his opponent at the Nascent Soul Realm?

Fox clan here.

"Grandma, where is Shaoxia Lin?" Hu Qi'er suddenly realized that Xiong Zang was gone, and hurriedly looked around.

The queen shook her head and said, "Grandma doesn't know either, maybe she left with the bear demon group."

"I'm going to find him!" Hu Qi'er said.

But the queen stopped her and said: "The key now is tomorrow's game. Although you won a game just now, you were also injured. Hurry up and go back to the clan to heal your injuries. Lin Shaoxia is not a child, he has his own discretion."

Hu Qi'er had no choice but to miss Lin Jichen and return to the territory of the Fox Clan with the clan.

In the middle of the night, a huge black shadow dragged its exhausted body back to the Fox Clan.

The fox clan guards immediately stepped forward to block it, only to find that this black shadow was exactly the bear that the young master had been thinking about.

"Why did you go, the young master is looking for you everywhere!"

Xiong Zang smiled and said: "Oh, I fell asleep during the competition, followed those bear monsters to their place, went wrong, and only came back now."

"You are so stupid! Hurry up and go in." The guard waved his hand in disgust.

Xiong didn't look annoyed, and successfully returned to his yard.

As soon as he came back, his body went limp, and he fell asleep in the yard.

The next day, the Fox Clan set off for the Demon God Mountain again.

Hu Qi'er was pleasantly surprised to find that Xiong Zang had returned.

"Lin Shaoxia, where did you go yesterday?"

Lin Jichen sneered and said, "I got lost, I got lost, and I only found my way back in the middle of the night."

Hu Qi'er didn't think too much about it, but said: "Lin Shaoxia, I'll go find you after today is over, lest you get lost again."

Lin Jichen could only nod his head.

Unexpectedly, Hu Qi'er still discovered the unhealed wound on his body, and immediately asked: "Lin Shaoxia, how did this injury come about?"

"Oh, on the way back, I met a few robbers and fought with them." Lin Jichen said nonsense.

Hu Qi'er was dubious, although she felt that it was not that simple, but seeing that Lin Jichen didn't want to answer, she had no choice but to stop asking.

Soon, Wan Yao gathered in Yaoshen Mountain again.

The Monster Race Conference continues.

After a few more games.

"In the next match, Ajin from the Bear Clan will face off against Chasing Wind from the Leopard Clan!"

The referee came to the stage to announce.

A vigorous figure quickly flew out of the leopard demon's territory, but all the demons waited for a long time, but did not see any movement from the bear demon's end.

The referee had no choice but to shout again: "Bear Clan Akin vs. Leopard Clan Chasing Wind!"

But no one from the Bear Clan showed up.

At this time, a figure flew down from the top of the Demon God Mountain, it was the Demon King of the Bear Clan.

He came to the viewing platform of the Bear Clan and asked, "Where is Ah Jin! Where is he going! Why don't you go to the battle!"

However, Ah Jin's figure still did not appear.

The Demon Bear King was in a hurry, why did the men he entrusted with important tasks disappear at the critical moment?

The other bear demons shook their heads one after another, expressing that hen, they don't know where Ah Jin has gone.

"Go and find it!" The bear demon king was furious, and ordered the other bear demons to go find it quickly.

I went to discuss with the referee and ranked Ah Jin's match at the end. Seeing the face of the Xiong Yaowang, the referee agreed.

Anyway, it's just a matter of adjusting the order, it doesn't matter.

The game continues.

However, the Bear Demon King has not waited for the news of Ah Jin.

"My Majesty, I have searched everywhere, but there is nothing. I have been to Ajin's house, but I haven't found it yet."

After hearing this, the Demon Bear King was furious: "Where did this brat go! He lost his chain at a critical moment!"

However, at this time the referee came over and reminded: "Bear Demon King, it will be the last match soon. If your clan still can't send anyone, you can only be sentenced to forfeit."

The Bear Demon King was anxious and angry, just when he was distressed, a fat figure came out...


one more

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