Full-time sword repair

Chapter 589 Bodhidharma!

Shengyuan was still floating in the air, staring at the audience with piercing eyes.

He was sure that Lin Jichen would not feel comfortable with his unique skill.

However, when the dust cleared away, Lin Jichen's clothes were just a little messed up, and there was nothing serious about him.

Before he recovered from his astonishment, there seemed to be a change in the sky above his head.

Shengyuan looked up, only to see a familiar Buddhist 'swastika' seal appearing on his head.

He recognized at a glance that this was the secret method of their Buddhism, the seal of rebirth.

You don't even need to think about who cast it.

Everyone in Tianyin Temple already knew that Lin Jichen would be reborn in the seal of Buddha.

Unexpectedly, this guy would use it against himself.

This is blatant humiliation!

On the site of Tianyin Temple, an old monk turned blue with anger.

"This Jianzong kid is too much!"

At the site of Cihang Jingzhai next to him, Master Jinghui agreed very much, gritted his teeth and said: "This kid is relying on his master to do something wrong, and he despises my Buddhist sect so much. He once came to my Cihang Jingzhai to make trouble, it is simply hateful!"

Chu Hongling on the side shrank her neck, not daring to speak out, for fear of being angered.

But she was enjoying herself.

"Rogue Lin is quite loyal, let him abuse Shengyuan, he really dares to do this, it's really interesting!"


The swastika Buddha seal falls!

Shengyuan was forced to fall from the sky, Lin Jichen didn't get carried away seeing him weak, and still went all out to pursue the victory!

The two fought again for several rounds.

Shengyuan's clothes were torn, and his cassock was stained scarlet with blood, and he was in such a state of embarrassment that he had only one-third of his blood left.

He hastily stuffed a few Dipin pills into his mouth.

"I won't lose to you!"

Shengyuan roared angrily, feeling extremely unwilling in his heart.

In his eyes, Lin Jichen was just a small character at Ji Hongyue's birthday banquet that day, an ant-like existence.

Now this guy can beat him so badly.

This made him, who has always been proud, unable to accept this fact.

What's more, he doesn't want to lose, how can he give up so easily with the gift of a fairy!

Shengyuan is the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to achieve as long as there is an opportunity that is beneficial to him.

Otherwise, he would not have sold Chu Hongling in exchange for treasures in his previous life.

Lin Jichen chuckled, and teased, "Shengyuan, you've violated the precept of anger."

Shengyuan ignored it, clasped his hands together, and chanted with his eyes closed.


Shengyuan's whole body was full of aura, and he simply slapped a palm!

"Flower Boundless Palm!"

This palm print exploded in the void like overlapping petals!

Lin Jichen didn't relax his vigilance, and his figure split into five in an instant!

"Shadow raid!"

However, this palm seems to be able to lock the target, Lin Jichen's five avatars were injured at the same time.

The four ways disappeared, and Lin Jichen himself appeared, with a clear palm mark on his chest.

Shengyuan seemed to have awakened at this time, and suddenly there was a golden brow-level stick in his hand.

Buddhist cultivation is the cultivation of body and body.

The weapon is the eyebrow stick.

It's just that under normal circumstances, Buddhist practitioners don't use the stick method lightly.

Apparently this battle made Shengyuan feel tremendous pressure, forcing him to use his ability to press the bottom of the box.

At the same time, Shengyuan suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood. His whole body seemed to have lost his soul, and he suddenly sank down.

But at the next moment, his body suddenly swelled, reflecting the Buddha's light all over his body, and the extraordinary Buddha's light almost dyed the sky in the same color.

"Dharma Dharma image!"

A giant Buddha appeared in the ring.

Chu Hongling had used similar skills before.

But hers seems to be called "Dust Cloud Buddha Fa", which is completely incomparable with Shengyuan's.

What appeared in front of Lin Jichen was not Chenyun, but a Bodhidharma!

Bodhidharma is also Shengyuan at this time, and Shengyuan urges this secret method with blood essence.

Obviously unusual.

Lin Jichen could vaguely guess that this was definitely a heavenly skill.

Still can't underestimate these sect heroes.

Even if his attributes have crushed the opponent, he still has ways and means to turn defeat into victory.

For example, in his duel with Situ Zhao, although the other party's attributes were higher than his, he could also kill Situ Zhao.

Therefore, for such an enemy, one should not only look at attributes.

Attributes are only part of monks, not all of them. Many strong people have low attributes, but their means are superb.

And yesterday's battle with Situ Zhao left Lin Jichen's previous stunts still cooling down.

Without the power of stunts, it would be equivalent to losing tons of output in a fight.

On the other hand, Shengyuan used his stunts without money, and now he even used his Tianpin stunts.

When Bodhidharma appeared, the sky and the earth changed color.

This statue of Bodhidharma has only one arm, which is completely in line with the image of Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma has a broken arm.

The allusion of "Broken Arm Lixue" is well known in the world.

But even with only one arm, it still brought tremendous pressure to Lin Jichen.

The old monk leading the team at the Tianyin Temple site showed a gratified smile, and exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, Shengyuan has already cultivated the Dharma Dharma.

Jing Hui also nodded with a smile: "Yes, it is said that Dharma Dharma is an extremely superior exercise of the Buddhist sect. Those who can practice this method have all been enlightened by the Buddha. They have the fate of the Great Buddha and the roots of great wisdom , this child Shengyuan has a bright future!"

"Haha, what the teacher said is true. Just ask the Buddhist disciples in the world, who else can cultivate this Bodhidharma Buddha?" The old monk couldn't help but feel proud.

on the ring.

At this moment, Bodhidharma was holding a stick in one hand, overlooking Lin Jichen at his feet, without any hesitation, he waved his eyebrow-level stick and threw it at Lin Jichen!

Lin Jichen dodged, but Bodhidharma opened his huge mouth directly, and a Sanskrit sound came down.

Lin Jichen's body was instantly sent flying.

Bodhidharma swung his stick again in an instant!

Lin Jichen couldn't avoid it, so he could only bite the bullet and hold his sword to resist.


Lin Jichen felt the Qingming sword utter a painful sword cry, and the blade trembled violently.

"-15000! Trigger internal injury and weak state!"

"Internal injury: Loss of 1% HP per second for 5 seconds."

"Weakness: All attributes -15%, lasts for 10 seconds."


Lin Jichen felt as if he had been hit hard, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew backwards.

Seeing this ecstasy, Shengyuan took the opportunity to chase and kill him, and mercilessly relied on the power of Bodhidharma again to hit him with a stick!

Lin Jichen's attributes were greatly reduced when the weak state was triggered, and he was locked by Bodhidharma, so he couldn't run away at all.

He was constantly being battered, and each blow caused horrific damage.

"Damn it, I really think I'm easy to bully!"

Lin Jichen's eyes flashed with anger, and his pupils were slightly condensed.

He no longer dodged, but stood where he was, staring at Bodhidharma with cold eyes.

An astonishing aura rose from Lin Jichen's body!

Seeing that he still wanted to fight back, Shengyuan sneered, and relying on the power of Dharma again, he swung the golden stick and smashed it hard at Lin Jichen's Tianling Cap!

When Bodhidharma's next stick fell.

The ring on Lin Jichen's hand suddenly lit up with a golden light.


One more~

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