Full-time sword repair

Chapter 804 Reversal and Reversal

"My cousin is right. I didn't think carefully. I deserve this meal."

Lin Jichen generously accepted Tang Mi's provocation, and took the initiative to play tricks.

Tang Mi was a little surprised, this kid is so straightforward?Didn't you say it's very picky?

"Cousin, don't worry, he's pretending. Before he said he would give me a gift, he was so straightforward, and then he disappeared." Tang Fei complained.

Tang Mi was relieved now, and said with a smirk, "Xiao Fei, keep an eye on him for a while, don't let him run away."

"No problem, see if I don't stare at him to death! I have to keep an eye on him when I go to the bathroom!"

The two planned secretly, as if they had already concluded that Lin Jichen would run away from the order.

Although Tang's father and Tang's mother kept refusing, Lin Jichen insisted, and with relatives all around, he had no choice but to accept Lin Jichen's favor happily.

That's right, it's true that the son-in-law should treat the family to a meal.

Only Tang Ning looked embarrassed, she didn't want to ask Lin Jichen to pay for her when she came to find Lin Jichen.

"Sorry, I'll transfer the money to you after it's over."

Tang Ning secretly said to Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen smiled and said, "Sister Ningning, can you afford it? This meal seems to cost 10,000+ anyway."

Tang Ning's face was filled with heartache, and she said, "It's okay, my small coffers should be just enough."

Saying that, she glared at Tang Mi angrily again, gnashed her teeth and said, "It's all to blame for this man, she insisted on making trouble, it was clearly on purpose."

"Forget it, it's just a small matter. I'll pay for it. Sister Ning Ning, don't forget that I am very rich." Lin Jichen said with a smile.

Tang Ning immediately shook her head and refused. She already owed favors and owed money, so how could she afford it.

But she was afraid of being overheard, so she had no choice but to not mention it for now.

The dinner continues.

After a meal, everyone ate very happily.

Because the standard of the dishes ordered was too high, the manager specially came to check out in person.

"Excuse me, who will pay the bill?" The manager glanced around.

Tang Mi immediately pointed at Lin Jichen and said, "He, our future son-in-law of the Tang family!"

The manager walked over with a smile upon hearing this, and took out the bill.

"Hello, the total consumption is 11, just wipe off the 3, and the whole 11 will be fine."

Lin Jichen nodded, took out his phone to pay the bill, but accidentally exposed the watch on his wrist that Jiang Luoyu gave him yesterday.

At this time, both Dai Xuebin and the manager saw the watch on Lin Jichen's hand.

What a discerning manager the manager is, he immediately recognized the high value of this watch.

However, he only saw that the watch must be very expensive, and didn't see anything else.

The originally set 11 yuan was reduced by another 1 yuan, and Lin Jichen was given a top VIP card of the restaurant, and then left with a smile on his face.

Tang Mi and Tang Fei are still wondering, what's going on, the script isn't how it should be.

Shouldn't it be that Lin Jichen felt sorry for money and then shirked it with various reasons?How can you pay so quickly?

Before they could figure it out.

On the contrary, Dai Xuebin's face changed drastically after seeing Lin Jichen's watch.

When Lin Jichen finished paying the bill, he stood up directly and bowed his head in shame in front of the Tang family.

"I'm sorry everyone, I lied to you, Tang Mi and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend, I'm just here to deal with the dinner..."


Everyone was shocked.

Lin Jichen and Tang Ning were also stunned. Why did Dai Xuebin, who is so good-looking, suddenly confessed by himself?

Tang Mi blushed, tugged at Dai Xuebin's clothes, and said, "What are you talking about? Drink too much?"

Dai Xuebin smiled wryly, and said: "Sister Mi, please let me go, I can't just lose my job just to deal with your family, I will go back to my brother and admit my mistake, and you will treat me as not a human being. I really can't take over the job, so I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Dai Xuebin turned his head and ran away. Before he left, he glanced at Lin Jichen with lingering fear.

No matter how Tang Mi shouted, he still left cruelly without looking back.

After Dai Xuebin left, the atmosphere in the box suddenly became weird.

After a second of silence, Tang Mi's parents were furious.

"What's the matter with you? Is this Dai Xuebin your boyfriend?"

"Nonsense! It's nonsense to find someone to pretend to be!"

"You are so ignorant!"

"We must arrange a blind date when we go back! Go on a blind date tomorrow!"


Tang Mi's parents reprimanded Tang Mi angrily.

Tang Mi had mixed feelings, being betrayed by his friends, reprimanded by his parents, and losing such a big man, his eyes turned red, and he ran out of the box crying.

"I'm going to see my cousin."

As Tang Ning, who had never been used to Tang Mi, she immediately got up and chased him out.

But the Tang family was still in anger, accusing and scolding Dai Xuebin as a fake.

As the same pretender, actor No. [-], Lin Jichen suddenly felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

He felt that he would also become the target of verbal criticism...

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still.

"Aunt and uncle, I'm going to see Ningning."

Lin Jichen didn't dare to stay here any longer, so he hurried to find Tang Ning to discuss countermeasures.

He asked the waiter and found Tang Ning and Tang Mi in a lounge.

Lin Jichen originally thought that Tang Ning would definitely take this opportunity to laugh at Tang Mi.

Unexpectedly, she has been comforting each other.

"Cousin, stop crying. It's not a big deal. Isn't it normal to find someone to pretend to be a boyfriend to deal with parents? Many people have done this before."

"Can I stop crying, now you are satisfied, you can laugh at me as much as you want, I'm single, I don't have a boyfriend at all, okay?" Tang Mi cried angrily.

Tang Ning smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, okay, don't cry, I didn't laugh at you, and my parents celebrate their birthdays, why did you bring a boyfriend here, it's still fake."

"I don't blame you. It's great to find a boyfriend. You show off so much, and make my second aunt so happy. My parents are envious after hearing this, and don't rush me. I can only bite the bullet and find one. Woooo..." Tang Mi said angrily.

Tang Ning bared a smile, amused.

"The question is why did your boyfriend suddenly change his mind?"

"How did I know that this brat dared to tear me down, his brother is my soldier, I tell you that these two brothers are dead, see if I go back and deal with them!"

The more Tang Mi talked, the more angry he became, and he really couldn't figure out why.

"There should be something unspeakable, why don't you call and ask."

"Ask a fart, it has already been exposed, what's the use of asking, anyway, they are both finished!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, let me tell you the truth, Ah Chen is also the actor I'm looking for."

"What? It's fake too?"

"Yeah, it's also to deal with my parents."

"So... I can chase your boyfriend now?"

"Go away!"


The two sisters immediately started fighting in the house.

Lin Jichen stood outside the house and listened for a long time, okay, before, no one was pleasing to the eye, but now they are as close as sisters, what is wrong with these two?

Three shifts~

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