Full-time sword repair

Chapter 805 My eldest brother is Lin Jichen!

Tang's father's birthday party is over, and relatives and friends are leaving. Except for the episode of Dai Xuebin, the family dinner is still very happy.

Especially when Mother Tang showed off her son-in-law-to-be in front of so many relatives, her face was radiant and her smile never restrained.

Tang Ning also received unanimous praise from her relatives, congratulating her for finding such a good boyfriend.

Only Tang Mi was the worst. Her parents took her back and said that they would arrange at least ten blind dates for her during the two-day vacation!

Tang Mi was crying, with a look of lovelessness, but she did not expose Tang Ning's secret.

Just before leaving, he glanced at Lin Jichen with a look of 'resentment'.

After the guests dispersed, Father Tang prepared to take everyone home.

"Dad, Mom, I still have something to do with Dust, why don't we go back."

Tang Ning paid attention.

She knew that if Lin Jichen lived at home, her mother would definitely arrange the two of them to sleep in the same room again...

Thinking of the embarrassment of waking up from Lin Jichen's arms last time, she felt ashamed, so she thought of running away.

However, her little idea was flatly rejected by Tang's father and Tang's mother.

"No! No matter how busy you are, you can't spare a day? If you don't have time, I'll ask your dad to call the bureau and give you a long vacation."

"That's right, it's rare for Dust to come to celebrate my birthday. The birthday is not over yet, so you're going to run away? Dust, don't you think so?"

Lin Jichen suppressed a smile and nodded, "What uncle said is that I just want to go home and have a look. I'll stay overnight and leave tomorrow."

"Hey! Ah Chen is still sensible."

Tang's mother beamed with joy, and Lin Jichen's "go home" went to her heart.

Tang Ning had no choice but to give in and go home obediently.

"Ah Chen, go and drive. If you don't know the way, just follow our car. Auntie will cook something delicious for you tonight."

"Okay." Lin Jichen agreed without hesitation.

At this time Tang Fei said suddenly: "Mom, I'm taking the car of my brother-in-law."

Tang's mother naturally let him go, so she followed Tang's father to drive.

"Why are you here to join in the fun? Go with your parents." Tang Ning said to Tang Fei in disgust.

Tang Fei swaggered cheekily: "Why, my prospective brother-in-law's car can't even rub against it? Right, prospective brother-in-law?"

Lin Jichen looked at him with a superficial smile, and it was a little strange, why did Tang Fei have a wrong attitude.

"That's right, let's get in the car together."

Although Lin Jichen didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in this kid's gourd, he still didn't refuse.

The three of them got into the car, with Tang Ning in the co-pilot and Tang Fei in the back.

As soon as he was on the road, Tang Fei insinuated: "Brother-in-law, didn't you say that you are a top ten sword cultivator in the Eight Desolation? Is it true?"

Lin Jichen replied while driving: "It's true."

"Oh? Then what's your game ID called?"

"It's not convenient to say." Lin Jichen said.

Tang Fei smiled, as if he caught Lin Jichen's sore spot, and said, "What's so inconvenient, brother-in-law, you won't lie to me, will you?"

Tang Ning couldn't take it anymore, she turned her head and scolded: "It's really inconvenient for your brother-in-law to tell you, little brat, don't inquire about such things."

Tang Fei suddenly felt aggrieved, and said: "I'll go, sister, you are too partial, isn't it a matter? I just asked my brother-in-law's game ID, what can't I say?"

Tang Ning was speechless, and said: "Why do you ask this if you have nothing to do, children should not inquire about adults' affairs!"

"Sister, brother-in-law is fooling me, right? His game level may be better than mine." Tang Fei mocked.

Tang Ning rolled her eyes and said in a bad mood: "You are not worthy to carry your brother-in-law's shoes, and you are not worthy of your brother-in-law's single-handed match if you are made into fragrant milk tea and tied around the world."

"Cut! You underestimate me too much. Do you know who my boss is? That's Lin Jichen, the number one master in the world!"

Tang Fei slapped his thigh, and said arrogantly, his boss is Lin Jichen, is he proud?He didn't!


Tang Ning burst out laughing, and asked him with a strange face, "Are you sure your elder brother is Lin Jichen?"

"Of course, although he didn't publicly say that he accepted me as his younger brother, I have a good relationship with him. I even did things for him. I'm his pony, dog leg, and servant!" Tang Fei said triumphantly.

Tang Ning, however, laughed so much that she leaned on the seat and covered her stomach, overwhelmed with joy.

Tang Fei thought she didn't believe it, so he hurriedly took out his phone and showed Tang Ning a screenshot of his friends column.

"Look! I can still lie to you? I have my boss and friends, so I'm not afraid to tell you. Since I followed my boss, now our schoolmates are always envious of me and worship me. Our class flower is now She has become my girlfriend, and we even opened a room."

"Stinky boy, do you want to die for harming other girls at a young age?"

Tang Fei realized that he had slipped his tongue, so he quickly shrank his neck and said, "We're in a relationship...why not...I'm allowed to find a young lady husband, but I'm not allowed to find a little girlfriend."

"You wait, I'll tell my parents when I get back, and see how they deal with you."

"Don't, sister... I was wrong, can't I be wrong, don't tell your parents, I will be miserable if you tell me."

Tang Fei was discouraged and begged for mercy. Their family education was actually very strict, and Tang's father was a very traditional person.

If he knew that Tang Fei would go to have a room with a girl while he was studying, the seven wolves at home would never stop until their belts snapped.

Tang Ning sneered and said, "It's okay if I don't say anything. From now on, you are not allowed to disturb your brother-in-law again, or I will expose the matter of you having sex with girls."

"Okay, no problem, I will never bother my brother-in-law again."

In order to save his own life, Tang Fei had no choice but to follow suit. Of course, his disdain and suspicion for this brother-in-law must not have wavered in the slightest.

Even more convinced that Lin Jichen was lying to him.

It's just that due to the threat of his sister, he can only be a turtle for the time being.

Who let myself say it by accident.

Seeing that he agreed, Tang Ning didn't say anything. She and Lin Jichen looked at each other, knowing each other.

With just one look, the two understood each other's meaning.

That is, the information must not be leaked to Tang Fei.

After all, Lin Jichen is still in a dangerous stage. The foreign killer organization has not been found yet, and Wang Jinghao is still at large.

Not sure when they will come again.

Telling Tang Fei this secret will do him no good.

This kid is just a friend of Lin Jichen, and he immediately spread the word to the whole school, and even used it to pick up girls.

Guess if you know that your brother-in-law is Lin Jichen, then you can't report it to the whole Jiangling City?

For such a loose-mouthed person, you can't tell him the secret, or you'll just wait for him to poke it out someday.

They couldn't even keep the secret of having a room with a girl. They didn't believe that Tang Fei could keep his brother-in-law's secret as Lin Jichen's.

With his flamboyant personality, it is estimated that all women and children will know him within two days.


One more~

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