"You are Lin Dashen, you are so handsome~ I have finally met a real person, add a friend, I sent it, please agree."

This female player seemed very familiar at first, chatting with Lin Jichen, and asked Lin Jichen to add her as a friend.

"By the way, I'll start a live broadcast by the way, do you mind?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care whether Lin Jichen agreed or not, and just started the live broadcast.

"Hello, babies, who do you think Xinxin met in the game today? That's right, it is the number one player in the eight wildernesses, Lin Jianshen. Immediately, Lin Jianshen will start the game, and Xinxin will be in charge of broadcasting his games until now. It’s time for the babies to give more gifts~”

Mu Xinxin looked proud.

From the moment she appeared, there was a haughty attitude.

The audience was surprised to see that it was really Lin Jichen, and the number of people in the live broadcast room was also increasing.

"What the hell is Lin Jichen!"

"Xinxin's anchor really got the rights to broadcast Lin Jichen's match?"

"Excellent, my wife!"

"Great God Lin is so handsome, and his game skills are so strong, Xinxin still won't do it? Let's go!"


Mu Xinxin scratched her head and posed, skillfully answered the barrage's questions, and when it came to Paolin Jichen, she smiled ripplingly.

Lin Jichen looked at her like a fool, indifferent.

Mu Xinxin looked at Lin Jichen as if he was looking at prey, his eyes were wide open, not only did not notice Lin Jichen's attitude, but he even introduced himself a little proudly.

"By the way, you must know me. My name is Mu Xinxin, the anchor of Huyu platform. If you usually watch the live broadcast, you must know me."

Lin Jichen ignored her directly, turned to look at Liu Xiazi, and said, "Have you told your platform about when the liquidated damages will be charged? I'll transfer it to them when I tell you."

Just as Liu Xiazi was about to speak, Mu Xinxin smiled coquettishly and said, "Oh God Lin, why are you so serious? I am one of the top anchors on the platform, and I am much more popular than Xia Zike. Broadcasting your game is right for you. It’s more beneficial to me, a win-win situation.”

As she spoke, she moved closer to Lin Jichen, winked and seduced her with a very small voice.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I fell in love with you at first sight. If you agree with me to broadcast it, it will be a big deal after you finish the game...he will fly to you to invite you to dinner, and then...he will be your girlfriend okay~”

Liu Xiazi stared at her angrily, "Damn it, how can there be such a woman!"It was clear that she wanted to tarnish her idol.

Lin Jichen looked at Mu Xinxin, and finally spoke, but Mu Xinxin was stunned as soon as he spoke.

"Your face is reminded with chemical fertilizers? You are so anxious to keep your front and back straight, an old mother toad, thinking about farting?"

Lin Jichen's voice was very loud, not only Mu Xinxin's live broadcast audience heard it clearly, but even the players who came to the drugstore to buy things could hear it.

Ha ha...

The players next to him couldn't help laughing out loud, and Liu Xiazi also had a hard time holding back.

Only Mu Xinxin's face turned ugly in an instant, and she swallowed the vicious words back to her lips.

Because she knows that Lin Jichen's popularity is too high now, as long as he has a good relationship with him, it is like relying on a cash cow.

Although I am still a big anchor, but this period of time is not as good as before, and I urgently need a tool person to hype the enthusiasm and contribute popularity.

Lin Jichen is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate now.

The well-deserved popularity No.1 in the game circle, the game is so strong, and so handsome.

Even just this good looks made Mu Xinxin salivate.

For the sake of money, Mu Xinxin swallowed this breath.

As if she didn't hear Lin Jichen's words just now, she said coquettishly: "God Lin just likes to joke, he is not old, sometimes I can't figure out why there is no match for a high-quality girl like me. "

Lin Jichen sneered and said, "It's simple, if you can't figure it out, just look in the mirror and you'll know."


This time Liu Xiazi couldn't hold back anymore, and burst out laughing.

Unexpectedly, idols really have a way of harming others, and every sentence is heart-breaking.

The corner of Mu Xinxin's mouth twitched, suppressing her emotions, and said sweetly, "Then what kind of girl do you like, Master Lin?"

"I like to ignore mine."

Mu Xinxin stomped her feet and said angrily, "I hate it~ I just love to tease people. In fact, they are also very nice. The weather outside today is only 6 degrees, and it's 37 degrees in your arms. If you add me as a friend, they will... .”

"Farewell, I suggest you sit on the big pendulum, there are 360 ​​degrees." Lin Jichen sneered.

Ha ha ha ha...

The players around burst into laughter, including the audience in Mu Xinxin's live broadcast room.

"2333, I'm dying of laughter."

"This Lin Jichen's mouth is really poisonous, hahaha."

"Lin Jichen has always scolded others cruelly, and his mouth is always poisonous."

"Damn it, who does this pen think he is, the Xinxin baby who dares to bully me!"

"Xinxin wife, don't pay attention to him, my husband is here, next month my salary of 2500 yuan for moving bricks will arrive in the account, I will give you a super rocket!"


"Lin Jichen!"

Mu Xinxin, who couldn't bear it any longer, broke her defenses, she said coldly, "Don't think I have to beg you, what on earth do you mean!"

Lin Jichen shrugged and said, "What can I mean? Someone voluntarily sent me to scold me. Why should I be polite?"

Mu Xinxin said resentfully: "I'll ask you one last time, would you like to give me the broadcasting rights?"

"I won't give it to anyone, okay? Do you understand? If your ears are not working well, do you want me to repeat it?" Lin Jichen chuckled.

"Okay, you're just playing one game better, and you're arrogant and arrogant, I'll make you pay the price!"

Mu Xinxin said harshly: "I can't get the broadcasting rights, and she, Liu Xiazi, don't even want to get it. You want to pay liquidated damages, so pay it, but let me tell you, Liu Xiazi don't want to hang around on this platform, I said of!"

After Mu Xinxin finished speaking, she turned around and left. If she stayed any longer, she would definitely become the laughing stock of all game players.

Lin Jichen watched her leave quietly, and looked at Liu Xiazi embarrassedly: "I'm sorry for letting you lie innocently."

Liu Xiazi shook his head and said, "How can you blame me for this? It's obviously because of me. Idol, don't worry. At worst, I'll just change the platform. I'll cover your liquidated damages as well."

Lin Jichen was about to talk, but someone sent a text message from the friend column, it was from Su Wanling.

"Liu Xiazi is still in charge of your broadcast rights, and Mu Xinxin and the platform manager have both been fired."

Lin Jichen was taken aback, and just about to ask her how she did it, Su Wanling answered first.

"Tiger Fish Platform is a small business owned by a branch of the Jiang Group. Just now, people from our guild said that someone was looking for trouble for you after watching the live broadcast. After the president watched it, let me tell you."

Lin Jichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw this, he co-authored the biggest live broadcast platform, and also belonged to the Jiang family...


Three shifts~

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