Full-time sword repair

Chapter 816 Chu Tianhan changed sex?

When Lin Jichen was in the beast tide before, he took special care of the sword repair players of Xuesha and Wanshi.

At that time, Lin Jichen was not so blatant, he just withheld part of it.

But at that time, because many guild members refused to endure the grievance, they chose to withdraw from the guild.

Now that Lin Jichen is doing this, he can already imagine that it will soon trigger a wave of withdrawals...

"Lin Jichen, I want to sue you! I'll go to the elders to judge now!"

Chen Yuan knew that this matter must not be handled like this, otherwise Wang Jinghao would be furious.

He said he was going to find the elders.

However, just at this time, there was another commotion outside the hall.

"It's Big Brother!"

"I'll go! Eldest brother is here too!"

"I've seen Big Brother!"


I saw Chu Tianhan walking in from the outside, he didn't seem to know what happened here, seeing Lin Jichen appearing, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Then, as if he hadn't seen it, he went straight to the front desk and threw a task wooden sign with five small red swords engraved on the table.

"I'm here to hand in the task."

Seeing this, the disciples of Shangong Hall accepted the task token, and after reading it, they said with a smile.

"Eldest brother, your task is to collect ten demon pills of Nascent Soul Realm monster beasts. May I ask which demon pills..."

Chu Tianhan didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw a cloth bag over.

The disciple of Shangong Hall took the bag and poured it out. Sure enough, ten demon pills full of demonic aura rolled out.

Everyone recognized them one by one and exclaimed constantly.

"This is the demon pill of the Moon Demon Spider! A demon beast in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul!"

"I'll go, this is the demon pill of Ziyou Star Wolf, a demon beast in the early Yuanying period!"

"There is also the demon pill of the red flame three-headed tiger! Fuck, this is a demon beast in the late Yuanying period!"

"and also..."

After identification, it can be confirmed that these demon pills are all from the monsters of the late Yuanying stage.

Chu Tianhan didn't cheat at all, he actually killed ten Nascent Soul Realm monsters!

Among the ten monsters, there are only three demon pills in the early stage of Yuanying, the others are in the middle stage, and there are even a few in the late stage.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing, it was too violent...

Chu Tianhan has not yet broken through the Nascent Soul, but already has such strength, the Nascent Soul realm monsters are like pigs and dogs in front of him?

It's hard to imagine how powerful Chu Tianhan will be when he breaks through Nascent Soul in the future?

After confirming the confirmation, the disciples of Shangong Hall didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly exchanged the mission rewards for Chu Tianhan.

After receiving the reward, Chu Tianhan turned around and left, as if he was not at all interested in what happened in this hall.

Chen Yuan, who was going to look for the elder, saw Chu Tianhan, his eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward and called out: "Elder brother!"

Chu Tianhan stopped in his tracks, turned his head in doubt, and found that it was Chen Yuan, he said impatiently, "What's the matter?"

Chen Yuan nodded, and hurriedly reported Lin Jichen's bullying to Chu Tianhan, trying to make Chu Tianhan stand out for him.

As long as Chu Tianhan is willing to stand up, the elder will definitely not dare to cover up Lin Jichen at will.

Moreover, Chen Yuan was sure that Chu Tian had a very bad relationship with Lin Jichen, and that being able to cure Lin Jichen, such a good thing, he would definitely help!

After the narration, Chen Yuan immediately had a plan in mind, and looked at Lin Jichen proudly.

"Lin Jichen, I can't do anything to you, but it doesn't mean that no one can do anything to you. Today I want to see if there is a senior brother here, will the elders care about your identity as the head disciple and openly cover up, hmph!"

Lin Jichen was about to speak, but at this moment, Chu Tianhan's voice sounded.

"When did I promise to stand up for you?"

Chen Yuan was stunned, and hurriedly said: "You are a senior brother, Lin Jichen used his status to bully the disciples of the outer hall, and I hope the senior brother will stand up for them."

Chu Tian smiled coldly, and said: "That's your business, it has nothing to do with me. Also, I am no longer the deacon of the punishment hall, and I have no right to deal with this matter. If you have a grievance, you can go to the elders, and I will not accompany you."

After Chu Tianhan finished speaking, he left. Seeing that he couldn't find someone, Chen Yuan became angry from embarrassment, and deliberately taunted loudly behind him.

"What kind of senior brother are you? You don't even dare to let go of the outer hall disciples being bullied. Could it be that you are afraid of Lin Jichen? Why don't you, a senior senior brother, let Lin Jichen take over as well!"

Chu Tianhan stopped, killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He stared at Chen Yuan, then suddenly looked at Lin Jichen, and asked, "Junior brother Lin, do you know what it means to insult senior brother openly for no reason?"

Lin Jichen replied calmly: "Of course, insulting senior brother for no reason is also considered disrespectful. Violating the discipline of the sect is a crime of disrespect. According to the regulations, one day of closing Jingsiya will be punished by copying the full text of the sect's discipline ten times."

Chu Tianhan said again: "I'm going to the penalty hall to report Chen Yuan. If witnesses are needed, is Junior Brother Lin willing to testify?"

"I'm very happy. Eldest brother, feel free to sue. All the disciples of Shangong Hall and I can testify for you." Lin Jichen said frankly.

Chu Tianhan nodded and said, "That's fine, thank you."

As he said that, Chu Tianhan looked at Chen Yuan, and jokingly said: "Junior Brother Chen, I will go to the penalty hall right now. After a while, some disciples from the penalty hall should come to you. You should prepare well and bring your bedding to go. Let's spend the night at Jingsi Cliff."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tianhan left without looking back, leaving Chen Yuan with a livid face.

Chen Yuan almost thought that he was wrong. How can this be Chu Tianhan?

Aren't he and Lin Jichen always rivals?

To be on Lin Jichen's side today, and partner with him against him?

Is this guy transgender?

Lin Jichen looked at Chu Tianhan who left, he was actually a little surprised that Chu Tianhan would ask him to testify and thank him?

Chu Tianhan, who came back from the Buddha Sect, seemed to be a different person.

Not long after Chu Tianhan left, the disciples from the Punishment Hall really came.

"Junior brother Chen, you dare to insult senior brother! The elder asked us to summon you now, hurry up and come with us!"

Chen Yuan was so aggrieved that he could only sternly swear at Lin Jichen, saying, "Lin Jichen, there is no end for us!"

Lin Jichen didn't even bother to return to him, so he just smiled and said to the disciples in the punishment hall: "Thank you, senior brothers, this person insulted senior senior brother, if the elder needs a witness, I can go."

"Thank you, Junior Brother Lin!" The disciple of the Punishment Hall thanked him and took Chen Yuan away.

As soon as Chen Yuan left, the other Wanshi disciples could only act as birds and beasts, and their biggest support was useless. Many Wanshi sword repair disciples had already begun to prepare to withdraw from the membership.

If you don't retreat, you can't do it. If you offend Lin Jichen, how can you hang around in Jianzong, unless you transfer to another Jianzong.

After the matter was over, Lin Jichen told the disciples of Shangong Hall to take care of the disciples of the Moon Shadow Guild in the future.

Su Wanling smiled happily, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Master Lin is really kind, I will tell our president later, she must thank you very much!"

Lin Jichen teased, "How do you thank me? Give me a warm bed?"

"You have a good idea!" Su Wanling jumped up and said.

Lin Jichen laughed out loud.


One more~

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