Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 21 Resisting the Ring of Fire

Seeing the fiery red figure in front of her, Huo Wu jumped up excitedly, and her hard work paid off. After searching for so long, she finally saw the fire elf.

"So this is the fire elf!"

Jiang Yu couldn't help being taken aback. The creature in front of him was only about the size of a human baby. His whole body was made of flames. There were three fiery red ribbons next to his ears, which fluttered slowly in the air under the blowing of the wind. It was the most attractive What's more, it has a fiery red gemstone on its forehead.

"According to the records in the book, a thousand-year-old fire elf will condense a ruby ​​on its head, and the streamer next to its ear will only grow one every hundred years. That is to say, the fire elf in front of me has a lifespan of 600 to 690 years. Between 760 and [-] years, and the absorption period of the soul master's third spirit ring is [-] years, Xiao Wu, you can absorb it."

Huo Wushuang's eyes shot out a gleam, the fire elf in front of him was tailor-made for his younger sister, it couldn't be more suitable as her third spirit ring.

"Brother, don't move, let me do it."

After Huo Wu said those words, she rushed towards the fire elf, she wanted to subdue this soul beast herself.

"Xiao Wu, be careful, it's not easy to deal with."

Huo Wushuang focused on Huo Wu's movements, and if anything went wrong, he could step forward to help.

"This chick is really hot-tempered."

Jiang Yu secretly complained.

"Martial Soul, Possession."

Huo Wu swayed, and a faint orange-red shadow gradually emerged from her back, which was exactly the same as her figure. The blurred Hokage gave off an illusory feeling, but this was her martial soul... Hokage.

To put it simply, it is the shadow of the fire attribute. This is an extremely special martial soul, neither a beast martial soul nor a weapon martial soul, and it is also a divine gift like the seraph, which is also a humanoid martial soul. Wuhun is different.

Although the fire shadow martial soul does not look as powerful as the beast martial soul, it can bring out the fire element to the greatest extent, and the connection between the flame shadow and the fire dance is far beyond the relationship between other soul masters and their own martial soul .

It is precisely because of the deep bond between Huowu and Hokage that she can unleash the full potential of Wuhun.

"The first soul skill, flame whip."

The yellow soul ring on Huo Wu's body suddenly lit up, and a raging flame was released from her body.

In the end, the diameter of the flame exceeded three meters, and it condensed into a huge whip.

Seeing the powerful attack coming, the fire elf didn't dodge it, its eyes blinked, and a deep puzzled look appeared on its face.

"Hoo, hoo..."

The fire elf scratched her head and made a cute voice, it seemed that she didn't understand the behavior of the humans in front of her.

"This fire elf is quite cute."

Jiang Yu even had the urge to raise one.

Such a cute creature, it's not too cool to masturbate for nothing!

"Don't think that I will let you go."

Huo Wu sneered, to her, the creature in front of her was just her prey no matter how cute it was.

She won't hold back.

The soul power of Huo Wu's whole body exploded suddenly, and an extremely explosive breath came out from the flame whip.

It seemed that she was trying to get rid of the fire elves with one move.

"Kaw! Kaw!"

Seeing that the flame whip was about to touch its body, a fiery red halo suddenly appeared on the fire elf's body.

Miraculously, when the flame whip came into contact with the halo, it was suddenly bounced off.

"how can that be?"

Huo Wu's face paled in an instant, she didn't expect her full blow to be disintegrated so easily.

"It turns out that Huo Wu's third soul ability, Fire Resistance Ring, came from this fire elf. No wonder it's so wonderful."

Jiang Yu instantly understood the origin of Huo Wu's magical soul ring. This fire elf is much more mysterious than ordinary soul beasts.

"Gah woo, ga woo!"

The fire elf's eyes were full of anger, but for some reason it didn't attack, and after a while it fled towards the rear.

"It seems that it has no attack capability."

Combined with Huo Wu's resistance to the fire ring effect, Jiang Yu guessed why the fire elf gave up resistance.

It turns out that all the talent points have been used for defense!

"Martial spirit, possessed!"

Huo Wushuang would not let the fire spirit escape, he released his martial soul at the critical moment.

Scales emerged from under his skin, hot flames erupted in an instant, and then extinguished in an instant, Huo Wushuang's entire body was covered with a layer of dark red.

Protruding from the top of his head is a short horn about three inches long. This is his martial spirit, the one-horned fire tyrannosaurus.

It is an extremely violent spirit.

"The third soul skill, Golden Scale Fire Dragon Transformation."

As soon as Huo Wushuang came up, he unleashed the strongest soul skill, the mighty dragon chant came from his mouth, and the surging flames condensed into a dragon shape behind his back.

Sharp claws suddenly appeared between Huo Wushuang's hands, and his body kept growing, and the original dark red scales instantly burst into golden red light.

Huo Wushuang's third spirit ability is similar to Dai Mubai's White Tiger Vajra Transformation, because their spirit rings all come from the same kind of spirit beast... Vajra Tiger.

Under the blessing of the Golden Scale Fire Dragon Transformation, Huo Wushuang's strength, attack and defense all increased significantly.

In this half an hour of transformation time, his strength has fully doubled compared to before.

"Where to run!"

Huo Wushuang gave a loud shout, and chased after the fire elf. Under his hot pursuit, the distance between the two was gradually shrinking.

"Second Soul Skill, Explosive Fireball."

"The second soul skill, exploding fireball."

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang brothers and sisters released the second soul ability in a tacit understanding. Although their names are somewhat different, the effects they present are not much different.

This time, what Huo Wu condensed in his palm was no longer a fiery flame, but an extremely explosive incandescent flame.

A white ball of light the size of an egg flew out and smashed in the direction of the fire elf.

And Huo Wushuang also closed his hands suddenly, and a dark red light rushed out from the palm of his hand, instantly condensing into a dark red light ball the size of a palm.

The two balls of light chased towards the direction of the fire elf at the same time. Under the attraction of the white light ball, the fire elf, which was moving extremely fast, suddenly stopped there.

And the dark red fireball also suddenly released an explosive force, and a huge shock wave swept towards the fire elf, blasting its body several meters away.

However, it is a pity.

Even though Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang's soul skills are effective, just repelling the fire elf didn't cause any substantial damage to it. All the attacks were bounced off by the fire elf's halo, and they couldn't affect it at all. .

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