Full-time sword repair

Chapter 911 Chased by the murlocs!

[Tianpin Shenfa Dao Heart Fruit]: After taking it, you can choose a certain Tianpin Shenfa skill to raise the skill proficiency to the ultimate level.

Requirements: Tianpin Shenfa can only be used.

[Tianpin Shenfa · Yukongshu]: You can fly in the air or Yujian, cross the sky and the earth, the flying speed is 500% of your own speed, the effect of all movement skills in the air is +10%, the mana consumption of Yukong in the combat state -20%, all agility skills proficiency +30%.

Cooldown: None.Mana Cost: 5 mana per second.

Requirements: Only monks above Nascent Soul Realm can learn it.


Lin Jichen has also read the rest of the Tianpin Dao Heart Fruit and Tianpin skill books, and is very satisfied.

His Yukong technique should have been changed a long time ago. Xuanpin's Yukong technique has been with him for more than a year, and the speed is indeed not fast.

But fortunately, Lin Jichen's own speed is very high, so the need for Yukongshu is not particularly urgent, so he doesn't bother to change it.

I didn't expect that with the Tianpin Yukong Technique now, it will be more convenient to go anywhere in the future, and it will be faster to escape...

Lin Jichen learned the technique of controlling the sky, but Dao Xinguo did not choose to use it in the technique of controlling the space.

He swallowed the Dao Heart Fruit and chose Jinpeng Breaking the Void Step.

[Tianpin Shenfa·Jinpeng Breaking the Void Step (has been perfected)]:

Passive effect: Immune to slowing effect.

Active effect: In the combat state, cast this skill, within a range of 3000 meters, you can teleport 5 times in a row, and the first skill or basic attack damage +5% after each teleportation.

In the non-combat state, cast this skill, you can teleport to any place hundreds of miles away, and there is no side effect.

Cooldown: 5 hour, Mana Cost: 30000 points.


After Jinpeng's Void Breaking Step has been perfected, his attributes have also been greatly improved.

Not only increases the casting range, but also increases the number of teleportation, and also comes with high damage

Such an easy-to-use skill, Lin Jichen couldn't help but look forward to its use.

It's a pity that Jinpeng Poxu Step was cooling down when it was attacked by the saber-toothed sharks, otherwise Lin Jichen wouldn't have been forced to use Burning Blood Instant Shadow Escape.

In addition to these three heavenly products, Lin Jichen also noticed the newly obtained achievement medal.

[Achievement Medal·Challenger]: After wearing this badge, damage to high-level enemies +5%.

good stuff!

When Lin Jichen saw the achievement medal, his eyelids jumped.

For a person like him who often plays challenge challenges, this medal is very suitable.

This 5% damage may not seem high, but it is actually very considerable, and as one's attributes become stronger, this bonus will naturally increase.

For Lin Jichen, this medal is more perfect than all the previous medals, and it fits his style very well.

After checking the rewards, Lin Jichen was satisfied and began to stay on the island with peace of mind.

Nothing happened for the first two days.

As he expected, it has been two days since Shoubao, and no player has come to trouble him.

It may also be because he is in the hinterland of the Raksha Sea, so few players can reach here.

Two days passed smoothly.

On the third day, when Lin Jichen was about to recover from his weakness, a group of uninvited guests came here.

This group of people is all tall and blue-haired, and the leader is actually a beautiful girl. Everyone surrounds her like stars holding the moon.

The girl also has blue hair, and has breathing gills like other murlocs on her neck.

The girl is not tall, but her chest muscles are surprisingly developed, and she has a baby face, coupled with flowing and silky blue hair, people can't help but look sideways, and they can't forget it at a glance.

"Your Highness, I can be sure that this kid is definitely here. My sense of smell is the keenest. Besides, I deliberately marked him with the soul-chasing jade that day. He will never run away!"

A man with a middle-parted hairstyle respectfully came to report to the woman.

The clothes on him are a bit weird, they look like modern overalls, and he is holding a meteor hammer in his hand, which is more like a basketball...

The blue-haired girl snorted coldly when she heard the words: "The warrior who dares to kill my murloc, I will tear him into pieces! The dignity of the murloc cannot be challenged!"

When everyone landed on the island, they saw a shadow flying away like lightning as soon as they landed.

"It's him! It's him! Your Royal Highness." The man in the middle shouted hastily.

The girl looked at the direction of Lin Jichen's escape and sneered, "Want to run? There's no door!"

After finishing speaking, the girl leaped into the air and quickly chased after Lin Jichen.

Even though Lin Jichen had just learned the Heavenly Grade Sky Control Technique, there were still many restrictions in the Rakshasa Sea, and his speed was not as fast as normal.

On the contrary, the girl seemed not afraid of these things, and her flying speed surpassed that of Lin Jichen.

At the same time, all the subordinates rushed over immediately.

The girl caught up with Lin Jichen immediately, holding a huge hammer in her hand!

"Leave your life if you want to leave!"

While the girl was speaking, she lifted the sledgehammer, and there was a loud explosion in the air.

Lin Jichen's reaction was quick, and the danger flashed by, and then he immediately held the sword to force the opponent back.

However, the girl was not afraid at all, and fought against Lin Jichen not to be outdone.

The two briefly fought for two or three rounds.

Although Lin Jichen forced the girl back temporarily, he was a little shocked in his heart. Didn't expect this girl who seemed to have nothing but beauty to have such strength?

Although his strength has dropped by [-]%, he is not something that any cat or dog can mess with.

The strength of this girl is indeed extraordinary, her realm is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"I didn't expect you to be a master, no wonder you can kill my people."

The girl was also surprised by Lin Jichen's strength, her eyes lit up, and she began to be more eager to try.

Lin Jichen didn't want to waste time with her, so he swung a sword energy and continued to turn around and run away.

But the girl chased after her all the way.

Lin Jichen was forced to stop and had to fight the opponent.

After dozens of rounds, both sides were injured.

The girl spat out blood, but instead of feeling the pain, her expression became more excited.

"Very good, great, I haven't met an opponent like you for a long time, I must beat you!"

The girl seemed to be insane, launching an offensive even more ferociously.

Lin Jichen's face turned cold, and he was not used to him, he began to calm down and put himself into the battle seriously.

The two sides were back and forth in mid-air, and Lin Jichen gradually gained the advantage.

However, at this time, the subordinates led by the girl also rushed over.

The first reaction of the middle split man seeing Lin Jichen was ecstasy, and then he shouted arrogantly.

"Hey, what are you doing~"

"It doesn't take a lot of effort to find nowhere to go, you kid! You are finished, hahaha, obediently put down your weapon and catch you. Maybe my princess will be merciful and let you go."

Seeing that Lin Jichen didn't care about himself at all, the man shouted even more joyfully.


The girl was knocked into the air again, and there were still many wounds on her body.

But this not only didn't make the girl lose her fighting spirit, but made her even more ferocious.

But the other subordinates were afraid that something might happen to the girl, so several Nascent Soul Realm masters also joined the battle.

The situation reversed at once.

Lin Jichen, who was hard to beat with two fists and four hands, was defeated by this group of murlocs.


Three shifts~

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