The rise of greenery

Chapter 83 The Uninvited Guest


"I don't want to have any regrets."

"Arsenal is my first professional club. He gave me a chance to be reborn. I must win the first Champions League in history for them and complete what Henry did not complete."

Luo Wu still gave an affirmative answer.

It is obvious that Ferguson is tempting him now. Although Ferguson is no longer the manager of Manchester United, he is just a former coach, but he is now a member of the board of directors of Manchester United and can intervene in the transfer of the team. Luo Wu took it to Dream Theater.

"Well, I completely understand what you think. I can't change your mind. I suddenly thought of my old friend Wenger. That guy is really poor. If you came out a year earlier, he might be able to retire after success Yes, it’s just a breath away.”

Ferguson changed the subject and actually talked about Wenger.

A sympathetic Wenger.

Wenger, who was in the same era as Ferguson, has also achieved great success, but in the Champions League, he has never broken through the number 0, even in the peak year of 0405.

Once Wenger and Arsenal were very close to the Champions League in 2006, but a red card from goalkeeper Lewandowski lost everything.

In the next 12 years, Wenger was never able to lead Arsenal to the final again, and finally left in May this year.


"Alright, let's win one for that old man!"

"But, in case you don't win ... in case you take years ... Ah, why do I feel wrong, I just assumed you won the championship in May of the following year, but the probability, oh, God, Am I really confused!" Ferguson on the other end of the phone was a little crazy.

"Ro, I don't think that's a good idea."

"If you never win the Champions League at Arsenal, it means you never leave. It's not fair to you either, isn't it?"

"Calm down, sir." Luo Wu on the other side smiled slightly, "I will definitely win the Champions League!"

"Since you can call me, don't you believe that I have this strength?"

"It's not that I don't believe in you, I don't believe in Arsenal... You are very strong, very strong, even stronger than Melo, but you know that one person can never win the championship, even Maradona, that If the guy doesn't have the hand of God, there's nothing behind it."

"So, learn to let go, do what you can..."

Luo Wu laughed:

"Haha, my lord."

"I am not Maradona, I am Luo Wu."

"Then let's win the Premier League and the Europa League first!"

Ferguson immediately took over:

"Premier League? Children, I didn't pour cold water on you. The Premier League champions this season, you have a high probability of lying down. Even if you can hold on to the winter championship after Christmas, you can't last until the end of the season. In the second half This season, with Arsenal's current lineup, it is impossible to last until the end. The same is true this summer."

Ferguson is really not scaring Luo Wu. No one knows better than him after decades of coaching experience in the Premier League.

He has the most Premier League titles!

"I know."

"I understand all this, I even thought about being killed by the opponent in the game, getting injured, and then sitting in the stands can't help the team."

"But so what? I still want to fight for the league title for Arsenal."

"You know, the hopes of all Arsenal people are on me and I can't let them down."


"I am dead."

After Luo Wu's series of answers, even his own blood boiled.

Ferguson on the other end of the phone was silent.

And the chest is also a little surging.

This Nima is too hot-blooded!If there is such a player in Manchester United now, how can Manchester United fail to win the league championship?

Fortunately, Manchester United also has the most passionate coach Mourinho.

This is the luck of Manchester United!

However, shouldn't the most passionate Mourinho be accompanied by the most passionate Luo Wu?


Did you make a mistake, why didn't Luo Wu appear in Manchester United, but came to Arsenal where the mud can't support the wall?

With Wenger gone, Arsenal should be completely finished.

God favors Arsenal so much...

"My lord?"

"My lord, are you still there?"

Luo Wulian asked twice without hearing Ferguson's reply.

"Ah, yes, yes."

"After hearing what you said, I am so moved."

"Kid, fight for Arsenal! Arsenal really need you."

"When you win everything, remember not to forget your promise." Ferguson had nothing to say.

For such a player, you don't need to say anything superfluous.

He really wanted Manchester United to get Luo Wu, otherwise he wouldn't have secretly called to test him out.

The result of the test can be said to be very good. Although Luo Wu did not agree to come to Manchester United, he at least gave him some expectations.

Moreover, Luo Wu's determination and attitude in speech made Ferguson appreciate it even more.

"Okay, today's conversation is over."

"I'll be waiting for you in Manchester. I believe I have a few more years to live..."


The phone hung up just like that, and Luo Wu hadn't spoken yet.

"Ah this..."

Luo Wu really looked helpless, does Ferguson always make phone calls like this?It's not polite at all.

At some point, Vlada walked into the living room with her bare feet wrapped in a white towel.

Looking at the turbulent figure, Luo Wu couldn't help but pounced on her, hugging her at the same time.

"Who is calling?"

"Ferguson." Luo Wu said while chewing.

"Ah, are you moving to Manchester United?"

"No. Just chatting. How could I transfer to Manchester United?" Luo Wu explained.

But soon he let go of his hands, got up, and looked at the delicate beauty in front of him with some vigilance.


"I am very serious and responsible to tell you that this matter must not be reported to the outside world, absolutely not!"

"do you understand me?"

Looking at each other, Flada could feel Luo Wu's seriousness.

"I know."

"I won't. Although I'm a reporter, I'm even more your woman."

"I will never reveal a word."

"Really?" Luo Wu still couldn't believe it. In the past, Real Madrid legend Iker Casillas couldn't control his own woman, and then exposed Real Madrid's dressing room in various ways.

Flada is also a reporter now, shouldn't she do the same?

The relationship between the two is not so deep that it is between life and death...

"Shall I swear?"

"No need." Luo Wu smiled suddenly, "I believe you won't do this, because it doesn't make any sense. How much is a piece of news worth?"

"It's not money at all."

"And, I don't need you trying to be the most famous reporter."

Flada: ...

"Okay, what did Ferguson talk to you about?"

"You... I think it's better not to know, haha." Luo Wu didn't intend to tell her what they talked about.Although I feel like I don't trust her...

"Forget it, I just don't listen."

"You're angry?"

"A little bit, because I can feel that you don't trust me, and it makes me sad." Flada still expressed her true thoughts.

"You still think I'm unreliable and will write about it in the news, but I can tell you clearly that I will not do such a thing, I swear by my personality!" After speaking, Flada really raised her left hand to swear.

"Hey, I didn't say I don't trust you, it's because I promised Ferguson that this matter can only be known between me and him, and we can't tell the third person, do you understand?" Luo Wu gently grabbed Flada Delicate left hand, kissed it.

"Don't get me wrong."


"Oh, that's how it is." Flada finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still said, "There is one more thing that I have to tell you clearly."

"I need my own career, I can't live under your protection."

"I am an independent woman, I need a job, I need a career, so that I can live a solid life."

"Well, I understand." Luo Wu nodded, "I agree very much, and I quite support it, but I don't support you as a reporter, nor support you as a model. Because I don't want you to show your face, especially as a model. I I'm Chinese, Chinese people are very traditional, I don't discriminate against these two jobs, it's because I don't want my woman to be seen by other men..."

Talking about it, Luo Wu felt something was wrong.

"Anyway, I just want to see you by my side every day!"

"How about I help you with something bigger?"

"For example, you can start a modeling agency by yourself. Isn't it good to be your own boss?"

"How about we open a Chinese restaurant chain and you be the proprietress? Our wl10 brand is about to go online, and you will be fully responsible for it then?"

Luo Wu touched Evra's head and kissed her forehead again.

"Look at Cristiano Ronaldo, how beautiful his previous girlfriend was, didn't he break up? Just because Elena only wanted to be a model, and now this Georgina is so good, a husband and a child. And you can synthesize In a moment, you can have your own business, and you can be a husband and a child... Cough cough, shouldn't we make a child?"

"Child? Okay..." Flada's big watery eyes immediately flickered when she heard that she was going to create a human.

"We have five children, okay?"

"Ah? Five...five... how many years will it take..." Luo Wu was a little dizzy, he never thought that he would have so many children. Are there many children?

"Just one every year."

Luo Wu: ...

"Then am I miserable? There are only a few days every year? Aww..." No matter what Luo Wu thinks, something is wrong. If he has a baby every year, will he still have a life in bed?

too often...

not good.

Or, find another one?Almost blurted out...

"Ahem, let's talk about business first."

"I need a trustworthy person to take care of my wl10 brand, you are the most suitable person, you should think about it carefully."

"Don't think about it. I even learned Chinese culture and history. Am I not serious enough to think about it? I recently enrolled in a Chinese cram school."

"I will definitely learn Chinese."


The expression on Luo Wu's face instantly became gentle, staring at Vlada.

These things, if Vlada hadn't told him, he really didn't know.

This woman is serious.

"Thank you."

After that, he lowered his head and kissed...

Ding Dong,

Ding dong.

Doorbell rang!

"Who is so late?"

Luo Wu reluctantly let go of Flada, climbed up from the stall, and was about to create a human being, but there was an unexpected guest?

He walked to the door and looked at the surveillance screen.

A strange middle-aged woman stood at the door.

"Who?" Vlada hugged his arm.

"I don't know." Luo Wu murmured after looking at the flow.

On the screen, a middle-aged woman is dragging a black suitcase, hunched over by the door, looking terribly frozen.The security guard had also appeared at the door, stopped her, and talked to Luo Wu.

"Boss, there is a lady at the door, she said, she said it was your mother..."

"Your mother?" Flada looked at Luo Wu in surprise.

"Then let her in, it's so cold!"

"I..." Luo Wu's face was even more surprised!

Because he has never seen his mother since he was a child!My father hardly mentioned it, not even a photo...

Now a woman came out, said to be his mother?

"What are you thinking?" Vlada shook his arm.

The security guard was also urging, "Boss, shall I let her in?"

Luo Wu hesitated a few times, but still replied:

"Let her in quickly and help her with her luggage."

After hanging up the phone, he quickly got dressed, and then asked Vlada to go upstairs to change...

His expression also became dignified again.

I don't know if this is true or not, what if I encounter a liar?

But things haven't been clarified, and he certainly can't turn people away.

About the mother, there is almost a blank.

He opened the door.

The security guard brought in the luggage first, and then the so-called mother also came in, and the security guard closed the door again.

Luo Wu stood where he was, staring at the tired, old-looking blond woman in front of him.

Suddenly a little sad.

Although it is very abrupt, but the heart is surging.


The middle-aged woman rubbed her cold palms, her eyes flashed with joy, and she asked cautiously.


"Don't say it first, I know what you want to say."

"It's cold, right? Sit down and warm up first." Luo Wu forcibly restrained the surge in his heart.I found a blanket to cover her, and then went to pour a glass of water.

"Drink some hot water." The woman took it and took two sips slowly.

"Have you eaten yet? Shall I get you something to eat?"

"Thank you, no need, I just ate."


"You are Luo Wu, born on August 2000, 8, your father is Luo Cheng?"

"You were born in Southampton."

"Your father works in a foreign trade company and travels in Africa all the year round, right?"

Luo Wu: ...

This information is public.

This cannot be used as evidence that you are my mother. He tried to communicate with her in a more gentle way:

"You know, it's not a joke."

"What you said is very clear to most people."

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