The three successfully arrived at the eternal ice field.

This place is like a secret realm of Fengyuan, with no living things to be seen.

There is ice and snow everywhere, the sky is freezing, and snowflakes the size of goose feathers are constantly falling from the sky, and the visibility is very low.

The ground is covered with thick snow, and it will leave a deep mark with just one foot.

Not long after the three of them arrived, their shoulders were already covered with a layer of snow, and they needed to constantly mobilize mana to isolate the snowflakes so that the falling snow would not touch them.

"Senior sister, it's so cold here, it's not fun at all..."

Gu Zihan shivered and said with a sad face.

Mu Lingbing said unhappily: "I told you not to follow, you must listen, do you regret it now?"

Gu Zihan sniffed his nose and said, "I didn't know it was so cold here, I would have put on more clothes if I knew it."

Mu Lingbing was helpless and had a headache.

She and Lin Jichen are both spiritual monks, so they can withstand this severe cold. Although Gu Zihan is a genius, after all, he only has crystallization cultivation, and he wears little clothes, so it is normal to be cold.

Just as Mu Lingbing was thinking about how to keep the eldest master of the sect from freezing, Lin Jichen suddenly took out a small green coat and handed it over.

"Put it on when it's cold."

Mu Lingbing was pleasantly surprised: "Friend Daoist Lin, why do you have such a small padded jacket?"

Lin Jichen chuckled and said, "Of course I bought it in Eternal Winter City. If this brat wants to follow, I guessed he would

It's cold, so I bought some clothes by the way. "

Mu Lingbing's impression of Lin Jichen got better in his heart, and he said with shame on his face, "I blame me for not thinking carefully, thank you, Fellow Daoist Lin."

As she spoke, she hurriedly urged Gu Zihan, "Put it on quickly."

However, Gu Zihan looked at the clothes in Lin Jichen's hand with distaste, and complained, "I don't want them, this clothes are really ugly."

Mu Lingbing suddenly lost her temper, raised her hand and pinched his little ears, and said, "Sister, it doesn't work, right? Brother Lin kindly bought you clothes, and you don't appreciate it, but you don't know how to be polite. , I will teach you a lesson for Master today!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Lingbing was about to teach him a lesson, and Gu Zihan immediately froze.

"Don't, senior sister, I was wrong, can't I wear it?"

"Immediately, put it on!"

Under Mu Lingbing's intimidation, Gu Zihan could only wear this ugly padded jacket.

This padded jacket is indeed ugly. After putting it on, Gu Zihan changed from a rich family to a country boy in a second.

Lin Jichen and Mu Lingbing couldn't help laughing when they saw it.

"Let me just say it's ugly, he did it on purpose to embarrass me!" Gu Zihan pointed at Lin Jichen angrily and said.

Lin Jichen looked up at the sky with his eyes, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

"Then let me ask you, do you want style or temperature?" Mu Lingbing asked with unkind eyes.

Gu Zihan shrunk his neck and felt for a while, um, although this padded jacket is ugly, but wearing it

It was still very warm on the ground, and he wanted to get rid of his body but was very honest.

Seeing that he had nothing to say, Mu Lingbing didn't bother to argue with him.

The three set foot on the road to find the cold deep treasure house.

"The weather in this Eternal Ice Field is harsh. There are often blizzards and the visibility is extremely low. We'd better get closer and don't go far, otherwise we will easily get separated."

Lin Jichen warned the two, Mu Lingbing nodded confidently, and pulled the unconvinced Gu Zihan closer to prevent him from leaving his sight.

The three of them marched on the ice field against the wind and snow, and a green plant growing under a boulder flashed before Lin Jichen's eyes.

"wait for me."

After Lin Jichen said a word, he walked to the boulder, and a small grass full of aura stood there quietly.

"It's really Bingning Grass." Lin Jichen was overjoyed, and started to pick the herb.

Bingning grass is a rare herb of the cold type, which can be refined into high-grade Bingning pill, which is very valuable.

Lin Jichen, who was a seventh-rank pharmacist in his previous life, would not let go of such a good thing.

After collecting the ice grass, Lin Jichen turned back to the team.

Mu Lingbing was a little surprised and asked: "Friend Daoist Lin can make alchemy?"

Lin Jichen smiled and nodded: "Forget it."

"Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Lin still has the leisure and elegance to study alchemy. Disciples like me are eager to devote ourselves to cultivation for fear of being caught up by others. Fellow Daoist Lin not only dabbles in alchemy

It is extensive, and its strength surpasses all the arrogance, I admire it, "

Mu Lingbing sighed.

She didn't mean to praise it deliberately. For a proud son of heaven like her, apart from cultivation, few people would spend time studying other things.

Just like the top students in real life, many top students are all focused on their studies, for fear that their grades will be caught up by others.

But there are a very small number of academic masters, they usually study, but in their spare time, they will play, play ball, play games, etc., and have a great time.

But even so, their grades are still among the best, no less than those nerds.

This kind of talent is a genius in the true sense.

"Just think about it for a while." Lin Jichen smiled modestly and continued to lead the way.

The three of them walked carefully on the eternal ice field, because they were worried about the attack of monsters or villains on the ice field, they never let down their vigilance.

But the three of them walked for a day without any danger, and they didn't even see a monster.

This surprised all three of them, but they didn't meet the best ones, they just wanted to find the cold deep treasure house as soon as possible.

At night, the ice field was completely dark, even the moonlight could not shine in, and it was completely invisible.

Lin Jichen didn't go any further, but found a big rock, and simply cut a big hole with his sword, and the three of them hid in to avoid the wind and snow.

Mu Lingbing started the bonfire, and Lin Jichen was in charge of building the shed.

The three of them planned to rest here for one night before leaving tomorrow.

Gu Zihan, on the other hand, sat on the sidelines like a little uncle and did nothing, only cared about eating the exquisite snacks, and even pointed at Lin Jichen, directing him to work more slowly.

Lin Jichen didn't bother to get angry with him, it wasn't worth it to be angry with this brat.

After the temporary shelter was built, the three of them ate something to recover their strength, and then they all began to meditate and adjust their breath.

Time passed little by little until late at night.

Lin Jichen, who was adjusting his breath, moved his ears slightly, and a rustling sound came from a distance.

Lin Jichen opened his eyes, followed the sound, and saw a pair of faint blue lights in the dark night.

Mu Lingbing also noticed it, she frowned slightly, and whispered: "Friend Daoist Lin, did you see it?"

"I see, it's the ice wolf." Lin Jichen replied lightly.

Mu Lingbing was a little worried and said, "The wolf of the ice field? That's a herd monster. We're afraid we're in danger."

Icefield wolves belong to the unique monsters of the Eternal Icefield. Each icefield wolf has strength above the spirit, and in the icefield, they come and go like the wind, and their sense of smell is extremely keen.

The most important thing is that the Iceborne Dire Wolves belong to pack monsters and live in groups. They don't engage in single duels, they only play real (group fights).

Even monks in the Nascent Soul Realm have to stay away from them when they see them.


One more~

(End of this chapter)

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