Lin Jichen fought with that ghost Xiu.

There is a game between the two sides.

Lin Jichen held the three-foot Yushuang sword in his hand, the sword was like a white snake spitting out letters, hissing and piercing the wind.It is also like a swimming dragon shuttle, walking around, light as a swallow.

"Ghost Slash!"

Suddenly, he pointed his sword and stood up like lightning, crying ghosts and wolves howling.

Ghost Xiu chuckled, and said, "You dare to play with an axe even if you don't know how to do it, how can this be worthy of the word 'ghost'?"

While speaking, a ghostly aura roared towards him like a torrent!


The two sides collided, and the overflowing terrifying energy made the surrounding clouds turbulent.

The two took a step back, Lin Jichen frowned slightly, although this person's strength was not as good as Wen Renxun's.

But it's not much better than the Yuanying old ghost I met in Fengdu Ghost City back then.

【Ghost repair: Zhao official】

[Level: boss level]

[Cultivation: Nascent Soul Middle Stage]

[Vigor and blood: 205000/250000]

[Mana: 112000/150000]

【Strength: 3500】

【Defense: 2700】

【Speed: 3100】

【Knowledge: 1500】

【Heart protection: 1000】

【Toughness: 20%】

[Resistance: 25%]

[Supernatural powers: Hundred ghosts travel at night, ghosts and gods psychic]

[Skill: ~~]

After reading the attributes of this ghost cultivator, Lin Jichen realized that this guy was a bit tricky.

"Stealing Wind Walk!"

With one step of Lin Jichen's footsteps, all the surrounding wind and aura were absorbed.

Zhao Li didn't sit still, he flipped his palm, and a dark green flame rose up, turning into countless small flames, like a burning meteor.

Lin Jichen pulled up his speed to avoid a lot of flames, but still couldn't avoid being entangled by a few flames.


As soon as these seemingly harmless sparks landed on Lin Jichen, he felt a burning pain immediately.

"-15000! Trigger burn!"

"Scorching: 1500 blood loss per second for 10 seconds."

Lin Jichen frowned, turned around, and the sword in his wrist flickered like a thunderbolt, shattering the cold light, cutting fiercely!

"Sky Light Slash!"

Zhao Li tried to dodge, but he didn't expect that the wind energy around him had already been absorbed, and his speed was much slower. If he didn't pay attention, he was injured by the sword energy.

"-11000! Trigger bleeding, silence!"

"Bleeding: Lose 30% of current blood volume within 5 seconds."

"Silence: Skills cannot be used for 10 seconds."

Zhao Li didn't expect that a junior with a spirit could hurt him, so instead of being angry, he laughed, but the attack was more ferocious, and the move was fatal.

The two fought fiercely, the silver sword danced wildly, Hong Ying and Mo Ying mixed together, the speed was extremely fast!Amazing!

However, Lin Jichen suffered frequently.

The serious official Zhao is much stronger than Lin Jichen, after all, a mid-stage Nascent Soul and a mid-stage Spirit.

There was a big difference between the two sides, and Zhao Li was not comparable to a casual cultivator like You Chaoxing, and he was full of ghost energy.

Because ghost cultivators have learned different levels of ghost cultivation skills or mental methods, their mana powers are also different, some are ordinary, and some are extremely superb.

Just like the monks, monks who have only learned ordinary skills, even if they have a relatively high level, the skills they display are mediocre.

And this Zhao official in front of him had a more pure ghost aura than the middle-aged ghost king Feng Du had met before.

It seems to be somewhat similar to the ghost cultivator of the Hanba clan, even the temperament is somewhat similar.

For example, different people have different temperaments. The policeman is righteous, the soldier is fierce and murderous, and the bad guys are sinister and ruthless.

This ghost cultivator gave Lin Jichen the illusion that he came from a 'famous family', as if he came from a great sect in the ghost clan.

Fortunately, with Ji Tongyin at the side to help, Lin Jichen didn't play too passively.

But the two joined forces, and it was not very comfortable, and they retreated steadily.

Seeing this, Ji Tongyin summoned his pet, a Thunder Lion with a spirit horn in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Lin Jichen breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that Ji Tongyin dared to venture into the Fengyuan secret realm, and that old man Ji Huang must not have given his daughter a treasure to defend herself.

It's not as poor as the players like them, just like him, he has to work hard for everything, and there is nothing in him that he can get for nothing (proud face).

Lin Jichen also released his two pets and summoned Xiaowan.

Unexpectedly, when he saw Xiaowan, the ghost Xiu had a frightened face, and his spirit was taken aback, as if a coolness rushed from the soles of his feet to the sky.

He was so frightened that he screamed: "Master Nuba?"

Ji Tongyin and Lin Jichen were startled at the same time, looking at each other inexplicably.

Xiaowan didn't care at all, she took out her soul whip and swung it at Guixiu!


When the soul whip fell, the ghost cultivator didn't even dare to dodge, and he took the whip firmly.

But after this blow, Guixiu's expression changed from panic to surprise, and after he took a closer look at Xiao Wan, his face seemed to be filled with the joy and pride of escaping death.

Xiaowan frowned slightly, and the soul whip struck again!

This time, Ghost Xiu escaped easily.

"Haha... Sure enough, sure enough! The rumors are true... Master Yinggou is about to succeed, the ghost clan will be the world of my Yinggou clan! Hahaha!"

The ghost cultivator danced and talked to himself there, as if he had discovered some shocking treasure.

Lin Jichen stared at him coldly, always feeling something bad in his heart.

"Tong Yin, join forces with me and kill him!"

Lin Jichen felt that this ghost cultivator seemed to know a very important secret, which must be silenced!

Although Ji Tongyin was also in doubt, she didn't hesitate at all.

The two teamed up and started a fierce offensive against it.

And this ghost cultivator seems to have no intention of fighting, and blindly dodges and evades.

He saw the right moment, and temporarily shocked the two of them back with one palm, then looked at Lin Jichen with a sneer, and said, "Boy, I remember you, Master Yinggou will come to collect your life!"

After finishing speaking, Guixiu suddenly took out a stylus to stimulate the vast energy in his body, and the stylus lit up with a dark green light beam.

call out!

A green light shot out from the tip of the pen, heading towards Xiaowan.

Lin Jichen felt bad, so he flew over to intercept it.

But still a step too late.

The green light shone on Xiao Wan and disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared before.

"Are you okay?" Lin Jichen asked anxiously.

Xiaowan looked confused, shook her head and said, "I'm fine, Master."

Lin Jichen was taken aback for a moment, carefully checked Xiaowan's situation, and it seemed that nothing was wrong.

He wanted to turn around and ask the ghost cultivator, but he didn't expect this guy to take the opportunity to slip away.

"Mr. Lin, I feel a little abnormal." Ji Tongyin rushed over and said worriedly.

Lin Jichen nodded: "He seems to know some secret."

Ji Tongyin said: "The rumor he said should be the secret of the ghost clan. I heard my father mention it."

"What secret?" Lin Jichen asked immediately.

He also wanted to know what happened to the ghost clan. Before his rebirth, he never paid attention to the ghost clan.

Not only that, Lin Jichen doesn't understand any of them except human race, beast race, and monster race.

It's not his fault, the four clans don't interfere with each other, Lin Jichen only knows how to concentrate on training and improving his strength, so he doesn't think so much.

It's just that I didn't expect to be involved with the ghost clan in this life, so I don't understand anything now.

If he had known that he would have an intersection with the ghost clan, how could Lin Jichen know the situation of the ghost clan first before being reborn.

Hey, what about rebirth?I want to re-introduce another child, okay?Poorly prepared...


One more~

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