Full-time sword repair

Chapter 735 Dual Personality Xiao Wan

Facing Lin Jichen's question, Ji Tongyin began to explain.

"My father said that the last person in power of the ghost clan was Emperor Huangquan. Unfortunately, after his death, there has been no successor for thousands of years. Emperor Huangquan originally had three generals, generals, Yinggou, and Houqing. For hundreds of years, everyone has different ideas, and it seems that they all have the intention to usurp the throne."

"More than 100 years ago, the daughter of Emperor Huangquan and the most hopeful female demon to inherit the throne encountered an ambush in the Chidi Mountains. After that, the female demon disappeared and has not been seen for more than 100 years."

Speaking of this, Ji Tongyin looked at Xiaowan and said in disbelief, "If that ghost cultivator didn't talk nonsense, is she a nun? The daughter of Emperor Huangquan?"

The two looked at each other, and they both read shock from their eyes.

Ji Tongyin said seriously: "Mr. Lin, whether it is true or not, I suggest that you should carefully hide the identity of this ghost servant in the future. Unless there are special circumstances, don't let it out easily, especially in front of ghost cultivators."

Lin Jichen nodded sympathetically, and he also felt that he should have accidentally touched the big secret of the ghost clan.

What the girl Hanba who was very similar to Xiaowan said in Fengdu before undoubtedly confirmed this point.

It seems that I can't just call Xiaowan out in the future, otherwise I'm afraid I will get angry.

"Master~ you want to keep Xiao Wan locked up~"

Xiaowan walked over pitifully, with a sad face.

Lin Jichen smiled helplessly, and was about to reach out to touch her head to comfort her, when the red flower on Xiao Wan's forehead lit up again.

Xiaowan's expression suddenly became painful, and she clutched her forehead: "Master, Xiaowan's head... hurts..."

Lin Jichen hurried over to check the situation, but unexpectedly, Xiaowan's eyes suddenly became sharp and unfamiliar, and he was swept away with a whip, knocking him away.

"Insidious human race, dare to approach my lord, court death!"

Xiaowan's voice also changed from sweet and soft, to cold and domineering, like an invincible queen descending.

Seeing that Lin Jichen was injured, Ji Tongyin immediately stood in front of him, looking at Xiaowan warily: "Who are you?"

Xiao Wan sneered, and said, "Is my lord's name worthy of being known to you human race ants? Die to me!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Wan shot at Ji Tongyin.

However, although Xiaowan has changed, her strength...doesn't seem to have changed.

Ji Tongyin dodged easily and knocked him back.

"Damn! Why did my lord become so weak? Who stole my power!"

Xiao Wan looked at her own hands in disbelief, as if shocked by her own weakness.

Lin Jichen turned back at this time, stood in front of Xiaowan, and said, "Xiaowan, don't you know me?"

"Ant! Do I need to know you?" Xiaowan mocked.

But when she looked at Lin Jichen, she was taken aback, and then the headache broke out again.

After a while, the previous Xiaowan seemed to come back.

"Master...Master? What happened just now? Master, why do you have whips on your body? Who did it, I will definitely kill him!"

Xiaowan's words silenced both those who knew and those who didn't.

Hey guys, memory loss?Dual personality?

Lin Jichen asked, "Xiao Wan, do you really not know who hit me?"

Xiaowan replied seriously: "Xiaowan really doesn't know, just now Xiaowan remembered that her head hurt, and then she didn't know anything."

Lin Jichen didn't believe it, and stretched out his hand to tentatively touch Xiaowan's forehead, but this time Xiaowan didn't resist as before, but her pretty face flushed and she looked shy.

"Master...it's not allowed...someone else is watching...don't...uh..."

Ji Tongyin immediately cast a shocked look at Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen blushed, stopped his hand in mid-air and retracted it, explaining embarrassingly: "She... was joking..."

Ji Tongyin didn't believe it, and said with a bit of taste and grievance: "Mr. Lin doesn't accept me, so he likes ghost girls?"

"Hey, stop, stop, absolutely not, I'm a decent person, really, I just wanted to touch the flower on her forehead just now."

Lin Jichen hurriedly explained, good guy, if you don't explain, you will be misunderstood as Ning Caichen.

Ji Tongyin had a weird expression on her face, and said, "Don't you know that the flower on the forehead is the last thing the Hanba clan should touch?"

"I don't know, why? What's wrong with a flower?" Lin Jichen looked strange.

Ji Tongyin smiled bitterly and said: "It's a shame that you still accept ghost servants. I don't even know that. The most obvious feature of the Hanba clan is the Tianlinghua. Their flower is also called the Bianhua. It is the totem and symbol of the ghost clan's holy land. Feel free to touch."

"That's it... Then I understand, I just don't touch it in the future." Lin Jichen laughed.

Unexpectedly, Xiaowan was dissatisfied, and walked over to hold Lin Jichen's arm, glaring at Ji Tongyin fiercely: "Xiaowan just likes where the master touches me, don't meddle in my own business~"

Ji Tongyin rolled her eyes, too lazy to argue with a ghost.

Lin Jichen felt that the atmosphere was not good, so he quickly comforted Xiao Wan and put her away temporarily.

He made up his mind that when he encountered a ghost cultivator in the future, he would never let Xiaowan come out unless necessary.

"But why did Xiao Wan suddenly change herself just now?" Lin Jichen was still a little puzzled.

The one just now was obviously not Xiao Wan, but she claimed to be my lord, and she seemed to have a lot of background, could it be that she was really possessed by a demon?

Thinking about it, Lin Jichen was a little scared.

It's okay to say that Xiaowan's strength is not high now, if she surpasses herself in the future, wouldn't she have to worry about being stabbed in the back every day...

Regarding this question, Ji Tongyin also shook his head and said: "I don't know either. I don't know much about the ghost clan, but I know there is a place where I can find out a lot of ghost clan secrets, which may help you ghost servant."

"Oh? Where?" Lin Jichen asked hurriedly.

Ji Tongyin replied with a smile: "Qianlong Palace, Sutra Pavilion."

Lin Jichen was speechless. Didn't he send himself to die?

"Come on, my lord princess, I want to live a few more years, and I don't want to commit suicide."

Ji Tongyin chuckled and said, "I'm not talking nonsense. Although our Qianlong Royal Family is not as powerful as your Tianyan Sword Sect, in terms of intelligence, I'm afraid you are by no means an opponent. The intelligence organization established by my father can obtain Information about all the sects and powerhouses in the Eight Wilderness Continent, and even the other three clans are included."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly: "I believe it, but the problem is that I can't go, why don't you check it for me?"

"I can't get in. There has been an order from the Qianlong royal family in the past. Only princes can enter and leave the Sutra Pavilion. I am a daughter, so I have no qualifications." Ji Tongyin regretted.

"Why is the royal family patriarchal over girls?" Lin Jichen complained.

But he suddenly had an idea, maybe he could try it with the help of a disguise mask!


Two more~

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