Full-time sword repair

Chapter 817 Sell me this sword~

"I think if I ask your president to ask you to sacrifice to warm my bed for the benefit of the entire guild, I think she will be willing."

Lin Jichen still did not forget to tease Su Wanling.

"Hey, you guys don't speak yellow accents at every turn, can you be more serious."

Su Wanling said angrily, she is in a good mood today and owes this guy a big favor, so don't bother with this guy~

Lin Jichen checked the records and account books of Xiashan Gongtang, and everything was normal.

His mission was also completed, so he did not continue to stay in the Great Hall of Merit, and left with Su Wanling.

"Master Lin, do you want to go to open up wasteland together? Our president is also here."

Su Wanling invited Lin Jichen while walking.

Lin Jichen just wanted to agree, but when he thought about the general, he dismissed the idea.

"Forget it, it's inconvenient to go out recently, next time, I'll go to Fengqu City to look at the shops."

Soon it will be the day when the Qianlong royal family worships their ancestors. He has to go to the Sutra Pavilion to find out how to cure Xiaowan and drive the female demon out of her body before he can go for a walk outside with peace of mind...

"Okay." Seeing this, Su Wanling didn't insist.

"Oh, right."

Lin Jichen suddenly thought of something, got an extra staff in his hand, and handed it to Su Wanling.

"Give this to your president and say I gave it to her."

Su Wanling took it curiously, and immediately exclaimed: "Earth grade Jinwu!!!"

The Yueying girls behind him also gathered around curiously, and when they found out that it was the Empress Jin Wu, they all let out a sound of admiration and admiration.

Earth-grade Jinwu, among them, the best equipment is only Xuan-grade.

Land equipment is still at the ceiling level at this stage.

Only real masters or rich players are eligible to obtain land-grade equipment.

Su Wanling looked up at Lin Jichen, and said, "You said this staff was given to my president?"

Lin Jichen smiled and said, "Yes, please pass it on to me."

The Moon Shadow girls suddenly let out strange sounds of envy.

"God Lin, what is your relationship with our president?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"You guys are too stupid, can't you see that?"

"That's right, he must be with our president, otherwise, why would he even give away gold and weapons for free?"


"No, I'll fire you if I ask again~"

"Mom, I also want to find a super expert to be my boyfriend, the kind that you can take casually with high-grade equipment, huh huh~"


Everyone booed everywhere, and Lin Jichen felt helpless. If he had known it earlier, he would have told Su Wanling in private.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's go to the reclamation point to gather first, and I will chat with Master Lin for a few more words."

Su Wanling dispersed all the subordinates, and then said to Lin Jichen in private, "I will hand over this staff to you, but are you sure you don't want to send it over yourself?"

"Why did you deliver it yourself?"

"This is a good opportunity, maybe I can get a kiss reward from my president." Su Wanling said seductively.

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I didn't send this staff just for the sake of it. The main reason is that she helped me arrange bodyguards to save me before. This kind of favor is a bit big. It's just a piece of equipment, and it's a bit of compensation, not to mention your president. It’s my birthday, so if you give me a birthday present, it’s a reciprocity.”

Su Wanling couldn't help but enviously said: "I also gave you a gift back then, okay, why didn't I have your gift in return?"

"Did you give me a gift? What did you give me, why can't I remember?"

Lin Jichen scratched his head and said.

Su Wanling rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "Is the tie I gave you any good? It's just the same style as your sister, so you can't ignore it, right?"

Lin Jichen sneered and said, "Blame me, blame me, I will wear the tie you gave me, I like it very much."

"Tch, I believe you are a ghost. I'm leaving. Chatting with you will kill you sooner or later." Su Wanling pouted, ready to leave.

Lin Jichen stopped her.

"Is there anything else you want me to tell my president? Tell me, tell me, ah..."

Before Su Wanling finished speaking, she was taken aback when Lin Jichen took out a sword and handed it to him.

"Thank you for the tie, this sword is for you." Lin Jichen smiled lightly.

Su Wanling looked at the attributes of the sword curiously, and was dumbfounded.

"This... this... is also a land grade... Jinwu???"

"Well, don't you like it?"


Su Wanling swallowed hard, then shook her head and said, "It's not that I don't like it, it's that... I don't dare to want it, you should take it back, I'm just kidding with you."

Although Su Wanling kept sneaking glances at Lin Jichen's Cold Abyss Sword, she still refused.

The reason is also very simple, such a big favor, there is no way to repay it~

"Take it. The sword I use is a heavenly grade, so it's useless to keep it with me. I'll give it to you." Lin Jichen handed it over again.

Su Wanling was a little moved immediately, but she still said, "Forget it as a gift, or...you sell me? You make a price."

Lin Jichen laughed and joked, "How much do you think this weapon can sell for?"

"There is no local gold or martial arts for sale in the market, and I don't know how much I can sell..." Su Wanling said shyly.

"But the price of land-grade weapons is generally more than [-] million, and it is still below purple. I feel that this golden quality is worth at least hundreds of millions..."

Lin Jichen nodded: "Then can you afford hundreds of millions to buy it?"

Lin Jichen originally thought that this girl would definitely not be able to pay the money, and hoped that she would retreat in spite of the difficulties, but she actually nodded.

"Yes! I have hundreds of millions in my small coffers. I can buy it, but if I can't afford it, I can ask my president to borrow some money first. She will definitely borrow it. I will work slowly and pay it off."

Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry, he almost forgot that although this girl was not comparable to Jiang Luoyu, she was Jiang Luoyu's personal assistant, and her annual salary was said to be tens of millions.

It's also a proper little rich woman.

"That's great, but unfortunately, I don't sell this sword."

"Huh? Are you kidding me?"

Su Wanling begged with an aggrieved face.

"Sell it, sell it to me, master Lin~ handsome guy Lin~ please, sell this sword to me~~~"

Su Wanling hugged Lin Jichen's arm and began to act like a baby. She wanted this sword so much.

Although Lin Jichen really wanted to give it to her, he insisted on buying it because he probably didn't want to owe him such a big favor.

Helpless, he had no choice but to say: "Okay, 5000 million, transfer it to my card, and this sword will be yours."

He didn't bother to ask Su Wanling for spirit stones, 5000 million Chinese coins for spirit stones would cost more than 500 million spirit stones, so she probably wouldn't be able to afford that much for a while.

Let's just exchange it for some cash. The alchemists he recruited have to pay millions of cash wages every month, which is just a supplement.


Two more~

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