Full-time sword repair

Chapter 912 Let me be your son-in-law again?

Despite being besieged by many murloc masters in the Nascent Soul Realm, Lin Jichen was still trying his best to resist.

"Sword Frost!"

The Yushuang Sword in Lin Jichen's hand lit up with a golden light, and the sword energy of Baizhang rose from the sky!

Many murlocs were frozen on the spot.

However, the big-breasted girl was not affected by this. The magic weapon on her body lit up and easily counteracted this wave of control.

Lin Jichen was a little speechless, this was the nth time that the opponent used a different magic weapon.

God knows how this woman has so many treasures.

The key strength is still very strong, and he brought a lot of helpers, two of whom are almost as strong as Li Mu.

Lin Jichen was tired of coping and had a headache for a while, but unfortunately he was still in a weak state, otherwise he might not need to be afraid of them in the period of complete victory.

After dozens of rounds passed, Lin Jichen killed two Murloc men again, and he was also seriously injured.

Just when Lin Jichen was considering whether to use the imprint of the soul, the girl suddenly stopped her offensive.

"Hello! My name is Tie Shengyi, what's your name?"

Hearing that the girl suddenly stopped hitting and introduced herself instead, Lin Jichen was also a little unpredictable, so he just replied faintly: "If you want to hit, hit it, don't talk nonsense."

Not only was the girl not unhappy when she heard this, but the smile on her face became even brighter.

"You are very powerful. You are the strongest one I have ever seen among my peers, and...it fits my temper very well. I like your little temper."

Lin Jichen was speechless for a while, who can tell me what kind of ghost this woman is?

The girl didn't care about it, and continued to say: "You are so strong and so good-looking, why don't you...be my husband!"

Lin Jichen: "????"

【Ding!Trigger the only hidden mission, the road to son-in-law!Task requirements: agree to Tie Shengyi's invitation, marry her as a wife, and become a son-in-law of the Murloc tribe from now on. Are you willing? 】

Hearing this reminder, Lin Jichen was paralyzed, why is it the way to become a son-in-law again?

Could it be that after the buddy is reborn, he can only rely on this face to earn a living?

Are there no other advantages besides handsome guys?

Besides, no matter how handsome he is, can he still be more handsome than the judges?

Without even thinking about it, Lin Jichen refused on the spot.


Tie Shengyi was not angry either, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't agree, at worst, I'll knock you out and take you away."

The corner of Lin Jichen's mouth twitched, he didn't expect this woman to be so fierce, and the man he fell in love with knocked him unconscious and took him away?You should be a savage in primitive society!


Lin Jichen cursed angrily, then took a deep breath, and attacked the opponent again!

But other murloc masters stuck to him like brown candy.

"Don't kill him! I want him to be my husband!" Tie Shengyi did not forget to tell his subordinates.

Seeing this, the subordinates put away their killing intent, and focused on besieging Lin Jichen.

This also gave Lin Jichen a glimmer of hope, he hesitated again and again and did not use the imprint of the soul.

It was this hope that made it too late for Lin Jichen to regret it.

Tie Shengyi touched Lin Jichen's back at some point, and hit him in the back with a huge hammer.

"Shock Hammer!"

"-18500! Trigger a coma!"

"Coma: Lasts 5 seconds."

Lin Jichen was knocked unconscious on the spot.

This is the third time this woman has attacked, the first two times Lin Jichen used the control skills in time.

But this time he failed.

Seeing that Lin Jichen was finally knocked unconscious by herself, the girl danced excitedly.

"Ah San, hurry up, knock him out completely!"

After hearing this, one of his subordinates immediately stepped forward, whispered something into Lin Jichen's ear, and a mantra was recited.

"Sleeping technique!"

【Ding!You fall into a coma for 1 hour! 】

Just when Lin Jichen thought that he would wake up from the five-second coma soon, he received such bad news.

He was dumbfounded on the spot, it's over, he would have used the soul imprint if he knew it earlier...

It's all right now, because the murloc's men were merciful, which gave him a fluke mentality, and he hesitated for a while and forgot to use the life-saving skills.

"Damn! It's over for now."

Lin Jichen had a bitter look on his face, and now he was afraid that he would really die.

And after Lin Jichen fell into a coma, Tie Shengyi immediately approached him, and began to caress Lin Jichen's face with his hand, and let out a foolish laugh.

"This man is so good-looking, and so powerful, he is worthy to be my Prince Charming, hee hee!"

The subordinate next to him embarrassedly reminded: "Your Highness, but he...is a human monk...we are murlocs...I'm afraid the king and queen...don't agree..."

Tie Shengyi snorted coldly, and said: "So what! The man I Tie Shengyi likes, I don't need to care if he is a murloc man or not. Besides, I don't have any liking for a man from the murloc race! It's hard to choose To my Ruyi Langjun, if my father does not agree, I would rather die alone!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and take my husband back to the Undersea Palace. I'm going to find my father and mother and tell them the good news!"

After Tie Shengyi finished speaking, he waved his hand and led the crowd into the sea.

As soon as they left, a luxury ferry flew over. There were two figures standing on the ferry, they were Chu Tianhan and Li Mu who were looking for Lin Jichen.

The two sensed that there was movement here and came to check. When they came, they happened to see their figures escaping into the sea.

"It's Junior Brother Lin! I saw it! It's him!" Li Mu shouted excitedly.

"Then stop talking nonsense."

After Chu Tianhan finished speaking, he took the lead in escaping into the bottom of the sea, followed by Li Mu.

The two wanted to catch up with the group of people just now.

Surprisingly, after entering the sea, there was no sign of the opposing team at all.

The two searched the bottom of the sea for a long time, but still found nothing, so they could only return to the ship temporarily.

"How did this happen? They disappeared so quickly, could it be that my eyes are dazzled?"

Li Mu was very puzzled.

Chu Tianhan was silent for a moment, then said solemnly: "That group of people should be murlocs."

"It's the murloc again? Could it be that they took Junior Brother Lin to the murloc tribe?" Li Mu was startled.


"Then what should we do? The Murloc Tribe is said to be in the abyss under the sea, and there is another world where there are so many masters. Isn't Junior Brother Lin more ominous than good?"

Li Mu anxiously paced back and forth on the boat, mumbling non-stop.

Chu Tianhan was helpless for a while, and said irritably: "Don't make noise! ​​I'm trying to find a way!"

On the ferry, the two thought hard about a way to rescue Lin Jichen.

On the other side, an hour passed quickly, and Lin Jichen woke up from the coma.

Wake up to find yourself in a luxurious bedroom filled with pearls and exotic treasures.

And I was lying on a soft and comfortable big bed, and there was a faint fragrance on it.

Lin Jichen wanted to get up, but found that he couldn't move at all. After checking, he found that he was tied up with magic weapons like ropes.

No matter how much he struggled, it was useless, and he couldn't even use his body skills.

Lin Jichen directly tied q.


One more~

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