Full-time sword repair

Chapter 492 Player Final

Liu Xiazi originally thought that she would definitely lose the idol's broadcasting rights.

It is very likely that her live broadcasting career will also suffer, and she is ready to switch to other platforms.

But just a few minutes after Mu Xinxin left, the president of the platform called her, saying that Lin Jichen's broadcast rights would continue to be handed over to her.

Moreover, Mu Xinxin and the department manager were blocked and fired.

After hearing the news, Liu Xiazi's jaw dropped in shock, and he even thought he was dreaming.

"Idol! Our platform boss said, you don't have to break the contract, and the broadcast rights are still handed over to me. That Mu Xinxin was blocked, my God!"

Liu Xiazi couldn't help sharing the great news with Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen already knew the result, and said with a light smile, "That's good, it saved me a lot of breach of contract fees."

"Yeah! It must be that Mu Xinxin's live broadcast was seen by the platform boss, which caused public outrage. The platform boss has a vicious vision, so he won't be willing to part with you, a big celebrity."

"Haha, I don't have to lose my job, and I can continue to broadcast your idol games. I'm so happy!"

Liu Xiazi chattered excitedly incoherently.

Seeing that the time was approaching, Lin Jichen had no choice but to remind her: "The competition is about to start, are you sure you don't want to start the live broadcast yet?"

"Oh, yes, yes, then I will start the live broadcast first, idol, come on! I will wave the flag for you in the live broadcast room!"


nine o'clock.

"Eight Wilds" Immortal Ascension Conference, the player finals, is officially open!

The top [-] players of all professions were teleported to the secret arena at this moment.

[The random match is successful, and after 1 minute, the game will start! 】

Lin Jichen also quickly matched his opponent.

[Player: Fang Jiankun]

【Boundary: Late Stage of Gu Ling】

【Occupation: Knife Repair】

【Location: Muxian Prefecture】

[Zongmen: Jixiao Daozong]

【Occupation Rank: 77】

【Win: 0】

[Loss: 0]

A knife repairer in the late stage of Gu Ling.

Lin Jichen didn't take it seriously, but Gu Ling's late stage ranked 77th.

It is conceivable that this person's strength mostly depends on forcibly raising the realm to widen the gap with other players.

In the early stage of the game, there are many such players.

There is no denying that they have some strength in themselves, coupled with the superposition of advantages in equipment and skills, they have rushed to a very high ranking.

Only ranked 77th, which shows that the other party has a lot of shortcomings, and it is very likely that it is a personal operation.

Such a person is destined to be only a flash in the pan, and will soon disappear from the public eye and become one of the mortal beings.

In Liu Xiazi's live broadcast room, the number of online users quickly exceeded the 500 million mark, and it is still rising.

The audience came here admiringly, just to see the strength of Lin Jichen, the number one sword god in the Eight Desolation.

"Welcome everyone to Ben Xiazi's live broadcast room. You can see that Lin Shen's first opponent is a knife repairman who is ranked 77th in his career. To be honest, I have seen the end of this fight. Lin Shen will definitely win! "

As soon as Liu Xiazi opened his mouth, he became a fan of Lao Lin, no matter what, the idol will win anyway!

"Idiot fans are too scary, and Xia Zi is one of them."

"It's not that simple. Didn't you see that Fang Jiankun is a sword repairer in the late stage of Gu Ling."

"That's right, Lin Jichen is only at the late stage of Jindan, and there is a whole realm difference between the two."

"I think Lin Jichen will win, but it's not that simple. It must be a close battle."


1 minute soon.

When the screen changed, Lin Jichen and Fang Jiankun appeared in front of a ring at the same time.

Both of them are instrumentalists, and the environment of the arena has not changed much. In such a huge arena, two people can do whatever they want.

Fang Jiankun looked at Lin Jichen with fighting spirit in his eyes.

"I've always heard that you are the number one expert in the Eight Desolations. Today, Fang Jiankun wants to learn from you."

Standing with a sword in his hand, Lin Jichen said calmly, "Then you can try it."

Fang Jiankun didn't say much, holding a gorgeous ancient bronze knife in his hand, the blade glowed with a faint purple light.

Although I don't know what grade of knife this is, but at least I can be sure that it is of purple quality.


Fang Jiankun took the lead and slashed with a knife!

"Half Moon Cut!"

A beautiful semi-circular saber aura appeared out of thin air, the sound wave buzzed, pierced through the void, and arrived in front of Lin Jichen in the blink of an eye.

Lin Jichen's expression was calm, his footsteps moved lightly, and his figure quickly moved away several feet away.

Arc saber air and Lin Jichen brushed past each other.

Fang Jiankun's eyes froze, his heart trembled, what kind of speed is this shit?

He was sure that Lin Jichen didn't use his body skills, but just calmly moved a few steps to the side.

It was just a few seemingly inconspicuous steps, but he easily dodged his martial arts.

The speed of a Golden Core Realm, he, a player in the late stage of the spirit, can't understand it, can you believe it? ? ?

He doesn't believe it!

Come again!

Fang Jiankun swiped again!


Suddenly, a white light flashed, and another saber energy flew towards Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen moved his footsteps again, and his whole body disappeared into the range of saber energy as if teleporting on the ground.

"What's your speed?" Fang Jiankun couldn't help asking.

Lin Jichen smiled lightly and replied, "Chinese speed."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Jichen also swung a sword!

"Frost Moon Slash!"

Fang Jiankun's expression was solemn, seeing that a frosty white sword energy was about to hit him.

He immediately escaped with the method of origin.

He also wanted to use pure speed to hide skills, but the problem was that it was impossible.

As a sword repairman, he didn't have much speed at all, not to mention that Lin Jichen seemed to know the attack range of his martial arts like the palm of his hand, so he could do it.

He can't do that.

Fang Jiankun successfully avoided the sword energy by relying on his body skills, and was just about to counterattack when a black shadow appeared beside him.


Fang Jiankun was terrified, Lin Jichen seemed to have known where he would appear, and came to the foothold of his movement one step ahead of time.

Lin Jichen didn't give him another chance to dodge, so he slashed away with his sword. Fang Jiankun was in a hurry and mentioned blocking.


Clash of knives and swords.

Fang Jiankun only felt a huge force coming, his arms were numb, and his favorite knife was trembling.

Damn, is this guy using a sword?That's a hammer!

Fang Jiankun also understands that this is the effect that can only be caused by crushing with strength.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to hold on, but at this moment, the sword in Lin Jichen's hand turned around like a butterfly and stabbed back!

Fang Jiankun's heart was pierced immediately.

"Knowing blow! -18500!"

Seeing the injury, Fang Jiankun's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

Ah hello!he!Late stage of the spirit!

Although defense is not a strong point, at least there are more than 800 points.

What the fuck is this shit hurting?

Before he could recover from the shock, Lin Jichen's next sword still landed.

This time, he didn't hit the weak point. Fang Jiankun just breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at the damage again, he was speechless.


Fang Jiankun wanted to vomit blood, this is too unscientific!Can't accept this reality!

His realm is much higher than him, so it should be an advantage in terms of attributes, and this is also his biggest advantage.

Why is it... completely different from what I imagined?


One more~

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