The rise of greenery

Chapter 141 Worse!Chilwell!

on Monday.

As soon as Luo Wu drove to the entrance of the training ground, he saw a large group of paparazzi surrounding a golden sports car. He honked the horn twice, and the reporters got out of the way.

Luo Wu was a little surprised, the paparazzi didn't come to look for him today, instead they surrounded Aubameyang on the golden sports car.


"What happened to that guy?"

Luo Wu rolled down the glass window and asked a reporter from The Guardian.

"Oh, this guy caused trouble last night. After drinking with his girlfriend at the bar last night, he got into a taxi. After getting off the taxi, he hated the high fare, and finally beat him up."

"Water?" Luo Wu couldn't help looking at Aubameyang.

Fighting after drinking, it's not that simple, is it?

At this time, Aubameyang was tireless and kept honking his horn, trying to rush through the crowd, but the paparazzi had all experienced storms and just refused to give way.

It seems that it is impossible for Aubameyang to leave without talking to them today.

On the contrary, Luo Wu was left out in the cold. He was about to drive his car into the training ground when a police siren sounded from behind.

Beep beep, beep beep, the sound is very rapid.

After a while, they came to the gate. Two policemen got off the police car, walked to the side of Aubameyang's golden sports car, and showed their IDs.

"Mr Aubameyang,"

"You are under arrest!"


The police came here directly to torture people.

Aubameyang frowned, got out of the car with great reluctance, glanced at Luo Wu not far away, and finally walked towards Luo Wu's car.

It seems that he was arrested for beating someone.

No wonder the paparazzi came here to wait, they just wanted to see Aubameyang make a fool of himself...

Luo Wu can't help, he has to bear the responsibility if he commits a crime, who told him to be so blatant?I think there was no problem at all when I beat the four big guys sent by Endidi, because I was self-defense, and Aubameyang's nature was different. He took the initiative to beat people.

"Captain, can you put the car away for me? I'll be back later." Aubameyang threw the car keys to Luo Wu.

Luo Wu took it in his hand and was silent for a few seconds before asking:

"Should I hire a lawyer for you?"

"Need not."

Then Aubameyang got into the police car and drove away.

"Ro, what do you think?"

"How can I see? I don't know anything. You guys should follow me to the police station. What's the use of asking me here?" Luo Wu rolled up the window again, drove into the training ground, and then came out again to take Austrian Bameyang's car drives away.

As soon as I walked out of the parking lot, I met Kagigao and Emery. The faces of the two were ugly, and Kagigao was still cursing.

"Silly x!"

"He's an idiot!"

Kajigao is so irritable in one item, it seems that he is scolding Aubameyang.

"After drinking a few cups of urine, I don't know who I am. It's best to detain him for a few days and let him sober up, otherwise he will really regard himself as a football star!"

"Francis, I'm afraid it's not a matter of being detained for a few days..." Emery touched his pointed chin and let out a heavy snort.

"Beating is a criminal case. If the other party insists on fighting, he may be sentenced."

"Hiss~" Kajigao immediately sucked in a breath of cold air, "It's not possible, just pay some money, it's impossible to be sentenced."

Kajigao felt that the matter was not that serious. Isn't it just to punch someone a few times, so as not to go to jail, just spend some money to comfort the other party.

"You think too much."

"There will be no problem at all, as long as that guy is smarter and hires a better lawyer, he can settle the matter."

"I also know this is the truth. Didn't I just say that I was afraid that the other party would not compromise, even if he gave money, he would not be willing. That's what I'm worried about."

"Probably not..." Kajigao also felt a little guilty, not as confident as before.Scolding is scolding, but he is still on Aubameyang's side.

"You have to know, the opponent is a Chelsea fan." Emery shrugged feebly.

"Waldfake?" Luo Wu and Kajigao cursed almost in unison.

"Chelsea fans?" Cagigao almost dropped his jaw, "God, I really don't know what will happen."

"That's really hanging..." Luo Wu also spread his hands and mourned for Aubameyang.

"So... I think the first team will lose another player." Emery shook his head, his face full of tears.

If Aubameyang is also absent, the first team will indeed become thinner.

Leno, Bellerin, Mertesacker, Guendouzi, Welbeck, Monreal, Aubameyang, one-third of the first team is missing.

"How about letting Ramsey return to the lineup?" Kajigao thought of Ramsey.


"He has always insisted on renewing his contract with a high salary. We did not agree to him. Even if he is in the lineup, I don't trust him. I am worried that he will not work hard."

Emery refused.

"I'd rather be promoted from the youth team."

"But the players in the youth team are hard to do. I don't think so. Ah, yes!" Kagigao suddenly became cheerful and said triumphantly, "We can recall Reiss Nelson, that kid is now in Hoffenheim Did pretty well."


"This is a good idea. His loan terms say he can be recalled at any time." Emery's eyebrows also stretched.

It was he who sent Nelson away himself, feeling that he would not have a place in the club.

The situation is different now, Arsenal are short of man!Especially lacking forwards!

And Reiss Nelson is doing really well in the Bundesliga.

The 18-year-old Nelson has performed well in the Bundesliga this season. So far he has played 11 times for Hoffenheim in various competitions, scored 6 goals, and won the best rookie of the Bundesliga in October. Has just broken into the Gunners first team and has made 10 appearances for Arsenal in all competitions.

It can be said that Rice Nelson has changed qualitatively this season.Otherwise, Kajigao would not be able to remember him.

"He is indeed a good supplement, at least he is competent as a substitute. 11 goals in 6 games, this statistic is quite amazing." Emery licked his dry mouth and looked at Kagigao, "Then you should contact Hoffenheim as soon as possible. Hum, put the guy back and I hope to see him on the bench before the next game."

"No problem. I promise to send someone to you." Kaji patted his chest high and promised.

Rice Nelson?Luo Wu also thought about this guy in his mind, but he didn't have the slightest impression.It's like not knowing which onion Smith Roe was.

He spoke suddenly.

"Boss, I think the most important thing is to quickly get those guys from the Netherlands over. The midfield needs to be strengthened."

"And playing in the Bundesliga may not be able to adapt to the Premier League. Aubameyang is also from the Bundesliga. He plays very averagely. I think it is unrealistic for you to let a young man replace him."

"The most important point is that he is the main player over there. It is not wise at all and it is unfair to him to bring him back as a substitute. Sitting on the bench at the last age is like being called It's the turn. I personally suggest that you let him continue to experience in Hoffenheim, accumulate a season, and come back next season."

Kagigao and Emery didn't expect Luo Wu to object?

But what Luo Wu said is quite reasonable. Nelson is only a substitute when he comes back. He may not be able to play any games. He can play the main force in Hoffenheim. Why bother him?


"Francis, how are the Dutch boys doing?"

"Don't wait until January, no one will get it."

"Don't worry, De Ligt is [-]% done, just wait for the official announcement."

"Van der Beek is about the same."

Kajigao said with a smile:

"De Jong, still waiting and watching. But I think if the first two people come, he will follow. I have already called Dennis and asked him to do ideological work."

"Bergkamp?" The only Dennis Emery could think of was Dennis Bergkamp.

"Yes, De Jong will not refuse."


"Don't the left back think about it?" Luo Wu suddenly said again.

"Left back?"

"Well, this position really gives me a headache." Emery scratched his head, and he was already crazy about those guys in Monreal. Every time Arsenal's defense line fell, it was basically lost from this side. .

People in the world are very clear about it.

Emery looked at Kagigao.

The meaning is obvious, he agrees with Luo Wu's opinion.


"You have to know that it costs a lot just to buy the three little guys from Holland."

"We don't have that much money for left-backs anymore."

Kajigao spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

"The boss won't agree either."

"It was significantly over budget."

"Fart." It was Emery's turn to be anxious, "The left back is the biggest shortcoming of our lineup, maybe because of this, we will have nothing next season."

Luo Wu immediately took up the conversation, "The boss is right. There is nothing at the end of the season. It is meaningless. I will consider transferring at that time. I don't believe that the team's ambition will be the Champions League next season. It doesn't matter at all. Possibly. The boss is so rich, why not just get it all together."

Kajigao immediately glared at Luo Wu, what do you mean, is this a threat?Transfer without buying someone?

"Luo, you're no longer a professional. It's the club's business to buy whoever you buy. You can't overstep your authority."

"Why do I want a career, haha. Francis, the problem of left back must be solved, and it needs to be this winter. I personally have a good candidate." Luo Wu is not only playing tricks, but also preparing to provide candidates.


"Chilwell of Leicester City, that guy played very well. I was stalked to death by him in the last match. If he can come, our biggest shortcoming will be solved."

"He can play at centre-back and left-back, absolutely the best."

Kajigao immediately rolled his eyes, wanting to die.

"Him? Do you know how much you have to pay to buy him?"

"At least 4000 million pounds! Arsenal will never spend 4000 million to buy a defender, and the boss will not agree to it. Just forget him." Cagigao dismissed their thoughts when they heard that it was Chilwell.

Who doesn't know Chilwell is good?But the real money has to be taken out.Chilwell, who has an English account, is not cheap at all. If he does not have an English account, maybe around 2000 million pounds can be won.

There are many clubs staring at Chilwell. Manchester City and Chelsea are both eyeing them. Both clubs are rich and willing to spend money. Arsenal can't compete.

"So what if it's 4000 million, you should buy it or you have to buy it. Is Arsenal so cowardly? Or that, there is no desire to compete for the championship at all." Emery complained again.

Luo Wu was very cooperative, he patted Emery on the back, "Yes, boss, let's think about where to go next season."

"We need to go to a club with more dreams."

"Yes, maybe we can continue to work together."


The two of you talked to each other, and they cooperated very tacitly.

Kajigao was furious.

"You are enough!"

"Don't act in front of me. I can't sit still. How about this? I'll talk to the boss. If the boss nods, then we will operate. If he doesn't nod, I can't help it!"

Kajigao dropped his coat and left angrily.

"Ha ha!"

"now it's right!"

"Francis, take it down, Welchiel."

After Cagigao left, Emery said again:

"I think 4000 million may not work."

"At least 5000 million?"

"Boss, you have to have a preliminary plan. If there is no Welchier, there should be a replacement. I think Kajigao will definitely be able to convince the boss to pay, and it depends on how much he can pay." Luo Wu laughed.

"Well, it really doesn't work, I'll find some old generals..."


In the police station, Aubameyang truthfully admitted that he beat the taxi driver.

Afterwards, the police told him that the other party would not reconcile, and he wanted Aubameyang to go to jail!

Aubameyang finally panicked and quickly called his lawyer.

As Emery worried before, the opponent is a Chelsea fan, and the opponent likes to see Arsenal short of major generals.

After Aubameyang's lawyer arrived, he communicated with the taxi driver, hoping to settle the matter with money.

An offer of £10 was made as soon as he opened his mouth.


got rejected!

10 pounds is already a huge amount of wealth for a taxi driver. He may not be able to earn so much money after driving a taxi for two years.

But taxi drivers are such hard necks.Although I am a Chelsea fan, why bother with money?Can your favorite club be eaten as a meal?

Since no money is needed, then Aubameyang can only go to jail, which is the worst result...

Arsenal's main striker to go to jail?If this matter spreads to the Internet, it will laugh out loud.Of course this cannot be stopped.

For Arsenal, which is short of major generals, it is undoubtedly worse.

Later, in order to impress the taxi driver, Aubameyang added another weight, adding 5 pounds!

Or not!

20 million pounds!

Still got the same answer...

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