Full-time sword repair

Chapter 830 Purple Bamboo Snake

The mountain breeze in the purple bamboo forest is cool and misty.

The hanging bamboo branches and green leaves sway gently with the wind, like a transparent emerald curtain, swaying gracefully and beautifully.

It's a pity that such a beautiful scenery has hidden dangers everywhere.

Ren Lan accidentally stepped on a branch, and the crisp sound spread into the forest, and there was a rustling sound echoing inside.

Everyone looked condensed.

Lin Jichen immediately commanded: "Get ready for battle, crazy woman, open the shield and go up."

Without the slightest hesitation, Ren Lan turned on the spiritual shield directly, and a pair of gloves on both fists shone with golden light.

Just getting ready, a giant colorful snake suddenly appeared, flicking its tail like a waving telegraph pole!

Ren Lan was still unprepared, and was knocked out inadvertently.

"-5800! Trigger poisoning!"

"Poisoning: Loss of 400 points of vitality per second, lasting for 5 seconds."

Everyone took a closer look, and saw a giant snake seven or eight meters long appearing in front of everyone. The letter it spit out was thicker than a rope, and it opened its mouth wide.

"Ah! Snake!"

Zhao Baige's face turned pale from fright, but the others were fine.

After all, you have been playing "Eight Wilds" for so long, and you have seen all kinds of terrifying monsters and ghosts. A snake-like monster is really rare and common.

You must know that when you first started playing this game, you had to face the zombies in the Valley of the Corpse King, the ghosts in the Secret Realm of Nightmare, and various ghosts in the Ghost Ridge of the Night Cave, etc.

After the test of these things, most players already have strong immunity.

It is also because of this that the horror film directors on the market are almost exhausted.

Because no matter how scary a movie they made, many viewers said after watching it: That's it?Is this also called horror?Can I get some groceries?

As a result, many horror films cannot be screened anymore, and basically no one watches them.

However, although Zhao Baige has been playing games for so long, this girl only knows about alchemy every day, and never fights monsters to upgrade. Where has she seen such a terrifying big snake.

His face turned pale with fright.

"It's okay, it's okay, we will protect you, you stand next to me."

Gu Qiuxue gently pulled her to her side, comforting her patiently.

"Thank you, Gu..." Zhao Baige forgot the other party's name for a moment, feeling very embarrassed.

Gu Qiuxue smiled, and said: "My name is Gu Qiuxue, you should be younger than me, so just call me Sister Qiuxue, all sisters call me that."

Zhao Baige felt a warm current in his heart, lowered his head and obediently shouted: "Sister Qiuxue...thank you."

Ahead, Ren Lan quickly recovered from the knock-up.

"His grandma, if you don't talk about martial arts and engage in sneak attacks, I'll skin you dead earthworm!"

Ren Lan flew to the top again, and a heavy punch carried a thunderous force, and it exploded fiercely!


The giant snake eats pain, and its head floats'-4200! ' number.

However, Ren Lan made a puzzled voice: "I'll go, I have a strength of nearly two thousand in the late stage of the spirit, how can I do so little damage?"

It is estimated that other late-stage body cultivators of Gu Ling will be ashamed to death when they hear this.

Physical cultivation is generally lower than instrumental cultivation in terms of damage, and the strength of normal physical cultivation in the spiritual realm is only around a few hundred to a thousand or so.

Ren Lan's strength of nearly [-] is almost able to catch up with the little boss in the early Yuanying period, which is indeed a bit of Versailles.

The attribute panel of the giant snake appeared in front of everyone.

[Monster Beast: Purple Bamboo Serpent]

[Strength: Late stage of the spirit]

[Level: Normal level]

[Vigor and blood: 85800/90000]

【Attack: 1500】

【Defense: 1500】

【Speed: 1300】

[Poison Resistance: 30%]

【Knowledge: 300】

【Heart protection: 200】

[Skill: ~~]


Everyone was a little surprised, why did you encounter a late-stage monster with a spirit at the beginning?

Or just normal grade?

Doesn't this mean that there is a boss in the Nascent Soul Realm in this Purple Bamboo Forest?

For players, the current Nascent Soul Realm boss is still a ceiling-level opponent.

The boss with the highest strength in the current major secret realms is only in the early stage of Yuanying.

Not everyone is as perverted as Lin Jichen, who can go to a high-level map like the Eternal Ice Field only in the spiritual realm.

"Start work, Xing Sen, go up and output, sister Ning Ning, bombard it from a distance, others, don't use skills first, just deal damage."

Lin Jichen commanded and ordered, and everyone followed suit.

Xing Sen rushed forward, seeing Ren Lan holding the giant snake's hatred perfectly, he slashed with an ax without any scruples.

In the distance behind him, arrows formed by condensed spiritual power shot at the giant snake intensively.

There are still many injuries falling one after another, and the blood volume of the giant snake begins to decline steadily.

Lin Jichen didn't make a move, and only acted as a commander for the time being, silently observing the battle situation and everyone's shortcomings.

It's rare to have the opportunity to act together, so naturally we can't just rely on him to crush this giant snake.

What he needs is not individual heroism, but a strong team that can help him.

After all, you will encounter stronger opponents and enemies in the future, and the strength of the team must be greater than that of fighting alone.

Currently he is focusing on Xing Sen and Ren Lan.

"Crazy lady, you need to attack more frequently, so that you can help Xing Sen hold back the hatred of wild monsters steadily. Martial skills can be used together, so you don't need to be too economical."

"Xing Sen, your output method is too simple, and you must try to target the opponent's weak point to deal the highest damage. Also, you must pay attention to the skill of avoiding poisonous snakes, don't force yourself."

"and also..."

Lin Jichen has been pointing out the shortcomings of the two of them.

Although Ren Lan and Xing Sen were the first punch and the first axe, they were very modest about Lin Jichen's teachings and immediately changed them.

If other people were to guide them, they would definitely disdain them, but who told the other party to be Lin Jichen? He was the real number one player in the eight wildernesses!

And after modifying their habits according to Lin Jichen's guidance, the two found that it was really much easier to fight than before.

Soon, the giant purple bamboo snake crashed down, leaving behind a soul grave.

Everyone gets experience, but the average score is still a bit small.

Of course, for Zhao Baige, this experience is already on the rocket.

"Touch the bag, touch the bag! Xiao Linzi, go and touch it! Aren't you very lucky?"

Ren Lan held back the mood of the lottery and said.

Lin Jichen said with a smile: "You can just touch it. Ordinary people who are lucky will not have anything too good."

He can't look down on soul graves of this level.

Ren Lan was not polite when she heard it, and immediately went to open the bag, and the next second she said resentfully that she would not touch it.

We continue to march toward the bamboo forest.

"Brother Lin, how can we get the remnant Zizhu today?" Xing Sen asked casually.

"Of course it's the boss. The Purple Bamboo Giant Snake boss is at least the boss of the early stage of the Nascent Soul. If we're lucky, we may even meet someone at the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul, and we may not be able to explode if we kill it." Lin Jichen replied.

"It's so troublesome, when will it be done..." Ren Lan complained.

Lin Jichen smiled, and patiently warned: "The more precious things are, the harder they are to get. If you want to become better than others, you have to put in more effort. There is nothing in this world that you can get for nothing, except age."


Everyone laughed and thought it made sense.


One more~

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