The rise of greenery

Chapter 82 Horror Electric Chapter!

Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

barbotanique, this is a very green tropical bar.The main color of forest green covers the roof, walls, stairs... various green vegetation such as palm trees and ferns are decorated in every corner, which has the sense of sight of the Wizard of Oz.

Ubiquitous geometric mirrors hang from the ceiling, reflecting the scenery and brightening the interior of the store.Stylish detail design, comfortable space and thoughtful color matching can make people experience the real Nordic tavern atmosphere.

An extra-long bar counter is designed in the center of the bar. The bright yellow wine glass cabinet is in sharp contrast with the overall green color, and a row of royal blue high stools are neatly arranged in a row.

Through the large double-glazed windows, four handsome young men could be seen sitting at the bar drinking something.From time to time, there are golden beauties winking at them.

"Dude, did that guy actually contact you?"

"Could it be that the paparazzi is fishing for information about you?" Donny Van der Beek, who looked like a ruffian, was both curious and suspicious.

"Donnie, it was sent from his ins. With 1500 million fans, who else can there be besides him? Which paparazzi is so powerful?" Matthijs Dericht shook the phone in his hand, "Look, there is no Wrong, it was him talking to me, unless his account was hacked, but is that possible?"

"Are you moved?" Frenkie de Jong, who was sitting across from Van der Beek, stretched out his long neck and asked.

"Yeah." Dericht nodded, "My heart is moving."

Then Dericht raised the beer glass in the other hand and took a big sip, "It's no wonder if you don't feel tempted."

"But going to Arsenal is not the best choice. Although they are now at the top of the Premier League, relying on Luo Wu alone cannot win the final championship. Didn't Arsenal lead at the beginning last year? In the end, they only got fifth in the league. They are anticlimactic, if Luo Wu is injured, then everything is over, so you still think about it, going to Arsenal means not being able to win the championship for many years." Frenkie de Jong also took a sip of beer.

After drinking, he couldn't help sighing:

"Ah, this wine is so delicious, I really want to drink it till dawn."

"It's a pity we're professional players."

Donny van der Beek took it up and said:

"I think Frenkie is right. Arsenal is not a good choice. His analysis is very reasonable. Arsenal only has one Luo Wu, which is too risky. It is not as good as Manchester United. Manchester United has Mourinho. His ball The team will always be reliable, they finished second in the league last year and won the Europa League and League Cup."

"Donnie, tell me the truth, are you planning to go to Manchester United? Schmeichel is very close to you these days." Team captain Dusan Tadic had been looking for beauties in bars before. He didn't listen to their chat at all. Now that he talked about the transfer, he pulled back his mind.

"Uh," Donny Van der Beek obviously choked, and his face became a little unnatural.

A kid who can't lie, but he still denies it.

"No no."

"No such thing."

"Just a normal exchange, we didn't talk about Manchester United."

"Fart, do you think I'm stupid? Why didn't he communicate with me, Frenkie and Matthias? Hurry up and tell the truth." Captain Tadic glared at him, knowing that the kid was lying.


"He just chatted with me casually and asked me if I was interested in Manchester United, but he didn't talk in depth." Van der Beek still admitted.

"You know, my favorite team is Ajax, then Manchester United. I said Manchester United is my second home team. Then he didn't say anything more. It's just saying hello these days, no Talk more."

"Are you stupid? Schmeichel has nothing to do at the Ajax training ground. Isn't he here to inspect the players? He represents Manchester United. Since I ask you alone, it means that Manchester United is interested in you." Tadic took a sip of his wine, "It seems that you are going to leave after all."

Tadic shook his head, seemingly melancholy, and then he looked at Frenkie de Jong again.

"What about you?"

"You're always silent, aren't you?"

Frenkie de Jong licked his wet mouth, and finally picked up the wine glass and took a big sip.

"I can only say that I have an idea."

"I'm looking forward to Barcelona."

"Someone from Barcelona had contacted me secretly before."

"If I can go to the five major leagues, my first choice is to go to Barcelona."

Frenkie de Jong is not hiding either.

Dusan Tadic withdrew his gaze and drank the wine in the glass without saying anything.

After a few more seconds of silence, he said in a deep voice, "Very good, congratulations."

Then his eyes wandered to various blonde beauties.

I just joined Ajax this season and became the captain of this club. I am very happy here. I have been winning with a group of young talents. It is the first time for Tadic, who has never played for a European giant, to feel Soccer joy.Especially in the Champions League, Ajax is so brave, he even started to fantasize about the Champions League champion...

But now, all three young guys are thinking about leaving.

His dream is like a mirage, and it is impossible to realize it. The team coach Ten Hag has the same fantasy as him.

Ten Hag said Ajax had not won the European Cup for 22 years.This year is a great opportunity, the Ajax youth storm will sweep across Europe!

But Ten Hag, like captain Tadic, didn't know that these young people had been peeped by the giants for a long time, and wanted to stand on top of Europe?I'm afraid it will become a fantasy after this winter.

But this is human nature, there is nothing wrong with young people having great aspirations and dreams, they deserve it, so Tadic would rather see beautiful women than continue to discuss these things with them, this opportunity makes him sad, 30 years old He can't talk to teenagers about staying behind!

It is always easier to leave than to stay.

Leaving is full of hope, staying behind most of the time can only wait alone until everything turns to ashes, dust to dust...

"What's wrong with the captain? Doesn't seem happy?" De Ligt was careful and observed that Tadic was unhappy.

"No, isn't he looking at beautiful women now?" Van der Beek glanced at Tadic, but he didn't find that Tadic was upset.

"Having said that, have you considered going to Arsenal with me?" De Ligt continued.

"Arsenal wants to create a youth storm, they need young people, this is what Luo Wu said personally."

Well, it turns out that Dericht is now acting as a lobbyist.

"It may be more difficult to win honors at Arsenal, but it is more suitable for us to play, and it is less difficult to compete for the main force..."

"It's different going to Barcelona and Manchester United. Those two teams have stars in the midfield. What chance do we have, sitting on the bench for two years? Get rid of it, that's too bad."

De Jong: ...

I was speechless for a while, because Dericht made sense.The risk factor of going to Manchester United or Barcelona is indeed too high. Maybe they really have to sit on the bench for two years. They are now the absolute main force of Ajax. Why should they be used as substitutes for others?

"That's what I said, but we can also win the main position with better performance." Donny Van der Beek remained unwavering.

"Donnie, you have to know that Mourinho doesn't like young people the least. He likes mature players and doesn't like taking risks. I'm afraid you don't even know this? Arsenal is different. Look at the recent That Smith Rowe was already playing the main force, and suddenly appeared mysteriously. Arsenal always give young people a chance, and there is no better choice than Arsenal."

"Uh...Mourinho is indeed a little...well, you are right. But, I like Manchester United, not Arsenal, and I feel uncomfortable if I do this." Van der Baker hesitated, although he was still so loyal to Manchester United.

"Come on, Downey, when Van Persie was the captain of Arsenal, didn't he also go to Manchester United? Did you tell me he loved Manchester United? He went to Manchester United for honor. You have to be professional, don't do it for the so-called love. made the wrong choice."

"I..." Donny Van der Beek finally had nothing to say.

"Hey, why are you thinking so much now? We haven't really reached the point of transfer. When these clubs really appear to ask for offers, we won't be too late to think about it. Hey, didn't you say that you are here to find a girl tonight?"

"Yes, I'm looking for a girl! Hey, look, the captain left with a girl! Hey, hey!" Frenkie de Jong pointed at the door, and Tadic really took a girl's hand and left. It's only a few minutes?The old driver is indeed an old driver, he got it so easily.

"How about the three girls on the left? Shall we buy them a few drinks?" Donny Van der Beek tilted his chin to the left.

De Ligt and De Jong looked over almost at the same time.

There are indeed three long-legged girls sitting at the bar. Although the weather is very cold, their white thighs are still very eye-catching.

"Come on!" Van der Beek really picked it up and was walked over.

"Just go, whoever is afraid of whom!" Frenkie de Jong followed Van der Beek with a glass of wine.

But Dericht didn't move, he smiled awkwardly, and finally sat where he was drinking.He really didn't have the guts.

He is very brave when playing football, but it's okay to pick up girls.I really can't open a room, secretly call the salon to ask for a good one?

After communicating with Luo Wu this afternoon, he had the idea of ​​fooling his teammates to go to Arsenal together, but it doesn't look so easy now.

One is a Manchester United fan, the other is a Barcelona fan, trying to convince them to go to Arsenal?At least not now.

He shook his head, drank the beer in the glass, and left here quietly...


England, London.

Luo Wu received a phone call in the living room.


"Ro, I'm Ferguson."

"Alex Ferguson."

? ?

Luo Wu's mind paused for several seconds, this familiar name is...

Very meow!


"Ah, my lord!"

He still reacted.

"Hello," the voice trembled uncontrollably.This call is horrible!Alex Ferguson, former Manchester United manager, the greatest manager in Premier League history.

What is he doing?

"Are you sure you made the right call?"

"Haha, don't be nervous." There was a vigorous laugh on the other end of the phone.

It is obvious that Ferguson is very old, but his voice is still very strong, and it is impossible to tell that he is already in his 70s.

"I'm not the Manchester United manager now, I just want to call and talk to you."


What did the former Manchester United manager talk to me about?Luo Wu also laughed.

"Are you all right?"

"Very good, I've never been so energetic." Ferguson almost died of a cerebral hemorrhage in May this year. He stayed in the intensive care unit for a long time, but he turned the corner.

"Oh, so what shall we talk about?"

"Ha, can today's chat be kept secret?" Ferguson laughed.

"Okay, you didn't point a gun at me."

"Tell me about your celebration?"

"The celebration? You mean the game last weekend? I said it in front of the media. That's it. You don't think I'm paying tribute to Cantona, do you? No, it's just a coincidence." Luo Wu explained.

"Oh. If there was an opportunity to join Manchester United one day, would you say no?"


Is it so direct?

You were just chatting just now, and now you are launching a general attack?

"suitable time,"

"If the timing does come right, maybe, who knows?"

Luo Wu is not a hypocritical person, but this question is really difficult to answer.

"Didn't Van Persie also join Arsenal in his later years? No one can tell what will happen in the future."

"But I'm not going to think about it until next summer."

"Maybe, I won't think about it next summer. You know, if Cristiano doesn't help Manchester United win the Champions League, he won't leave Manchester United."

There was a noticeable pause on the phone for several seconds.

"Ha ha,"

"very good."

"You're a great kid, and just for that, I know you'll win a Ballon d'Or in the future. You're really similar to Cristiano, and you'll succeed faster than him." Ferguson not only praised Ronaldo Wu also thinks that Luo Wu will win the Golden Globe at a faster rate.

Then he went on to give advice.

"But to get the Ballon d'Or, you have to beat him, and Messi. It's not easy. You know, you're only playing in the Europa League this year, and the Europa League hero can't be compared to the Champions League hero, Even if you score more goals than them, you have to be in the Champions League."

Do you really regard Luo Wu as your closed disciple?

"Uh, I know."

"So, if you want to win the Golden Globe Award, the fastest and the greatest possibility should be in the year after next. Ah, it's so long, there are still two years..." Ferguson over there actually sighed.

"What if it's next year?" Luo Wu smiled.

"Even next year will be lost. Didn't you say you want to help Arsenal win the Champions League?"

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