Full-time sword repair

Chapter 1013 Zuoyou

The slightly shorter girl in front of her was wearing cheap knife repair equipment. She had a delicate appearance, picturesque eyebrows, and baby fat cheeks. Although she was not stunning, she was very attractive.

The girl snatched monsters in front of the three top players, and she was justified, which made both Xing Sen and Tang Ning dumbfounded.

I really don't know where this sister got the courage?

"Forget it, let's take a detour." Tang Ning said.

Xing Sen and Xing Liyao also nodded and prepared to take a detour.

However, Lin Jichen has been standing where he is, without any movement.

Tang Ning was a little puzzled, and turned her head to look, only to see Lin Jichen was staring at the girl's back.

She immediately rolled her eyes, and said speechlessly, "Hey, don't you still want to pick up girls?"

Xing Sen and Xing Liyao sniggered aside.

Lin Jichen recovered from his stupefied state, and realized that he had lost his composure, so he smiled sarcastically and followed.

The knife repair girl was still working hard to kill monsters, but she didn't hear what everyone said.

Every attack by the ghost pawn made her shudder and scream.

It didn't take long before she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hey, the wild monsters in this place are too difficult to spawn. If you die this time, let's go to a lower place." The knife repair girl sighed, and then waited for death as if resigned to her fate.

At this moment, a subtle sword energy passed by, directly hitting behind the ghost pawn.

The originally arrogant ghost pawn turned into a wisp of soul energy and dissipated in the sky and earth, leaving only a lone soul tomb left on it.

The knife repair girl was stunned, and subconsciously looked to the side, but only saw Lin Jichen's back disappearing in the mist.

"Did he help me?" the girl muttered suspiciously.

She squatted down, looked at the tomb of souls under her feet, opened it subconsciously, but was pleasantly surprised to find that her character exploded, and she opened a long knife of the mysterious grade.

This is one of the best equipment in Howling Ghost Ridge, the Yin Sha Ghost Knife, which can sell for tens of thousands of yuan!

And she happened to be in urgent need of a good knife. The girl was so happy, not only did she have a knife, but she also had a yin armor and some spirit stones.

This is simply pie from heaven.

The girl was incoherent with excitement, hurriedly opened the friend list, and shared with her best friend by voice: "Ah Qiao! I have good news for you!"

The best friend joked: "What good news? You drove to Tianpin Soul Tomb? Don't make trouble, my boyfriend and I are brushing the secret realm, don't trick me to accompany you to brush Ghost Ridge, I don't dare to cut that place, haha dead!"

The girl snorted: "You melon skin will never believe what kind of soul grave I opened in Guiling!"

"Your son, with your equipment and skills, if you can defeat the monsters inside, there will be ghosts." The best friend obviously didn't believe it.

"Really! I don't lie to you, I got the Yinsha Ghost Knife! And the Yinsha Armor! I lied to you that you are a puppy!" the girl said very seriously.

The best friend still couldn't believe it, the girl changed the video on the spot and sent it over.

Not long after, my best friend let out a scream: "I am a turtle! You are rich, Xiaoyouzi! These two pieces of equipment are both mysterious grade, and they are suits. These two pieces add up to at least 2 yuan! Damn it"

Listening to the words of her best friend who gritted her teeth at the end, the girl smiled happier than anyone else.

"I just told you to come and accompany me to brush Ghost Ridges, but if you insist on raking your ears with your family, who is to blame?"

The girl was very proud, fearing that someone would snatch her away, she hurriedly put everything in the soul grave into the ring, and looked around guiltily, fearing that someone would stare at her.

"It's all my fault! I made my old lady rich! Otherwise, I would have my share in this tomb of souls, woo woo, you should be damned, little pomelo! I don't care. Treat me to dinner tonight! I want a big meal!"

Just as the girl was about to agree, she suddenly thought of something and said, "No way."

"Wow, you're so stingy? Can't you treat me to a meal after earning [-] or [-]?" My best friend was very angry.

The girl smiled wryly and said: "That's not what I mean. I'll tell you the truth. I didn't actually hit this ghost grave. It was a player in white who helped me. He passed by and helped me. The pawn was killed in seconds, this soul tomb is actually his trophy."

"Did the family ask you for it?"

"Uh...that's not true, everyone else has left."

"That's fine, I guess they are high-level players, and those who don't like these things must be yours."

"It's still not good. I, Zuoyou, never take advantage of others, and that person may not know that there are such good things in this soul tomb, ten or twenty thousand. If he knows, he will probably come to ask for it. I have to return it to him." !"

The best friend was speechless, and complained: "My mother, Zuoyou, you are so stubborn, you are more stubborn than my donkey, even if you are stubborn in reality, you are even more stubborn when you play games, I really admire you."

"This is called the original thief (responsibility)!" After the girl finished speaking, she hung up the voice stubbornly, and then followed the direction she just remembered, and ran into the depths of the fog.

On the other side, Lin Jichen led the three of Tang Ning to the depths of the Howling Ghost Ridge.

There are still players everywhere here, there is no way, who made the Yinsha suit the top five equipment rated by the Crystal Realm players.

A complete set of Yinsha suits can sell for more than [-] Huaxia coins in the market, which also makes Wailing Ghost Ridge a favorite place for middle and low-level players to stay.

Work hard in it, and if you are lucky enough to make up a set of evil tricks, you may be able to make a small fortune.

Lin Jichen didn't stop at all, he walked all the way through the Ghost Ridge and continued to walk deeper.

Along the way, he didn't speak, which made it very difficult for Tang Ning and the others to go to, and they were too nervous to communicate.

In fact, Lin Jichen was thinking about the figure of the knife repair girl just now.

He didn't fall in love with each other at first sight, but seeing his old friend finally made his heart surge.

That knife repair girl was the little girl who had been following him to create the Yelan Tingyu Guild, Zuo You.

Zuoyou was the manager of the guild, and Lin Jichen's right-hand man at the time.

She accompanied Lin Jichen from the establishment of a guild with a few members to a guild of ten thousand people.

Moreover, Zuo You has always managed the guild in an orderly manner, and has done a lot of things for Lin Jichen, saving him a lot of trouble, and allowing him to practice and improve his strength without worrying about the guild.

It's a pity that when the guild was at its strongest, Zuo You was forced to leave because of Guo Jie's jealousy.

Lin Jichen never saw her again, and even after the world merged, the two never saw her for the last time.

Lin Jichen has always owed Zuo You, and he really regards her as a good friend and someone he can trust.

Now they finally see each other again, but Lin Jichen left in a hurry.

He wasn't embarrassed, but if he approached suddenly, it would inevitably make the girls vigilant, and it would be easy for them to misunderstand.

Now that Zuo You has been exposed to games, he will have a chance to meet her again in the future.

Even if it's a new acquaintance and a new start, Lin Jichen doesn't mind.


one more

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