Full-time sword repair

Chapter 753 Unreceived Telegram

"Xiaoyu, I'm so sorry. My brother insisted on following me. I never thought he would follow me. I really can't get rid of him..."

"It's okay, Miss Zhou Zhou, we haven't seen each other for a long time, don't let this affect your mood, just order, what do you want to eat?"

"This, this, and this... This is your restaurant, I won't be polite."

"Haha, eat whatever you want, sister Zhou Zhou can eat as much as she wants."

"That's good! Today I'm going to let go of my stomach and eat a big meal. It's rare to kill you, a rich woman, hehe."


In a top restaurant in Shanghai.

Three women and one man sit together.

Jiang Luoyu and Su Wanling sat together, opposite to Zhou Ketong and Zhou Quanyu.

It's just that the three girls didn't pay any attention to Zhou Quanyu, completely treating him as air.

Even so, Zhou Quanyu didn't care. He was looking obsessively at Jiang Luoyu who was sitting opposite him, his eyes were full of admiration.

After not seeing each other for so many years, Zhou Quanyu found that Jiang Luoyu was more beautiful than when she was a student, as if a fairy descended from heaven.

Sometimes he couldn't help thinking, who else in the world could be worthy of such a beauty in the world?

Since he is not good enough, Zhou Quanyu doesn't mind being this toad!

"Sister Xiaoyu, I haven't seen you for many years, you are still so beautiful, hehe." Zhou Quanyu took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Jiang Luoyu turned a deaf ear to it, and talked and laughed happily with Zhou Ketong on her own.

Zhou Quanyu was not annoyed either, he was completely immersed in Jiang Luoyu's stunning beauty and couldn't extricate himself.

Not to mention Jiang Luoyu ignoring him, even if he beat and scolded him, he would never get angry at all, on the contrary, he would be happier!

Dinner begins.

We ate and chatted.

"Xiaoyu, I went to the forum to check, that Lin Jichen is really amazing, there are all his fans and various battle videos on the server."

When Zhou Ketong mentioned Lin Jichen, Jiang Luoyu's smile seemed even brighter.

"Yeah, he is very talented in games. I also checked that he has played many games before, such as League of Legends, Holographic Jedi, csgo, etc., all of which are at the top level, and in order to play Bahuang, he took a break from school to devote himself to studying. The game belongs to the talented and hardworking player.”

Jiang Luoyu did not hesitate to praise her.

Zhou Ketong joked with a smile: "Is this the so-called 'like a treasure'?"

"Fuck you." Jiang Luoyu said angrily.

Zhou Ketong recalled it, and commented: "He seems to be good, he saved me in Fengyuan Secret Realm before, and he left before I had time to thank him."

"It's okay, he doesn't care about these things, the big deal is that I will thank him for you."

"Hey, are you so afraid that I will add him as a friend? Are you afraid that I will pry him away? Hee hee."

"That's not it~"


The two laughed and laughed, and their words were full of teasing and ridicule, but the protagonists around them were all Lin Jichen.

Zhou Quanyu on the side had a subtle expression, feeling aggrieved.

He sat next to them and was treated as air.

On the contrary, Lin Jichen, who had left long ago, became the center of their discussion.

Zhou Quanyu felt as uncomfortable as if he had overturned the vinegar jar.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been the focus of attention everywhere, the object of all the stars, which man's halo can be as dazzling as his?

The situation seems to be different now, he is like a concubine in the cold palace who was abandoned by everyone, only hears newcomers laughing but not old ones crying.

The depressed Zhou Quanyu had no choice but to find a topic desperately, but his sister He and Jiang Luoyu completely ignored him.

Even Su Wanling just dealt with business on her phone while eating.

He sat at the table like a completely transparent person.

Halfway through the meal, Zhou Quanyu couldn't get in a word, completely discouraged, and buried himself in his meal with a depressed face.

At this time, Zhou Ketong, who had eaten too much, suddenly clutched his stomach.

"What's the matter, Miss Zhou Zhou?"

"I don't know, it seems that I ate too much. I usually have a bad stomach. I may be too happy to eat a little too much today..."

Zhou Ketong said in embarrassment, but the discomfort on his face was still obvious.

Jiang Luoyu didn't dare to be careless, she hurriedly got up and walked to Zhou Ketong with concern, supported her and said, "Sister Zhou Zhou, I'll help you go to the bathroom, Wanling, come and help."

"Oh." Su Wanling also got up in a hurry.

"Do you want me to help? Let me do it." Zhou Quanyu quickly stood up to show.

"No, it's inconvenient for us to go to the women's bathroom, so wait here."

Jiang Luoyu put those words aside, and she and Su Wanling helped Zhou Ketong to the bathroom.

Zhou Quanyu sat back in his seat bored and sighed.

At this moment, Jiang Luoyu's cell phone, which was left on the table, rang.

Zhou Quanyu quickly picked it up and wanted to report to Jiang Luoyu, but he was stunned when he saw the caller ID on the phone.

【Caller ID · Lin Jichen】

Seeing this name, Zhou Quanyu seemed to have fallen into a sea of ​​jealousy, an inexplicable anger welled up in his heart, and the fire of jealousy burned blazingly in his body.

He didn't expect that Jiang Luoyu and Lin Jichen could not help being game friends, and they even had phone calls in real life?

This is just what he saw. Apart from the phone call, the two of them might have met each other, or even... had dinner together?slept together...

The more he thought about it, the more outrageous Zhou Quanyu felt the aura of extreme danger. He couldn't accept that the goddess he had a crush on since childhood was snatched away by a brat.

What's more, that kid is just an otaku who only knows how to play games!Even if he is worth tens of billions now, he doesn't think the other party is better than him.

In Zhou Quanyu's eyes, such a person has no right to be with Sister Xiaoyu at all!

Seeing that the phone was still ringing, the restaurant waiters in the distance seemed puzzled and were ready to come.

Zhou Quanyu knew that this restaurant was run by Jiang Luoyu, and if the waiter knew that Jiang Luoyu's cell phone was ringing, he would definitely notify her as soon as possible.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he hung up directly, then picked up his mobile phone and pretended to be on the phone, and said a few words casually in his seat.

The waiter didn't come over.

But after a while, the phone rang again.

Zhou Quanyu quickly hung up again!

After he finished hanging up, he started to get scared. What if Jiang Luoyu came back and found the call records in his phone?

Fortunately, Jiang Luoyu didn't check her phone after she came back, she kept chatting with Zhou Ketong, and didn't notice until they left the restaurant together after dinner.

"Sister Zhou Zhou, go to my house to play. You have been sleeping at my house for the past few days. Xiangxiang misses you." Jiang Luoyu invited.

Zhou Ketong readily agreed.

Zhou Quanyu was very moved, and quickly proposed that he wanted to go too.

But she was ruthlessly rejected by Jiang Luoyu.

"Sister Xiaoyu, let me go. I want to see Xiangxiang too. I saw it when I was a child. It must miss me too."

Zhou Quanyu thought about being close to the water. If he could live at Jiang Luoyu's house, he would definitely have many opportunities to get close to her.

"I'm sorry, my dad said that I can't take any men home without his permission. You can play elsewhere in Shanghai. I will arrange a driver and a tour guide to take you there. Also, Xiangxiang probably won't I will miss you, because it made you pee your pants when you were a kid."

After Jiang Luoyu finished speaking, Zhou Ketong and Su Wanling couldn't help laughing, and Zhou Quanyu was extremely embarrassed.

After the three daughters returned home, Jiang Luoyu didn't have time to look at her phone, and stayed with Zhou Ketong all the time.

The three women in the back also entered the game cabin and played together in the game for several days.

Jiang Luoyu wondered why Lin Jichen hadn't been online for several days.

She had no idea that Lin Jichen had already appeared in the capital...


One more~

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