Full-time sword repair

Chapter 831 Fighting the Snake King

But what surprised everyone even more was that at such a young age, Lin Jichen could have such a mature mind, without arrogance or impetuosity, which is really rare.

Everyone always has the illusion that after getting along with Lin Jichen for a long time, it is easy to ignore his age, and they are always willing to listen to his words, and they can't help but feel a sense of approval.

The fight continues.

In the huge purple bamboo forest, there are a lot of giant purple bamboo snakes hiding, and because few people come here, so if you want to find the boss, you can only do a carpet search, fighting and walking.

Soon the number of giant snakes gradually increased from one at the beginning, and sometimes two or three, four or five... or even more were encountered at the same time.

Everyone has also changed from being calm at the beginning to being a little flustered and overwhelmed, and there are more and more mistakes and loopholes.

In this regard, Lin Jichen was not disappointed, nor did he make a move, but only kept everyone alive, and then continued to direct and give pointers.

In fact, everyone's strength is not weak, it's just that they just got together and couldn't cooperate well when they needed to cooperate.

Of course, Lin Jichen also knows that it takes time to adjust slowly, and the tacit understanding does not happen overnight.

Everyone has been brushing from day to night, killing countless giant purple bamboo snakes.

But still did not see the figure of the boss.

Just when Lin Jichen wanted everyone to rest for the night and continue tomorrow, a giant figure suddenly emerged from the ground!

A monster several times bigger than other giant purple bamboo snakes appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The huge snake's head stood up, surpassing the entire bamboo forest, and the crawling snake's body was like a destroyer. Wherever it passed, no matter how thick the purple arrow bamboo was, it was as brittle as withered.

This giant snake, the size of a tall building, exudes a fierce murderous aura, full of oppression.

The big snake in the movie "The Plague of Python" is like a small earthworm in front of it.

Everyone can guess without looking at the attributes, this must be the King of Snakes!


As soon as the Snake King appeared on the stage, he couldn't wait to treat everyone as a good night snack, opened his bloody mouth, and went straight to the strongest Xing Sen immediately.

There is no way, who made Xing Sen a big man, the snake king naturally had to eat the biggest ones first, which had more meat and was delicious.

Xing Sen took his time and used his body skills to avoid the impact of the Snake King.

Others started to act without Lin Jichen's order.

Ren Lan stepped forward immediately, and hit the Snake King's face with a heavy fist, but only heard Bang's sound, and Ren Lan was knocked back several meters.

"I'll go, it's so hard!"

Xing Sen just happened to land the ax on the Snake King, and the ax blade cut sparks on the snake skin, leaving only a white mark.

Tang Ning's arrow followed closely, but there was still no response.

"I'll go! Basic attack can't break the defense!" Tang Ning complained.

But Ren Lan didn't give up, instead she was full of fighting spirit, stepped forward suddenly, twisted her waist and punched!

"Sunshine Divine Fist!"


The void air suddenly exploded and screamed, and seeing Ren Lan's punch, it was like a bright and dazzling starburst bursting out, tearing the air like a thunderbolt.

"-6000! Trigger internal injury!"

The Snake King was finally injured, and everyone hurriedly checked the panel.

[Spirit and Monster: Purple Bamboo Giant Snake King]

[Strength: Nascent Soul Middle Stage]

[Level: boss level]

[Vigor and blood: 294000/300000]

【Attack: 2600】

【Defense: 2400】

【Speed: 2000】

【Knowledge: 700】

【Heart protection: 400】

[Poison Resistance: 45%]

【Toughness: 20%】

[Supernatural Skill: Dance of Snakes]

【Own skills: ~~】


"I'll go! Nascent Soul Middle Stage?"

After seeing the attributes of this snake king, everyone was shocked. They really haven't beaten monsters in the mid-stage Nascent Soul yet.

30 blood bar... [-] defense, how to fight this?

Before everyone could digest this information, the Snake King became serious after being injured. He raised his head, looked down at the audience with scarlet eyes, and opened his mouth wide!


A large group of poisonous mist sprayed out!

As soon as the poisonous mist came out, the surrounding Purple Arrow Spirit Bamboo quickly withered.

Everyone was also surrounded by poisonous fog, and everyone was bleeding from their heads.

Only Lin Jichen was safe and sound. He dismissed this kind of poison, just kidding, he can eat all the dishes of the precious master, so he is still afraid of this little poison?

"Xiao Linzi, why are you alright?" Ren Lan asked puzzled.

Lin Jichen replied calmly: "It's nothing, I'm immune to poison."

I go!I really envy!

Everyone was envious, but Ma Liu took out the detoxification pill and swallowed it.

With a wave of Gu Qiuxue's umbrella sword, a soft holy light fell on everyone's feet, and the blood bars that had just disappeared were quickly replenished.

The battle with the Snake King has officially begun.

The battle is obviously much more difficult than before. The Snake King, who can't break through the general attack, is rampant.

Everyone can only use skills to deal damage.

Although it is feasible, the problem is that skills are always limited. Each person has only a dozen or twenty skills, and there are many non-attack skills.

But the Snake King is different, with a flick of his tail and a spray of poisonous mist, everyone is in a hurry.

This belongs to the suppression of the realm, there is no way.

Even so, Lin Jichen still didn't rush to make a move, but continued to be a spectator.

This is a good opportunity to sharpen, he doesn't want to make a move, and he is going to use the Snake King to force everyone's potential and tacit understanding.

10 minutes passed.

As the battle progressed, everyone's skills were almost exhausted, and the Snake King gradually took control of the situation. Although Ren Lan's defense was amazing, he couldn't hold back the Snake King's attacks in turn.

There was also a vacuum in Gu Qiuxue's skills, and she couldn't restore blood to her.

Ren Lan's blood volume dropped quickly.

"Grandma, think of me as a soft persimmon, I'm a female fist! Xing Sen, resist for a while!"

Xing Sen didn't hesitate, and immediately went to resist the snake king's output. Although the blood was lost faster, he didn't complain.

Ren Lan retreated to the side, her beautiful eyes were focused, murderous, she chanted the incantation, and the mana surged all over her body.

In the next second, she turned into a giant dragon!

Everyone is no stranger to this move, because it was the skill used by Lin Jichen and Situ Zhao at the Futu Zong's Immortal Ascension Conference.

"The Demon Dragon Comes to the World!"

[Tianpin Spiritual Skill: Demon Dragon Comes into the World]: Temporarily transform into a half-dragon form, body size +300%, blood volume +200%, defense +150%, tenacity +100%, temporarily possesses magic dragon ability, can breathe Magic Flame lasts for 5 minutes.

Cooldown: 5 hours, Mana Cost: 15% of total mana.

Requirements: Players with root bone 92 or above can learn


Lin Jichen handed over this celestial skill book to Ren Lan, but it was also the first time he saw this girl use it.

Ren Lan, who turned into a dragon, is not a snake king in the slightest. The battle between dragons and snakes is destined to be a bloody crush!

The moment the snake king saw the dragon appear, he was so frightened that he crawled on the spot.

Ren Lan wouldn't let it go just like that. With a step on the dragon's claws, he stomped the Snake King's head into the soil hard, and then gave the Snake King a good blow.

The Snake King seemed to be an earthworm in her hands, and she could handle it however she wanted.

There was an exclamation of admiration from all the girls, and they called Sister Ren cowhide!Miss Ren is so handsome!


Two more~

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