Full-time sword repair

Chapter 838 Lin Jichen was taken away by the punishment hall!

At present, there is only one material left, Broken Star Heptapsid.

This thing is very special, it is not obtained through the boss, but it can only be encountered occasionally on the Extreme Night Tianshan Mountain on the fifteenth of each month.

However, there are also a large number of Nascent Soul monsters in Jiye Tianshan, and it is not easy to obtain them.

Of course, the main thing is to wait for the time.

At present, there is still a week before NO.15, so we can only temporarily disband the team and let everyone go back to the sect to do tasks.

Lin Jichen also returned to Jianzong, but he found that after he returned to Jianzong this time, players were all staring at him.

At first, he thought it was because the aftermath of the comments on the "All Servers First" program last month hadn't faded away.

But Lin Jichen found something was wrong, because many npc disciples were looking at him with strange eyes.

Lin Jichen walked into Jianzong with doubts, and saw Nangongyue galloping towards him.

Lin Jichen just smiled and opened his arms to welcome the little senior sister, but unexpectedly, Nan Gongyue ran up to him, dragged him and ran out without any explanation.

"Junior brother, hurry up, come with me!"

Lin Jichen didn't understand, so he followed behind and asked, "What's wrong, little senior sister?"

"Don't ask, before Grandpa Tianjian finds out you're back, hurry up and go."

Nangongyue dragged Lin Jichen out of the sect and stopped at the foot of the mountain.

She said to Lin Jichen solemnly: "Junior Brother, you run now and go to Fengqu City to avoid the limelight, and I will pick you up when the master leaves the gate."

Lin Jichen was confused and wondered, "What happened?"

Nan Gongyue sighed, and said: "You have caused a catastrophe, Grandpa Tianjian was very angry, and said that he will imprison you in Jingsi Cliff after you come back, and give you a serious punishment."

"Elder Tianjian? Why did I provoke him?"

Lin Jichen was puzzled, he has been collecting materials outside for a month, when did he provoke the Great Elder Tianjian?

Could it be that Chu Tianhan wronged him again?It must be, the cub!

But Nangong Yue gave a diametrically opposite answer.

"Do you remember Baili Canfeng?"

"Oh, I remember, what's wrong with him?" Lin Jichen felt a little wrong.

Nan Gongyue smiled bitterly and said: "The thing is like this. A while ago, Baili Canfeng openly ran to our Jianzong, threatening to find you to talk about the past, saying that he was your good friend. This incident caused an uproar in Jianzong, Baili Canfeng Feng Nai is a disciple of the Demon Sect, there is no balance between good and evil."

"Grandpa Tianjian was furious when he found out. He has captured Baili Canfeng and imprisoned him. He said that he will confront you after you come back. If the situation is true, he will not be lenient."

After Lin Jichen finished listening, a flock of crows flew over his head.

What the hell!

Baili Canfeng is such an idiot!

Why come to Jianzong for nothing?Did he really think that everyone in the Sword Sect had a rational view of Moxiu?

He can accept making friends with a good magician, but it doesn't mean that other people think the same way.

I was just joking with him in the Buddha Sect back then, but I didn't expect this idiot to take it seriously.

Please, if you want to find him, you don't have to go directly to Jianzong, a demon cultivator will come to Jianzong, and if you don't catch him, catch whoever you want.

And now he's implicated.

Lin Jichen really wants to thank you now!

Nan Gongyue said: "Grandpa Tianjian hates Moxiu the most. Although my grandfather said good things for you, Grandpa Tianjian didn't listen to it. He insisted on waiting for you to come back, and then dealt with it strictly. teach you."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, Master hasn't left the customs yet, there really is no one who can help him...

Because according to the seniority and rules of Jianzong, as long as Leng Feiyan is not in the sect or retreats for something, Elder Tianjian is the temporary head, and no one can disobey his words.

Even Elder Tianqing and Tianyuan cannot compete with Elder Tianjian in terms of power.

Elder Tianjian was originally the most qualified and prestigious to inherit the position of Leng Feiyan's father, who was also the former head.

However, Elder Tianjian took the initiative to reject the head of the sect. He did not want to take over, but only wanted to be an elder with peace of mind.

Only when Leng Feiyan is retreating or when something happens, Elder Tianjian will temporarily replace him, so he can be regarded as the recognized deputy head.

And even Leng Feiyan respected Elder Tianjian and regarded him as a mentor, because Elder Tianjian also taught Leng Feiyan the way of swordsmanship when he was young.

Lin Jichen didn't know much about Elder Tianjian before, and he didn't hear about Elder Tianjian until he had a gentle chat with Leng Feiyan.

Elder Tianjian is very affectionate and upright. He regards Jianzong as his lifelong belief and support, and his first wife died at the hands of Moxiu.

Therefore, Elder Tianjian hated Mo Xiu very much, he had no affection for Mo Xiu, and he would kill him when he saw him.

He is like the dean of the school. He has strict requirements for good students and zero tolerance for bad students. He can't wait to expel them all and clean up the school.

This time Baili Canfeng blatantly came to Jianzong, it was tantamount to coming to die by himself.

How could Elder Tianjian let him go?

"Baili Canfeng, Baili Canfeng, you stupid critic will really give me problems."

Lin Jichen rubbed his forehead and sighed, he was beaten up by this kid.

"Little brother, so don't go back to Jianzong, go hide outside, now Elder Tianjian is very angry, wait for him to calm down, and wait for your master to come out and intercede for you, everything should be fine." Nan Gongyue comforted her.

Lin Jichen hesitated for a moment, but shook his head.

"I can't leave. If I leave, this idiot Baili Canfeng will be finished."

"But you won't be able to save Baili Canfeng when you go back, and you will be punished severely, so why bother?" Nangongyue said anxiously.

Lin Jichen grabbed her hand and touched it, and said seriously: "Little sister, I know you care about me, but this matter, even if my master leaves the customs, it will not solve the problem, but it will cause a rift between Elder Tianjian and my master." Moreover, the Zongmen will think that in order to protect me, the master allowed the disciples to associate with the demon cultivator, so that I would be guilty of a serious crime."


Nan Gongyue wanted to persuade her again, but Lin Jichen lowered his head and kissed her small mouth.

"Okay, don't talk about it, I will be open and honest with Elder Tianjian, and I will take care of whether I will be punished, but I can't turn a blind eye to my friends. If this is the case, I will look down on myself, little sister, are you right? ?”

Nan Gongyue blushed and felt her heart pounding at Lin Jichen's kiss, so she nodded in agreement.

She knew that Lin Jichen's decision was hard to change, and what he said was indeed reasonable.

The two turned back to Jianzong.

As soon as he returned, the disciples from the Punishment Hall came.

"Junior Brother Lin, under the order of Elder Tianjian, I will take you to the inner hall to inquire about your crimes, and please don't make it difficult for us, please don't run away, otherwise don't blame us for making a move."

Lin Jichen didn't resist or refute, and said generously: "Thank you brothers, I won't run away, so I will accompany you for a while."

In this way, Lin Jichen was taken away by the Punishment Hall and walked towards the inner hall under Nan Gongyue's caring eyes and the surprised eyes of all the disciples.


Three shifts~

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