Full-time sword repair

Chapter 771 Fellow Daoist Lin is really filial!

"Gu Zihan, the place we are going to is very dangerous, we can't take you with us, hurry up and go back to the sect!"

Mu Lingbing seriously urged the little kid to go back.

But the little boy said disapprovingly: "I'm not afraid, I have many magic weapons that can protect myself and my senior sister, anyway, I must follow you!"

Mu Lingbing suddenly became angry and her head grew bigger.

This little boy is the son of the suzerain, and he is extremely talented in Dharma cultivation. He can communicate with the aura of heaven and earth at a young age, and he can be promoted to the crystallization state, so he is extremely favored in the sect. Pass.

The suzerain is also Mu Lingbing's master, and Mu Lingbing really has nothing to do with this guy.

"Friend Daoist Lin, why don't you forget about it today, I'll take him back to the sect first, and come to you another day?"

Mu Lingbing was afraid that Lin Jichen would be unhappy and that he would be a burden, so he had no choice but to retreat.

Who would have thought that Gu Zihan would snort dissatisfiedly: "It's useless, if you don't take me with you, I'll tell my mother when I get back to the sect that you're looking for another man behind my back, and then spread the word about it, so that the whole sect can find another man." Everyone knows!"


Mu Lingbing gave him a shudder in embarrassment: "Gu Zihan, shut your mouth!"

Seeing that the two were not giving in, Lin Jichen shrugged and said, "Since he wants to follow, he should take it with him. Anyway, I guess if this little guy dares to go out, his parents must have stuffed him with a lot of self-defense weapons. He must have saved his life."

question. "

"But..." Mu Lingbing hesitated.

But Lin Jichen walked up to Gu Zihan, looked down at him, and said, "I can take you there, but you must be obedient, and you are not allowed to run around. Do whatever you are told."

"Tch! Why do you listen to me?"

Gu Zihan said disdainfully, obviously he still has a lot of hostility towards this love rival.

"Then you go back to me, I don't care if you go to the sect and talk nonsense, go, go now." Mu Lingbing was angry, and pulled Gu Zihan to leave.

Gu Zihan was discouraged now, and hurriedly said: "I don't listen to him, I listen to senior sister, it's okay, right?"

Only then did Mu Lingbing stop, and said: "You said it. I want you to listen to Brother Lin now. After you go, you can do whatever he asks you to do. But if you don't listen to him, you don't listen to me. I will send you back."

"Oh." Gu Zihan bowed his head and agreed aggrievedly, but it was certain that he would be more dissatisfied with Lin Jichen.

Now that Gu Zihan agreed, Lin Jichen and Mu Lingbing didn't chase him away, and immediately the three of them stood on the teleportation formation and came to Eternal Winter City.

It was the first time for Gu Zihan and Mu Lingbing to come to this city surrounded by wind and snow. Both of them were attracted by the magnificent snow and wind and wondered.

Lin Jichen looked very calm, just looking at the city, as if recalling some good memories, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"This is Eternal Winter City. After going out from another city entrance, there will be Eternal Icefield for a hundred miles. There will be no supplies at that time. Let's go in now and buy some things we need." Lin Jichen said.

"Okay! It's just right for you to stroll around inside." Mu Lingbing readily agreed, and the little one next to her also raised her hands in agreement.

After the three paid the entrance fee, they walked into the city. The severe cold had no effect on the three of them.

After entering the city, Mu Lingbing admired the city built in the ice and snow curiously, but she just looked around, but didn't ask or buy anything.

On the contrary, it was Gu Zihan who was attracted by all kinds of snacks and snacks within a short time, and asked to buy them.

Moreover, this kid is so rich that he pays for it himself, and whatever he gives out, he pays for it with spirit stones.

This kind of folk snack can obviously be bought with silver taels, but Gu Zihan doesn't care at all, he just has money!

As long as he doesn't make trouble, let him go.

When passing by a horseshoe cake stand, Lin Jichen stopped and bought a pack.

Mu Lingbing asked with a smile: "Friend Daoist Lin likes horseshoe cake?"

Lin Jichen shook his head and said, "My master likes to eat it, so I bought it for her."

Mu Lingbing's autumn eyes blinked, and she praised: "You Lin Daoyou is really filial to my master."

Lin Jichen smiled awkwardly, and said, "Ahem...it's okay."

He was indeed filial to his master, but he changed inexplicably later.


Mu Lingbing didn't think much about it. After Lin Jichen bought the horseshoe cake, he bought some pills, tools and food to keep out the cold at a nearby pharmacy, and then led the team to leave Eternal Winter City.

After walking out of Eternal Winter City, the three of them prepared to fly to the Eternal Icefield.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but since Lin Jichen entered the city, he always felt as if someone was following him.

But no matter how hard he searched, he found nothing.

Helpless, he could only attribute it to an illusion and dismissed the idea.

"Friend Daoist Mu, do you need me to take him with you? This should be quicker." Lin Jichen asked.

He didn't want Gu Zihan to slow down and reach the destination earlier.

Who would have thought that Gu Zihan said triumphantly: "I don't need you to bring it, but my mother gave me a magic weapon of imperial space, do I still need you?"

As soon as the words fell, a magic weapon like a flying shuttle appeared under Gu Zihan's feet, and it took him into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Gu Zihan made faces at Lin Jichen in the sky, triumphantly.

Mu Lingbing had a headache, so he could only apologize to Lin Jichen, "Don't be angry, Fellow Daoist Lin, this child is just like this, he's been spoiled."

Lin Jichen didn't make any waves to this kid's provocation, and said with a smile, "It's okay, let's follow quickly, so that he won't be in danger."

Seeing that Lin Jichen was thinking of Gu Zihan instead, Mu Lingbing liked him even more.

【Ding!Mu Lingbing's favorability towards you +5

, current favorability: 20 (very happy talk)]

Lin Jichen didn't expect that he would be pleasantly surprised by a casual sentence.

The favorability from the strongest disciple of Fazong, hehe, maybe in the future, the opportunity mission of Fazong can be triggered.

The two of them went up against the sky and caught up with Gu Zihan.

Along the way, Gu Zihan chattered around Mu Lingbing, and deliberately flew between the two of them, separating Lin Jichen from him to prevent him from approaching.

Lin Jichen didn't care, and concentrated on flying. It didn't take long for the three of them to fly hundreds of miles away.

At this time, the environment here is much worse than before, and the temperature is several times lower than before.

Especially high altitudes are difficult to fly, the wind, snow and cold air blowing head-on, even spiritual monks like Lin Jichen and Mu Lingbing can't bear it.

Gu Zihan lost the lively and active look just now, his body shrank into a ball from the cold, two big nosed worms dripped out of his nose, and instantly froze into two icicles hanging on his nose.

【Ding!You have entered the Eternal Icefield, the effect of fire skills - 20%! 】

Lin Jichen received the reminder and knew that this was already the destination.

"We're here, let's go down!" Lin Jichen said.

Gu Zihan nodded first, and flew down quickly with a whoosh, mainly because he didn't want his slug image to be seen by Lin Jichen and Mu Lingbing, that would be too embarrassing!


(End of this chapter)

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