The rise of greenery

Chapter 140 Reversal!funeral!

Maria Lanney absolutely did not expect that the retribution would come so quickly. Not long after she hung up the phone, she received a call from the London Police Department.

Looking at the familiar phone number, she was surprised for nearly ten seconds, but finally connected.

As an ordinary woman, she did not have the courage to confront the police.

and so.

She is tragic.

Quickly explain:

"I, I was just joking with Luo Wu."

"I don't really want to blackmail him. We are friends. We have known each other for a long time."

Do you really think the police are fools?The news about her and Luo Wu has spread throughout England. If you two were friends, would there be such a delicate news waiting for the headlines?What's more, Luo Wu personally called the police.

When a well-known person like Luo Wu calls the police, the police must take it [-]% seriously, so the police will definitely not believe her words.

Then Lenny had only two choices, either to come to the police station to surrender, or the police drove to arrest her.

The police are now uncertain whether she is now living in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, or in the City of London.

Lenny eventually agreed to surrender himself.

After hanging up the phone, Lanny immediately called Luo Wu.


"I was wrong."

"I was really wrong."

"I shouldn't have threatened you."

"I have encountered a lot of trouble recently, and it is difficult for me to solve it alone. Then I suddenly thought of you. Maybe I can get some money through you, so I came up with this way."

"I admit, I was stupid, I was really wrong."

"Can you undo it? If I go in, my life will be completely over."

Lanny said a lot in one breath. Although Luo Wu couldn't see her expression, it was conceivable that she must be full of fear.

Luo Wu also showed no mercy, because she just did something wrong.

Some things can be forgiven, and some things cannot be forgiven.

"If you have a difficult life, you can hit me? Can you blackmail me by committing a crime?"

"Hehe, now that the police have found you, you know you are afraid."

"You should go to jail and then realize how shameful your crimes are."

"That's it, bye!"

Luo Wu was too lazy to continue listening and was about to hang up.The other party suddenly yelled.

"and many more!"

"Luo! I also have parents! If it wasn't for collecting money to pay for my mother's treatment, I wouldn't do it!"

Lenny on the other end of the phone began to cry.

"My ex-husband lied to me a lot of money, and my credit card was maxed out. Now that my parents are hospitalized, I need to come up with a sum of money, but I can't do anything, I can only take the risk."

"I could have been less greedy because The Sun paid me almost enough, but I..."

"I beg you, don't let me in, I'm willing to do anything you ask me to do."


Luo Wu let out a heavy breath.

Doesn't sound like fake?

But I can't believe her one-sided words.

Women are horrible.

"Why should I believe what you said is true?" Luo Wu asked.

Lenny immediately blurted out:

"My mother is at the Nightingale Hospital in London. You can easily find out that she has uterine cancer."

Well, it's all about this, so it shouldn't be fake.

Luo Wu's voice also softened a lot.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now."

"But remember, if I know that you lied to me, it won't be so easy to solve next time. You can't imagine what the consequences will be, and it will be ten times worse than you imagined."

"There is another question, why did you come to hack me after posting the photo?"

"Because... because my ex-husband saw it...he blocked it. We were two days away from getting married. I just wanted to be crazy before getting married..."

Luo Wu: ...

It's so speechless, it's such a bloody plot.

Only now do I know the truth.

So I almost turned someone else's man green...

At that time, I thought that my weapon was not powerful enough and I was disgusted, so it turned out to be the case.


The mood instantly improved a lot.

"Okay, hang up first, I'll call the police."

"Remember what I just said."

After hanging up, Luo Wu really called to dismiss the case.

After all, she is a poor woman. If Lenny hadn't lied, it would be excusable. If she were in such a difficult situation, she would not think of any other way, and would take risks in order to save her relatives.

People are realistic.

However, the posts he posted on ins continued to ferment. The story between him and Lenny was solid. When he went up to see it, he found that the likes had exceeded 1000 million, and there were too many comments. nearly 100 million entries.

This terrifying popularity!Go straight to Melo.

After thinking about it, he posted a new post: Good evening everyone!How should I put it, this matter is a bit complicated this time, Lanny called me, and she said that she did this only because her mother was seriously ill in bed and urgently needed a sum of money for treatment.I chose to forgive her.Here I also have the responsibility to remind everyone that it is not right to choose to do immoral things just because you are in a predicament.The world needs sunshine and warmth. Here I also announce that I will provide a sum of money to support Lenny's mother. I hope she can recover soon. Finally, I will give this to The Sun (a middle finger picture).

That's how the plot changed.

The melon-eating audience didn't expect the plot to develop like this, and Luo Wu, who was blackmailed, finally did Laney a favor?

This good man is really speechless.

But for Luo Wu, it might just be a matter of little effort. He can earn hundreds of thousands of pounds by just posting on social networking sites. Money is purely a number to him.

After returning to the mansion, Vlada Saidan did not quarrel with him because of this matter.

Who hasn't passed?

The past cannot be changed, but how bad it is, not to mention that Luo Wu's matter is not a problem at all, and he has handled it perfectly with unconventional means.

Mendes was about to call Luo Wu, but after reading Luo Wu's second post, he chose to ignore it.In his opinion, it was handled well.

But his news still occupies the headlines of the British sports section, suppressing all football news below.

Obviously it is a sports section, why is football match not the headline, but the player's lace news is the headline instead?I really can't figure it out, let alone a Chinese.

What's even more exasperating is that the news about the game under the headlines is also about Luo Wu, and there is nothing about other players at all.

At noon the next day, Luo Wu put on a black suit and drove a sports car all the way north to Highgate Cemetery.

Highgate Cemetery is one of England's oldest and most prestigious cemeteries, established in 1832 and located in Chelsea, between the Grand Union Canal and Harrow Road.

Luo Wu, wearing black sunglasses, put the car in the parking lot outside and joined the rest of the team here.

The Arsenal fans who passed away yesterday afternoon were buried very quickly, and they would be buried in the ground in one night. If Kagigao had not called one by one this morning to inform them, everyone might not have time to attend the funeral.

"I don't like this kind of place." Looking at the gloomy gate, Luo Wu got goosebumps for no reason.

"I'm used to it." Smith Luo beside him looked indifferent, "I have been seeing off my relatives since I was a child. Just hung up..."

"Are they all here?" Luo Wu asked subconsciously.

"No, they're nunhead in another cemetery, and I visit them every year."

"It can be seen that you love them very much." Luo Wu patted him on the shoulder, "When I leave one day, remember to visit me every year, otherwise I will be very lonely."

"Sh-it, what nonsense are you talking about, can't you say something nice?" Smith Luo looked at him differently, thinking to himself, does anyone still think that he would die early?

"Hey, didn't I explain the funeral in advance? No one knows which will come first tomorrow or the accident. Look at the boss of Leicester City. He left not long ago? Do you want my helicopter? ? If you don’t want it, I’ll sell it and throw it away.”

"Yes, of course." It's not good that Smith Luo is stupid. The probability of a helicopter accident is so high.Unless you are flying in India, otherwise this probability can be completely ignored.

"Well, if you have time another day, I'll ask someone to arrange the transfer to you."

A helicopter worth more than 50 pounds was just disposed of by him to a friend.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, I don't know how to take a helicopter anyway, ahem." Luo Wu smiled a little strangely...

Highgate Cemetery looks more like a tourist attraction. There are actually many tourists visiting here, and some people take pictures with their mobile phones.Fortunately, Luo Wu grew up in the West, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to understand it. If he was a native Chinese, he must feel a little horrified when he saw these scenes.

How could you be in the mood to take pictures in such a heavy place?

Who takes pictures with someone who is buried underground?Maybe the ghost will get on me...

After traveling for nearly 10 minutes, I came to an old church. The family members of the deceased stood at the door to welcome the guests, watching the grand occasion.

After entering the church, there were more than 200 people. It seems that the deceased had many friends and was quite prestigious.

Many people were holding things familiar to Luo Wu and the others.

Arsenal jersey.

Arsenal scarf.

Huge Arsenal crest.

There's even a mug with big ears!If you get close enough to look at it, it also has the name of the Arsenal club on it.


All kinds of gift wrapping.

and many more.

They should all be used to commemorate him.

After being seated in the church, the wife of the deceased gave an affectionate speech, and then his children also took the stage to express their memory of their father.

The friends who followed him also came up and talked about their friendship with him, as well as stories about them and Arsenal.

Finally, what Luo Wu didn't expect was that he was invited by the wife of the deceased to give a speech.

Luo Wu didn't think of it at all.

"My husband's biggest wish was that you could lead Arsenal to win the Champions League. Can you tell him something?"

Talk to the dead?

Although I don't want to, it is definitely impossible to refuse.


Luo Wu still took off his sunglasses and walked up.

Fortunately, he already knew the name of the deceased before, otherwise he would not know how to address him.

After adjusting his mood, he opened his mouth.

"There is no doubt that Hans was a great Arsenal fan, very pure and full of love. This is the glory of Arsenal. Although he never died, I still feel very sad about his passing."

"When I hear the bad news, I think football is not always good."

"Football also has sadness, how I hope it will always bring you only happiness."

"But now we can't change the past. I only hope that there will be beautiful football in heaven so that the happiness can continue."

"Although Hans is not alive, he is not alone. He loves his friends and his relatives will definitely witness Arsenal win the Champions League."

"I, and the whole Arsenal team, will fight for it until the glory."


"we love you,"

"rest in peace."


When leaving the church, Luo Wu handed over a check to the wife of the deceased, which was considered to be in exchange for the promise made yesterday afternoon.

Then drove away with Smith Rowe.

However, he felt a little depressed. Participating in this kind of activity must have affected his emotions. When he returned home, he ran ten laps on his own court and practiced for another hour, but he still couldn't get rid of the gloom.

Finally he lay down on the grass, breathing in the cold air with his eyes closed.

His girlfriend, Flada Saidan, stood behind him at some point and put a coat on him.

It's mid-November, and the weather is extremely cold. Didn't this guy feel it?You can catch a cold anytime.


"I've been in a bad mood since I got back from the funeral today."

"I always feel like life isn't real."

"You tell me this isn't a dream, right?"

Luo Wu wrapped his coat and sat up.


"Of course it's true. Could it be that I'm a fake standing in front of me?"

Sai Dan touched Luo Wu's head and hugged him into his arms.

"I'm a little scared."

"I'm afraid that when I wake up, it's all just a dream."

"I'm afraid of being alone."

"Alone, just like when I stayed in Wolverhampton by myself. When Hans left today, there were so many people saying goodbye. I was thinking, what if I leave?"

Vlada patted him on the back, "You think too much."

"Don't think about it."

"You have me, your parents, your grandparents, and many fans who love you."

"If one day you do leave, football loses its god."

Ever since Luo Wu got the ball king system, he has never been so depressed.

"All right,"

"I still have a lot of things to do."

"I don't want to be like Hans, who spent his whole life in silence without even seeing a Champions League champion."


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