Full-time sword repair

Chapter 590 The housewife is cold and non-smoking!

[Earth Grade Magic Treasure·Wanliu Guardian Ring]: Consumable magic weapon, which can resist 3 times of damage skills that do not exceed 30000 points, use times: 1/3.

The ring glowed with golden light, and a shield blocked the stick!

And Lin Jichen's ring also disappeared immediately.

Although it is a pity, consumable magic weapons are originally used to defend against the enemy, not to be used as antique offerings.

Besides, it was picked up from Qin Zong's Soul Tomb, Lin Jichen didn't feel bad either.

Shengyuan didn't expect Lin Jichen to block his stick. He sneered, "Stop me with magic weapons? Let's see how many magic weapons you have enough to block!"

After all, Shengyuan raised the golden stick again and lowered it again!

At this time, Lin Jichen rushed towards him with a monstrous force!

"Samsara Desperate Kill!"

This move was a unique skill that Lin Jichen got by chance in Fengxue Prison.

[Earth Grade Special Skill·Samsara Desperate Kill]: After chanting the spell for 3 seconds, designate a target and forcibly drag them into the desperation of reincarnation for 5 minutes. In the desperation, the opponent's all attributes -30%, yours all attributes +15 %.

Cooldown: 5 days, Mana Cost: 25000 points.


Lin Jichen has never used this skill because it requires a spiritual state to use it.

Now is the time to try it out!This is the only stunt he can use now.

It is still a stunt without any damage, but its effect is no worse than that of a damage-type stunt.

The stunt was successfully performed!

Lin Jichen suddenly raised his hand towards Shengyuan, and a beam of light shot at him instantly.

Shengyuan's face changed, and suddenly his eyes went dark, and his whole body seemed to have entered an abyss, endless darkness, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Sand and rocks were flying around, and the wind was blowing.

The Buddha's light on Shengyuan's Bodhidharma has also dimmed a lot because of this.

Attributes are reduced by 30%.

And Lin Jichen stood opposite him, staring at him coldly.

"Didn't you play well just now? Now it's my turn!"

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, his aura changed suddenly the next moment.

Crazy as a celestial being, unparalleled in the world!

Six flaws suddenly appeared on Shengyuan's body!

Lin Jichen stood in front of him, his sword shadow was like the wind, and his body was like a swimming dragon.

Lin Jichen, whose attributes had returned to normal, faced Shengyuan, whose attributes had been cut by [-]%, and it was simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Although Shengyuan tried his best to fight back, Lin Jichen dodged all the attacks just by moving his position.

At the same time, in less than a second, all six flaws on Bodhidharma were destroyed!

The main reason is that Bodhidharma is huge, and he can't avoid his tricky sword at all.


The horrible injury made Shengyuan's eyes horrified.

This guy's spiritual skills are more terrifying than his stunt power?fucking outrageous!

And at this moment, what made Shengyuan even more desperate was that the time for Bodhidharma's appearance had arrived!

The dharma form gradually disappeared, revealing Shengyuan's real body.

At this moment, he has been extremely depressed, but he is still trapped in this world, and he is so ineffective every day.

Lin Jichen stared at him with murderous intent, apparently he had no intention of letting him go.

Shengyuan fell into an ice cave, and a breath of death enveloped his whole body.

Lin Jichen walked towards him step by step, twisting the Qingming sword in his hand, the blood that flowed on Shengyuan's body was still dripping on the blade.

Shengyuan's eyes were terrified, and he hurriedly shouted: "I admit defeat!"

However, in this world, the sound is completely blocked and cannot be transmitted at all.

Sheng Yuan said sternly, "Lin Jichen, I've surrendered!"

Lin Jichen smiled charmingly, and asked sarcastically, "Oh? Really? I didn't hear."

"I give up! Are you deaf?" Shengyuan shouted again.

Lin Jichen shrugged and said, "Then you tell the referee, what's the use of telling me, anyway, I...can't hear you!"

Lin Jichen never stopped walking, Shengyuan could only keep backing away.

"Lin Jichen, you... you can't kill me. I'm not a demon cultivator. I'm a Buddhist sect disciple, a monk of the righteous way. If you kill me, all the monks of the righteous way in the world will be against you, and you will escape into the way of the devil!"

"Don't make yourself so important. When you hit me on the head just now, did you think about killing me? Anyway, no one here saw it. The big deal is that the sword has no eyes, you are too weak I didn't resist, and I was killed."

After Lin Jichen finished speaking, he didn't hesitate anymore, and the murderous intent appeared suddenly!

Shengyuan's back felt cold, and in a hurry, he took out a talisman and tore it up!

Lin Jichen stared blankly when he saw this, and then yelled: "Fuck you, you don't talk about martial arts!"

What Shengyuan tore into pieces was the Primordial Spirit Talisman!

The rule of the Immortal Ascension Conference is that you can't use Yuanshen Talismans, Enchanting Items, and Soul Sealing Jade.

Shengyuan directly violated it.

It seems that he is completely discouraged, even if he breaks the rules, he must save his life.

As soon as the Primordial Spirit Talisman was torn off, the phantom of a bald old monk appeared.

"Who dares to hurt my apprentice!"

It was just a sound wave, and Lin Jichen felt the breath of death, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person seemed to have reached the gate of hell in an instant.

This phantom is the abbot of Tianyin Temple, Zhiyuan!

He is also Shengyuan's master.

Shengyuan was overjoyed, pointed at Lin Jichen, and said with hatred: "Master, this person is Leng Feiyan's disciple, you should kill him quickly!"

When Zhiyuan heard the words, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

For Lin Jichen, Leng Feiyan went to his Tianyin Temple to make a big fuss, destroying dozens of temples and even wounding him, making the Buddhist sect lose face.

He, the abbot, was ridiculed by the monks all over the world.

He has always kept this hatred in his heart.

Now Lin Jichen's disciple still wants to kill his beloved disciple, Zhiyuan's heart is filled with killing intent.

Lin Jichen fell into a pool of blood, and suddenly burst out laughing, as if he wasn't afraid at all.

"What are you laughing at! You still have to be brave when you are about to die!" Sheng Yuan shouted angrily.

Lin Jichen's smile didn't change, he pouted at them and said, "Look around and talk about it."

Shengyuan was taken aback, and turned his head to look, only to see that the space just now had disappeared, and they reappeared on the ring.

The phantom of his master just appeared in the arena without any hesitation, preparing to kill Lin Jichen.

All eyes were on them, even Zhuge Zheng couldn't believe it.

The first one to move out was Nangong Wu. Nangong Wu flew up quickly, blocked Lin Jichen, and pointed at Zhiyuan Xuying angrily.

"Abbot Zhiyuan, what do you mean! The majestic head of Tianyin Temple, if you want to bully the weak, you will fail! My Jianzong is afraid that you will fail, so if you have the guts, kill me first! Come on!"

Zhiyuan didn't expect such a situation, he originally wanted to kill Lin Jichen silently.

Who knew this was the scene of the Immortal Ascension Conference!

This disciple of mine really caused him a lot of trouble!

But at this moment, he was not in the mood to settle accounts with his apprentice, so he quickly put on a standard kind face, folded his hands together, and said repeatedly.

"Amitabha, Fellow Daoist Nangong misunderstood."

Lin Jichen got up from the ground at this time, and cursed: "Misunderstand ass! You stupid donkey! If you want to kill me and don't admit it, do it if you have the guts!"

Damn, no one has a backer!

The teacher is cold and non-smoking!

No, it's my wife Leng Feiyan now!


Two more~

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