Lin Jichen and the three of them ran away after fighting. Wang Jinghao's face turned livid when he saw this, and he almost shut himself up.

The members of Wanshi saw that Xing Sen and the others died again, and their pets were almost dead. The more they fought, the more hopeless they were. Many people even started fishing, trying to save a few deaths.

That's right, the leaders were all killed in battle, and these small soldiers also gave away when they went up. Since they are all given away, why don't they give away a lot to reduce their own losses.

What's more, some members stopped coming after they died, using the excuse that the house was on fire and their daughter-in-law had dystocia and went off to sleep.

Some pretended to be on the road, but actually walked slowly on the road, not wanting to continue to fight at all.

The general has no fighting spirit, the soldiers have no fighting spirit, and they still fight a chicken?

There are 10,000+ members in Wanshi, but they are getting fewer and fewer. In the end, there are only 3 or [-] people left, numb on the battlefield, waiting to die.

The blood demon on the other end was not much better, or even worse.

After Lin Jichen dealt with Xing Sen and the others, he ran to stare at the masters of Xue Fiend.

After Li Fengwen and Wang Jinghao saw that their subordinates were about to be beaten to numbness, they both also became numb.

Is this Gouba game so unfriendly to krypton gold players?

Li Fengwen even started to think about quitting the game.

After this wave, he had to bleed profusely just to make up for the losses of his subordinates.

The battle continues.

However, as the most powerful guild in launching this tough battle, there is no progress, and it is naturally difficult for other guilds to continue.

The big brothers who took the lead were all beaten up. How can they continue to follow those who want to fish in troubled waters?

No one expected that this territorial battle in Mu Xianzhou would come to an end in just one day.

Wan Shi took the lead in retreating, and the other guilds also followed suit. They stopped fighting. After fighting for a day, they couldn't even break the city gate. How about a chicken neck?

After they left, Jiang Luoyu didn't take it lightly, but arranged for everyone to take turns offline to rest.

Wait until the end of the second day, and there are still no players from the guild to kill them again.

This also means that Moon Shadow successfully defended this territorial battle and became the second guild in the Eight Desolation!

In this battle, the Moon Shadow Guild became famous completely, and the players in Mu Xianzhou remembered the name of this guild.

After the system announced the victory of Moon Shadow, the girls of Moon Shadow cheered endlessly, and many cried with joy.

Lin Jichen, who was leaning against the wall, quietly watched them celebrating, and couldn't help but think of the small guild he established back then.

When his small guild was first established, in fact, he often danced with joy because of a difficult victory.

At that time, he had a group of good buddies who worked hard together with him, and only then did he form a small but well-known small guild.

Many big guilds offered Lin Jichen an olive branch, wanting his guild to pass by, and promised Lin Jichen a high-level management position.

Lin Jichen didn't agree, and kept guarding his guild, thinking that one day, when his strength reaches a higher level, he will lead his subordinates to become famous and become the strongest guild.

It's a pity that Guo Jie and Xu Ziyi ruined all the sweet dreams.

During the time when I was in retreat and enlightened, these two laid off employees wantonly and bought people's hearts. Most of those good buddies were bought by interests, and they changed their hearts and stood on the opposite side of him.

Only a few loyal subordinates waited for him to leave the customs from beginning to end, and desperately tried to keep the guild for him.

But Xu Ziyi and Guo Jie found someone to secretly assassinate him.

In the end, after they changed the guild's blood, they turned around and joined a certain powerful force in pursuit of glory and wealth.

In order to fear their revenge after leaving the customs, the two finally tricked Lin Jichen into Zhu Jiuyin's cave and killed him.

Thinking about it now, Lin Jichen wished he could kill Xu Ziyi and Guo Jie soon.

But he also knew that it was too early to take revenge now, as long as the two worlds merged, it would be the time when the dog and man would die.

"It's a pity that those brothers haven't touched the Eight Wilderness Game yet, otherwise I can meet them again."

Lin Jichen thought with some pity.

In his small guild in the previous life, there were three people who were loyal to him and followed him to the death, but they were murdered in the end.

"I hope to meet them sooner. In the previous life, you were killed because of me. In this life, although I can no longer lead you to create a guild, I will do my best to compensate you."

Lin Jichen stared blankly into the distance, his mind racing.

"Boss Lin, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

At this time, Jiang Luoyu came over, looked at Lin Jichen's slightly disappointed expression, and asked curiously.

Lin Jichen came to his senses, shook his head to dispel his thoughts, and said with a light smile, "It's nothing, congratulations to Boss Jiang for his victory in the territorial battle. In the future, in Muxian Prefecture, the Moon Shadow Guild may become the only one."

Jiang Luoyu smiled, and said: "It's not that simple. This territorial battle can be won thanks to your help, and Ren Woxing, and the God of War Guild you brought. By the way, where are they?"

"Let's go first. They said they only came to help out of my face, so please don't thank them." Lin Jichen said.

Especially Ren Lan, who urged Lin Jichen to put aside her credit, she didn't want to hear Jiang Luoyu say thank you, and then ran away quickly.

"I have to go too. I haven't closed my eyes for two days. Go offline and take a rest. I'll leave this place to you."

Lin Jichen said hello and was about to leave.

"Let's go now? I'll give you any thank you gift you want." Jiang Luoyu said.

Lin Jichen smiled slightly, and said: "It's already agreed to come to help you fight the territorial battle. Besides, the physical fitness cabin you gave me is very useful, so let's treat it as my hard work."

"Okay then, by the way, are you free these two days? Let's go to the secret realm together!" Jiang Luoyu invited.

Lin Jichen thought for a while, then shook his head apologetically and said, "No, I have something to do these two days, so I probably won't be able to play the game."

He promised to accompany Gu Qiuxue back to his hometown, counting the time, it will be tomorrow.

"Okay, we'll talk about it when you're done." Jiang Luoyu could only nod her head.

Lin Jichen flew into the air with his sword, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The next day, Lin Jichen and Gu Qiuxue left Jiangling and came to Gu Qiuxue's hometown.

Before returning home, Lin Jichen went shopping in the urban area of ​​her hometown, bought a lot of expensive gifts, and even bought a million dollar luxury car.

Then they drove to Gu Qiuxue's house with great fanfare.

He did this because he knew the character of Gu Qiuxue's parents, they were very greedy for money. In this case, he did what he could. Anyway, although his money was not too much, he still had a few hundred million.

The main reason is that he never sells items in the game, otherwise, he would have become the richest man in Jiangling long ago.

Gu Qiuxue's parents were so angry that they planned to marry Gu Qiuxue to a man from a wealthy family in the town.

Unexpectedly, Lin Jichen's appearance surprised them a lot, especially after seeing the luxury car Lin Jichen drove, their eyes lit up.

When Gu Qiuxue recognized Lin Jichen as Xiaochen back then, Gu Qiuxue's parents immediately made friends with each other with a smile on their faces, and inquired about where Lin Jichen made money.


Two more~

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