"Hello, I am the head of the chamber of commerce who sent me to pick you up, please get in the car."

At the Kyoto airport, a dashing girl with short hair stood straight in front of Lin Jichen. The girl was naked and had a wheat complexion, but she couldn't hide her pretty face.

Especially the tall and well-proportioned figure, matched with a black camouflage uniform, is particularly eye-catching.

Lin Jichen noticed the two stars on the girl's shoulder, and the girl next to him also noticed it, and secretly whispered in his ear: "This is the Lieutenant's Medal."

Lin Jichen was slightly surprised, he didn't expect Shang Wanhe to send a lieutenant to pick him up.

The lieutenant seems to be able to serve as the chief and deputy company, right?

And this girl is so young, she doesn't seem to be of this level of age.

"Hi, can I see your ID?" Lin Jichen asked politely, it's better to be cautious when you come to Kyoto.

Without delay, the girl took out a small notebook from her breast pocket and opened it.

In fact, Lin Jichen didn't understand at all, he only saw that the other party's name was Shang Lingqing.

Then he turned his gaze to Tang Ning beside him.

When he came to Kyoto this time, he didn't bring anyone with him, but let Tang Ning go with him.

After all, he wasn't going on a trip. He wanted to solve the matter quickly. With Tang Ning around and at the foot of the capital, nothing would happen to him.

No matter how powerful Wang Jinghao was, he would never dare to do it openly in the capital.

Tang Ning glanced at the book, nodded to Lin Jichen, and showed him her ID.

The two looked at each other and shook hands politely.

"No problem, it's true." Tang Ning said to Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen no longer had any worries, and the more he looked at Shang Lingqing, the more familiar he looked, so he asked, "Are you... the number one thief, Ling Qing?"

The girl nodded, and looked him up and down curiously.

After the two sides exchanged a few words politely, Lin Jichen and Tang Ning got into the military off-road vehicle behind the girl.

After getting in the car, Shang Lingqing did not rush to drive, but said to Lin Jichen: "We have rescued the person you are looking for, and he is now being treated in the Military Region General Hospital."

"Is he alright?" Lin Jichen asked.

"It's nothing serious, it's all skin trauma, but the leg is broken and needs crutches for a month to recover."

Lin Jichen breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "How did you find him? Did you catch Wang Jinghao?"

Shang Lingqing replied calmly: "We tracked Wang Jinghao's bodyguards these days, and finally located the victim by satellite positioning. He was hidden in an abandoned factory. We also arrested Wang Jinghao's bodyguards, but they insisted that it was the victim." They can't understand that Xing Sen just wanted to rape him, it has nothing to do with Wang Jinghao, and they also said that Wang Jinghao didn't know anything about it."

Tang Ning couldn't help complaining: "This guy picked himself up completely, obviously those bodyguards dare not tell the truth."

Shang Lingqing couldn't deny it: "We also know this, but there is no way, the other party just refuses to admit it, and the Kyoto police also intervened at that time, so there is nothing we can do."

Lin Jichen nodded, and said, "It's a blessing to be able to save this person. Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce President for me. I will remember this favor."

"He said no thanks, you helped us in the Fengyuan Secret Realm, this time the relationship is settled." Shang Lingqing replied.

"Okay, so can we go see him now?"

"No problem." After finishing speaking, Shang Lingqing started the car and came to the General Hospital of the Military Region.

In an intensive care unit, Lin Jichen finally saw Xing Sen himself.

There is not much difference between Xing Sen and himself in the game. He is big and strong like a bull, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, clear eyes, and a bit of simplicity.

It was also the first time for Xing Sen to see Lin Jichen, and the two looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed by this simple-minded man.

After a long silence, he squeezed out three words like toothpaste: "Thank you."

Lin Jichen smiled and said, "No, I'm the one who harmed you anyway. If I'm not wrong, it should be because you let me go in the Fengyuan Secret Realm, and Wang Jinghao discovered you and made you like this, right?"

Xing Sen nodded, but shook his head quickly: "Although this is the case, I don't blame you. Even if he doesn't attack me now, he will attack me sooner or later."

Lin Jichen found a place to sit down, and jokingly asked, "Have you seen his character clearly now?"

Xing Sen nodded heavily, gritted his teeth and said: "I now understand that he is such a despicable person! He saved me just to use me, just to get close to my sister, he is a beast, I will not let him go!"

Lin Jichen joked: "It's not bad, if you repent in time, your sister is much smarter than you, and she has already seen it. It's good for you, if you don't hit the south wall, you won't look back."

Xing Sen drooped his eyes in shame and said, "Fortunately, my sister found out in time, and it's also fortunate that you helped her. Otherwise, we brothers and sisters might really..."

"There's no need to talk about this anymore. Let me go, and I'll help you once. We'll settle the matter. If you don't mind, let's be friends."

Lin Jichen smiled and stretched out his palm towards him.

Xing Sen looked at it, smiled innocently, and shook hands with Lin Jichen with a hint of honor.

The two have officially established a friendship.

In fact, Xing Sen was the first to admire Lin Jichen, and he recognized and appreciated his game skills and his chivalrous and arrogant temper.

From the beginning when Canglan Medicine Valley helped Yueying deal with the blood demon, and then he single-handedly overthrew the blood demon at the entrance of the secret realm, he liked Lin Jichen very much.

Later, Wanshi dug him. At that time, Wang Jinghao had always wanted to dig Lin Jichen, so he even introduced him to Xing Sen.

Xing Sen was very happy at that time, thinking that his idol would be in the same guild with him in the future.

He also resolutely told Wang Jinghao at that time that as long as Lin Jichen came, he would be given all the guild resources and the position, and he was willing to be the younger brother.

Unfortunately, instead of waiting for Lin Jichen to join Wanshi, he waited until Wang Jinghao broke with Lin Jichen.

Afterwards, under Wang Jinghao's order, he was forced to fight against Lin Jichen every time, and was severely educated every time.

But even though he was killed so many times by Lin Jichen, in fact Xing Sen didn't resent the other party in his heart, but was frightened by Lin Jichen.

Xing Sen had a headache every time he met him.

Now that he has left Wanshi, he no longer needs to listen to Wang Jinghao's orders, and he has become friends with Lin Jichen.

Xing Sen feels that the world has become better.

"What are your plans now?" Lin Jichen asked.

Xing Sen scratched his head and said: "I haven't made up my mind yet. I want to find my sister, find a job, rent a house, stabilize myself, earn some money, and let her go back to the hospital after her illness is completely cured." Go to school and go to university, and then..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Jichen laughed.

"What kind of work are you looking for?"

"Um... I don't know. I used to be a delivery man, a long-term worker on a construction site, a street stall, and a moving company. I don't read much, so I can only do these hard work."

Lin Jichen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly threw the olive branch: "Are you interested in working with me?"

This is also the first time Lin Jichen has shown his charisma since his rebirth.

Shang Lingqing and Tang Ning on the side cast surprised glances at him, they felt that Lin Jichen seemed to have changed suddenly.


Two more~

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