Full-time sword repair

Chapter 1014 She's slandering me~

The four passed through Howling Ghost Ridge and continued on.

"Brother Lin, further ahead is the Mingshan Mountain Range, which is a non-exploration area recognized by the system. Anyone in the past will be killed by the erosion of the dark energy."

Xing Sen kindly reminded.

Lin Jichen didn't intend to stop, but walked even faster.

Finally, after walking for a while, Lin Jichen stopped.

In front of the four of them was a barren mountain range, desolate and cold.

And these mountains are shrouded in clusters of purple thick fog, which looks weird and permeating.

Xing Sen quickly reminded: "Brother Lin, you can't go any further. In front of you is the Mingshan area, which is a non-exploration area officially released by the game. In the past, many players didn't believe in evil, and they died instantly when they entered."

Hearing this, Tang Ning and Xing Liyao quickly took a few steps back, for fear of getting too close.

But Lin Jichen was looking around, as if looking for something.

"Strange, it should be here, maybe I remembered wrong..."

Lin Jichen muttered, and began to grope around again.

Just when he was about to suspect that he had misremembered the location, finally, a stone tablet appeared not far from him.

Lin Jichen's eyes lit up, and he said, "I found it!"

Then he ran towards the stele.

The three followed in confusion.

I saw Lin Jichen standing in front of a bare stone tablet, looking up and down non-stop.

"Xiao Lin, you brought us here to find this? Is there anything special about this? Isn't it just a boundary marker?" Tang Ning wondered.

Xing Sen was also puzzled, and said: "Yes, Brother Lin, this stele has been discovered by the players a long time ago, but they have tried many methods, but there is nothing unusual. Later, they all decided that this is just a boundary marker, to stop everyone Don't overstep."

Lin Jichen smiled after hearing this, and said, "They are wrong, this is not a boundary marker."

"It's not a boundary marker? What could it be?" Xing Sen didn't quite believe it.

Lin Jichen laughed, and suddenly reached out and squeezed his fingers, dripping blood on the stone tablet.

The stele suddenly shone brightly, and the word 'star' was looming on it.

Xing Sen opened his eyes wide, and said in disbelief: "How is it possible, some players have already tried the trick of dripping blood..."

Lin Jichen didn't speak, but continued to bleed.

Soon three words appeared on the stele: Xingyao Palace.

Lin Jichen put his palm on the stone tablet. Surprisingly, behind the stone tablet, a teleportation array appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen smiled with satisfaction and said, "Let's go, this is where I want to take you."

"Where are you going?" Tang Ning was curious.

Lin Jichen pointed to the words on the stone tablet, and nuzzled, "Of course it's Xingyao Palace."

"Where is Xingyao Palace, Brother Lin?"

Xing Liyao couldn't help asking.

Lin Jichen explained: "Xingyao Palace is a perishing sword sect. I don't know the details. I only know that there are good things in it."

Lin Jichen was indeed not very familiar with this place, and had never been there in his previous life.

He had only heard that this was a place to practice swordsmanship. At that time, he was a magician, so why did he need that thing, so he never came here once.

Moreover, this place was only accidentally discovered by a sword cultivator at the peak of God Transformation after three years of game operation.

It is said that the sword repair player got a book of heavenly swordsmanship in it!

Just don't know if it's true.

Lin Jichen happened to need some suitable skills right now, so he came here to try his luck.

Xing Sen still asked in disbelief: "That's not right, brother Lin, someone has already tried your method of dropping blood, and everyone is useless, so why do you work?"

Lin Jichen replied with a smile: "Because the condition to trigger this teleportation array is to be a sword repair player with a root bone of 95 or above, and the strength cannot be lower than the Nascent Soul Realm."

Only then did Xing Sen suddenly realize that he said why other players can't do it, there is still this condition for feelings.

"Xiao Lin, why do you know everything? You must be the legendary game GM, right?" Tang Ning joked.

Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry: "If I'm a gm, I still need to come here to brush. Just let Nuwa move the data and send the equipment directly to my account. Besides, the rich woman Jiang can't do it. Where can I do it?"

"Then how do you know so well?"

Lin Jichen said nonsense: "Of course my master told me, and you all know that my master is the master."

"My master is the elder of the inner hall, why have I never heard him say this?" Tang Ning asked strangely.

"That's right, my master is also an elder of the inner hall, and he never talked about such a thing." Xing Sen also expressed his confusion.

Lin Jichen said with a guilty conscience: "That may be because your master is only the elder of the inner hall, and my master is the head of the sect, so he has great power, hehe."

"No, Qiu Xue's master is also the head of the Xuanyi Sect, and she has never heard the head tell her this."

Tang Ning suddenly began to switch to the criminal police mode and analyzed it carefully.

"I guess the reason is the degree of favorability. You must have gained a lot of favorability with your master, right?"

Lin Jichen was speechless, and his back even started to feel cold.

However, Tang Ning continued to speculate: "Being able to get such a high favorability score shows that you have ulterior motives for your master. It can be seen that you have unreasonable thoughts about your master. You are rebellious against your master. Confirmation is over!"

Xing Sen and Xing Liyao were immediately happy.

Lin Jichen said with an aggrieved face: "Sister Ningning, you slandered me!"

He then explained to Xing Sen and the others: "I didn't, I wasn't, she was talking nonsense, she was slandering me, she was slandering me..."

Tang Ning smiled triumphantly, and said, "Don't question the judgment of a criminal police captain, okay? It's no big deal to covet your master's beauty. After all, your master is so beautiful. If it were me, I would be willing to be a criminal police officer." Traitor."

"Sister Ningning still understands me... Ah bah! You are talking nonsense! I don't!"

Lin Jichen almost slipped his tongue, but quickly denied it.

"Okay, okay, even if you are, it's nothing. You're just an NPC. You're afraid that Qiu Xue will be jealous. This is just like a boy who likes two-dimensional girls. It's just a hobby, and you can't become a real person. You can play with confidence." Tang Ning comforted her indifferently.

Lin Jichen wanted to say something, but Xing Sen shouted from the side: "Oh, why is this teleportation array getting smaller and smaller? Is it going to disappear?"

"It seems so, go up, go up!" Tang Ning also rushed up, and then the three of them disappeared into the teleportation array one after another.

Lin Jichen was at the back, dumbfounded.

"Okay, everyone thought I just liked Two-dimensional and encouraged me to play, right? Then when Master comes out to find me in the future, don't blame me."

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen immediately felt relieved, and followed the last one into the teleportation formation.

The moment the teleportation array disappeared, a figure chased after him.

one more

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