Full-time sword repair

Chapter 839 Acknowledge Your Mistakes But Won't Correct Your Mistakes!

"Have you heard? Lin Jichen was taken away by the punishment hall!"

"Hahaha, he deserves it. He colluded with Moxiu and didn't take the sect's rules seriously. I've seen him upset for a long time!"

"So what about the master apprentice? Tell him to be crazy or not, and now he will be punished."

"Maybe his law enforcement position in Shangongtang will be taken down, hahaha, the spring of eternal life is here!"


The news that Lin Jichen was taken away by the Punishment Hall quickly spread throughout the sect.

The inner hall, Lingjian Mountain, and both sides of the main hall were full of inner hall disciples.

In addition to Tianjian Great Elder, the other eleven Great Elders were also present.

Elder Tianjian stood at the front with a serious face and an indescribable majesty.

The expressions of the other eleven great elders were all different, and among them, the great elders Tianqing and Tianyuan were even a little anxious.

Great Elder Tian Yuan even frowned from time to time and raised his forehead from time to time, as if it was difficult to calm down.

Chu Tianhan stood on one side, closed his eyes and meditated, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

All the disciples in the inner hall also had different expressions at this time, some were sympathetic, some were sorry, some were angry, and some were gloating.

Among them, Chen Yuan was the happiest. His mouth was almost grinning to the back of his mouth. He never dreamed that such a thing would happen to Lin Jichen.

Last month, Lin Jichen publicly humiliated him in the Hall of Good Merit and openly put on small shoes for members of Wanshi, which made Chen Yuan's teeth itch with hatred.

But he couldn't do anything, he couldn't beat him again and again, and the status of the sect couldn't compare.

I thought I would have to endure it for a while and wait for myself to grow up before taking revenge, but I never thought that Lin Jichen fell into a big somersault, hahaha!

At this moment, Chen Yuan could not wait to drink champagne and dance to celebrate.

"It's best to expel him, kick him out of the sect, or at the worst, get rid of his deacon of Shangong Hall! I'm excited to think about it, Agaga..."

At this moment, the punishment hall disciple walked in.

"Report to all the elders, Junior Brother Lin will bring it here!"

"Let him in." Tianjian Great Elder said.

Soon, Lin Jichen stepped inside.

Behind him was a small tail, Nangong Yue.

As soon as Lin Jichen came in, he became the focus of everyone's attention, and all eyes fell on him.

Lin Jichen didn't change his face, and walked into the hall with his head held high.

"I have seen Master Tianqing and all the great elders. Disciple Lin Jichen was ordered to come here."

The Great Elder Tianjian's gaze was fixed on Lin Jichen, and he suddenly let out a cold snort, and the atmosphere in the hall instantly froze.

"Lin Jichen, do you know why we summoned you here?"

"The disciple knows." Lin Jichen replied calmly.

"Then you can plead guilty?"

"Disciple pleads guilty." Lin Jichen replied without hesitation.

Elder Tianjian's face suddenly eased a lot, Tian Qing and Tian Yuan also heaved a sigh of relief.

They were most afraid that Lin Jichen would never admit his mistakes. With Elder Tianjian's stubborn temper and zero tolerance, it would be difficult for Lin Jichen to get off the hook.

Elder Tianjian's tone softened a lot.

"It's good that you are willing to admit your guilt. Knowing your mistakes can make you better. I hope that after you realize your mistakes, you will strictly reflect on yourself and reform yourself. Can you do it?"

I thought Lin Jichen would admit his mistake and promise to correct it.

But to everyone's surprise, Lin Jichen gave a completely different answer.

"It is indeed a crime for a disciple to make friends with a demon cultivator and violate the sect's rules, but the disciple asks himself, the friend he makes is not a person who commits all kinds of evil and does nothing wrong. Although Baili Canfeng is a demon cultivator, he has a good character and is not an evil person. Disciple and After he fights, it's okay to cherish each other and become friends."

"So, the disciples don't think that there is something that needs to be corrected."

Lin Jichen's words shocked all the disciples present into a cold sweat.

Elder Tianjian's face immediately turned cold, as ugly as it could be.

Elder Tian Yuan rushed up and slapped Lin Jichen on the back, trying to remind him not to talk nonsense.

"Stinky boy, what nonsense are you talking about! Violating the sect's rules is wrong! Hurry up and apologize!"

Elder Tian Qing also immediately came out to shout, and smoothed things over: "Old Yuan, my apprentice is too young and ignorant, and has no experience. Don't take it too seriously, he will correct it."

Seeing that the two great elders were protecting Lin Jichen, all the disciples were envious.

Lin Jichen is really a well-connected member of the sect. Not only is the head of the sect backing him, but now he also has two great elders standing by his side, speaking for him in this way.

Elder Tianjian ignored them, but just stared at Lin Jichen, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, as if he could pierce people's hearts.

He said coldly: "I'll ask you again, do you know your mistake and are you willing to correct it?"

Lin Jichen didn't back down, but raised his head and said, "Dare to ask the Great Elder, how do you know you've made a mistake, and how do you make a correction?"

"Acknowledging your mistake means that you admit that you were deceived by the Demon Cultivator for a while. In front of the whole sect, you admit your mistakes and make a self-criticism. You will also be fined for one year's salary and temporarily dismissed as a deacon of Shangong Hall."

"No problem, the disciple is willing."

"Correcting the mistake means that you need to kill Baili Canfeng yourself to prove your determination, and to draw a clear line with Moxiu."

"Sorry, disciple can't do it."

Without any hesitation, Lin Jichen directly refused.

Tianjian couldn't hold back his anger anymore, and shouted angrily: "You know the consequences!"

This shout caused Lin Jichen to vomit blood on the spot, and half of the blood bar was emptied.

"Little Junior Brother!"

Seeing this, Nan Gongyue hurried forward, and then pleaded with Elder Tianjian: "Grandpa Tianjian, junior brother just got hot for a while, it wasn't on purpose, don't be angry."

Seeing this, Tian Qing hurriedly came up to dissuade him: "Old Yuan has something to say, and if he has something to say, he has something to say. My apprentice is not sensible and is still young. I will persuade him."

Tian Yuan also tried to smooth things over, saying: "Yes, Lao Yuan, you asked me to take him to the Spirit Beast Mountain. I will educate him well and guarantee that he will change."

Other great elders also came forward to mediate.

Although they are not familiar with Lin Jichen, they all know that Lin Jichen is Leng Feiyan's disciple, and he is the most promising disciple of the Sword Sect. They can't just watch such a genius fall like this.

Facing the persuasion of all the elders, Elder Tianjian didn't give anyone face, still looked at Lin Jichen, and asked again: "I'll ask you again, do you know your mistake?"

Lin Jichen supported his seriously injured body, spit out a mouthful of blood, and gritted his teeth: "The disciple knows his mistake."

"Then are you willing to correct your mistake?"

Lin Jichen's eyes were unusually firm, he slowly shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, this disciple can't do it."

Elder Tianjian could no longer restrain the anger in his heart, and shouted: "Okay! If that's the case, don't blame me for carrying out the patriarchal clan!"

After all, Elder Tianjian raised his finger in the air, and a terrifying sword energy suddenly exploded in the hall!

All the disciples hadn't reacted yet, and Lin Jichen had no time to dodge.

At that moment, he only had one thought in his mind, it's over, I was killed by this idiot Baili Canfeng...


One more~

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