Facing the temptation of Gu Qiuxue's parents, Lin Jichen just told them that he opened a company in Jiangling with an annual income of tens of millions.

Now, the more they watched Lin Jichen, the more they liked Lin Jichen, and they even started to take the initiative to match up with Gu Qiuxue. If Gu Qiuxue wasn't prepared, they both wanted to let the two of them get their marriage certificates.

But fortunately, with Lin Jichen's "high-profile show off of wealth", they didn't mention Gu Qiuxue's resignation. Instead, they praised Gu Qiuxue for his good resignation.

Lin Jichen stayed at Gu Qiuxue's house for a day, and enjoyed the treatment of a son-in-law.

Lin Jichen enjoyed it calmly, giving gifts to relatives of Gu Qiuxue's family, and big red envelopes to children.

Soon the news spread in the small town of Gu Qiuxue's family. Everyone knew that the daughter of the Gu family had found a rich and handsome man.

Gu Qiuxue's parents were also full of glory and joy.

At night, Gu's parents and Gu's mother made their own decisions and asked Lin Jichen to sleep in Gu Qiuxue's bedroom.

Gu Qiuxue wanted to shirk at first, but couldn't hold back their toughness. Finally, in desperation, the two had no choice but to enter the room together after washing.

The blushing Gu Qiuxue and Lin Jichen were lying on the same bed, their hearts beating faster inexplicably.

Both of them knew that someone was eavesdropping outside the door, but nothing happened.

"Little Dust..."

Gu Qiuxue couldn't help but speak.

"What's wrong, sister?" Lin Jichen said.

Gu Qiuxue laughed at herself, "You have seen how my parents are, are you disappointed?"

Lin Jichen turned his head, looked at her with a smile, and said, "How could it be? Your parents are just poor and afraid. Besides, they are greedy for money. Whoever is not greedy for money, I am greedy too."

"That's different, you're not greedy, but my parents really only think about themselves and never think about me." Gu Qiuxue said sadly.

Lin Jichen suddenly stretched out his arms and took her into his arms.

Gu Qiuxue exclaimed, her face flushed like blood, and she was about to struggle when she heard Lin Jichen speak seriously.

"Sister, do you know, I once had a nightmare, dreaming that you married someone else, and you were very unhappy, and even committed suicide in the end. At that time, I thought, no matter what, I will not let this nightmare happen. I will protect you and give you happiness, definitely."

Gu Qiuxue froze for a moment, and at that moment, tears glistened in her eyes.

"Thank you, Xiaochen, it's great to have you here."

For the first time, Gu Qiuxue boldly embraced Lin Jichen, buried her head in his chest, listened to the strong heartbeat, and smelled his pleasant smell. For a moment, she felt extremely at ease.

The two embraced each other and fell asleep, and woke up at the same time the next day. Only when they opened their eyes did they realize that their posture was too ambiguous.

Like a frightened deer, Gu Qiuxue quickly got up from the bed, put on her clothes indiscriminately, and rushed out of the room.

Lin Jichen was still feeling the lingering warmth in his hand just now, and secretly cursed himself for being able to sleep better than a pig, why did he sleep so hard all night...

At noon, Lin Jichen and Gu Qiuxue had lunch at home, and returned to Jiangling on the pretext that the company was too busy.

Before leaving, Lin Jichen gave the luxury car to Gu Qiuxue's parents, along with a million bank card.

This made the two of them so happy that Gu Qiuxue almost gave birth to Lin Jichen's child tomorrow.

In any case, I finally settled Gu Qiuxue's parents, so I don't have to worry about them snatching Gu Qiuxue away from me.

Gu Qiuxue is his, no one can take it away!

The two returned to Jiangling, and returned to their cozy nest.

Gu Qiuxue's smile is obviously more than the previous few days. She has been worrying about her parents these days, and she can't even eat well.

Now she can be with her Xiaochen without any scruples. Thinking of this, the smile on her face can't be hidden~

On the other side, Guo Jie hasn't had a good time these two days. She regrets breaking up with Lin Jichen so easily.

She hated it even more, hated Lin Jichen for being so heartless and never giving her a chance.

"Broken game! This is a broken game! I will never play it again!"

Guo Jie didn't want to waste any more time on this game, she couldn't even afford to eat anymore, she played this game just to find Lin Jichen back, and then live the life of Mrs. Fu.

Now that the dream is broken, she even vented her anger on this game.

"Isn't it just a game that made some money? What's so great, just wait, there will be a day when you regret it!"

After Guo Jie finished speaking, she wanted to retire completely and go to other cities to try her luck. I heard that Haiqiong City held another Haitian feast, which could earn a lot of money as a peripheral.

If you are lucky enough to meet a rich man, then the pheasant will turn into a phoenix.

She's going to try it out there.

"Your name is Guo Jie?"

Just when Guo Jie wanted to leave the game completely, a person found her.

"I am, who are you?" Guo Jie asked suspiciously.

"Introduction, my name is Zhang Chang, the vice president of the Wanshi Guild, our president has something to do with you."

"Your president? I don't know him." Guo Jie said vigilantly.

Zhang Chang smiled and said, "I heard that you are Lin Jichen's ex-girlfriend?"

"So what?"

"Haha, it's nothing, my president wants to invite you to join the Eternal Guild."

"No time!" Guo Jie wanted to leave after finishing speaking.

Zhang Chang said in time: "I will give you a salary of [-] yuan per month."

"What? Are you kidding me?" Guo Jie's eyes lit up instantly when he heard about being rich.

"Of course I'm not joking. Our president is rich and young in the capital. The most important thing he lacks is money. If you don't believe me, as long as you sign the contract, we can pay you in advance and give you a signing fee of 50 yuan. ,How about it?"

Zhang Chang bewitched.

Guo Jie's heart beat faster, and she agreed on the spot.

She didn't go there purely for the salary and signing fee. She heard Zhang Chang say that the president of Wanshi is a rich or young man in the capital?

That's great, here's your chance!

The two hit it off immediately, and Guo Jie officially joined the Wanshi Guild.

For the time being, no one knows about this matter.

Guo Jie soon met Wang Jinghao, the legendary rich and young man in the capital.

Wang Jinghao received her very warmly.

Seeing that Wang Jinghao looks pretty good, although he is quite different from Lin Jichen, it can be said that he is the most handsome among the rich second generations that Guo Jie has ever lived.

Guo Jie was very satisfied with Wang Jinghao immediately, and made up her mind to hook him up.

Guo Jie began to scratch her head and pose. Although Wang Jinghao could see through her mind, he was also happy to see the result.

After knowing that she was Lin Jichen's ex-girlfriend, he was more than happy to take the bait, probably because of his desire for revenge.

The two didn't talk for long, and that night, Guo Jie left Jiangling and flew to Kyoto.

After a night of "hard work" dedication, Wang Jinghao appointed him as his current girlfriend.

This made Guo Jie very excited and realized that he was finally going to post!

"Baby, you said your ex-girlfriend of Lin Jichen, look at this photo, is it him?"

Wang Jinghao took out a photo of Xu Ziyi and asked Guo Jie.

Guo Jie looked puzzled.

Wang Jinghao realized that something was wrong, he might have been tricked!


Three shifts~

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