Seeing the two figures in front of him, Jiang Yu immediately realized that they were definitely not Tang San and Xiao Wu from their makeup.

Combined with the conversation between the two just now, Jiang Yu has already guessed the identities of the two...

Huowu and Huo Wushuang.

In the original book, the chief and deputy captains of the Blazing Fire Team, especially Huo Wu, brought Tang San a lot of trouble.

It can be said that these two people are definitely not as fast as the Shrek Seven Monsters in terms of strength or talent.

"Brother, do you see someone in front of you?"

Huo Wu, who was following behind, was the first to see Jiang Yu's figure. Hearing her sister's exclamation, Huo Wushuang's eyes also shifted from the ground to the front.

"This little boy is so handsome, and he came to the Fire Rock Valley alone, who is so cruel to leave him in such a dangerous place?"

The puzzled look on Huo Wushuang's face could only be attributed to Jiang Yu's deceptive appearance. No one would associate this milky little boy with a gifted swordsman who was born with soul power.

"Little brother, why are you here alone?"

Huo Wushuang was afraid of scaring others, so he forced a smile on his face. Although Jiang Yu felt that this expression was even more terrifying in his eyes, Huo Wushuang himself was quite satisfied.

"I am practicing here."

Jiang Yu didn't intend to hide it, and told the truth. After all, Douluo's world was quite safe, and they didn't have any hatred, so the Huo Wushuang siblings wouldn't harm him.

"Cultivation?" Huo Wushuang's eyes narrowed, and he exclaimed in surprise: "This is the Fire Rock Valley, you dare to come here to practice at such a young age!"

Jiang Yu couldn't help but be shocked by Jiang Yu's answer. You must know that even if he is a dignified soul master and possesses a high-level fire-type martial soul like the one-horned fire tyrannosaurus, he dare not stay in the earth fire rock valley for too long.

If it wasn't for helping his younger sister Huo Wu obtain a suitable third soul ring this time, Huo Wushuang would not have dared to rush into this dangerous place.

"You are so brave!"

Huo Wu stared at Jiang Yu's face, and said with sincere admiration: "Even my brother dare not come to this place, I still remember when Dad brought him here for the first time, my brother was so scared that he almost peed his pants. From now on, every time my brother is disobedient, my father will threaten him with the Fire Rock Valley, this method can be said to be tried and tested.”

"It seems that you are much stronger than my brother."

"Huh... heh!"

Huo Wushuang saw her sister revealing her embarrassing things, so she quickly stopped her from continuing.

Isn't this tearing him down!

Besides, it all happened when I was a child, and now that I have grown into a man, what's the point of bringing up the past.

"I don't know the name of the little brother, and which faction he comes from." Huo Wushuang couldn't help feeling a friendship,

"My name is Huo Wushuang, a martial spirit, a one-horned fire tyrannosaurus, a level 35 assault-type battle soul master."

"This is my younger sister, Huo Wu, and the master of the Chi Huo Sect is our grandfather!"

Hearing Huo Wushuang's words, Jiang Yu thought to himself that he had guessed correctly. The only thing that surprised him was that the grandfather of the siblings turned out to be the lord of the Blazing Fire Sect... Huo Yunlong.

No wonder Huowu was able to persuade Blazing Academy to give up its quota in the original book. It turned out that it was the academy opened by her family, and it was a proper third generation!

According to Jiang Yu's understanding, the Blazing Fire Sect was originally called the Fire Leopard Sect, but since their sect master's line had withered one after another dozens of years ago, Huo Yunlong, who was the Great Elder at the time, took charge of the sect's power.

It didn't even take long for him to become the new suzerain, and changed the name of the sect to Blazing Fire Sect.

Later, Huo Yunlong defeated the Elephant Armor Sect's suzerain, Hu Yanzhen, who was known as the Celestial Phenomena, and led the Blazing Fire Sect to win the sixth seat in the Hundred Sect Competition.

"Jiang Yu, the core disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

Jiang Yu responded flatly, and was not shocked because the other party was a member of the Blazing Fire Sect.

After all, both the Spirit Hall and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are much stronger than the Blazing Fire School.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

This time it was Huo Wushuang's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that the child in front of him was a core disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. One must know that the selection of core disciples by the previous three sects was extremely strict, and it was far from comparable to other sects.

It can be seen from this that Jiang Yu is extraordinary, he is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"I didn't expect the little brother to be a member of the upper three sects. It seems that my brother and I are blind."

Huo Wushuang's personality was originally extroverted, and he also had social arrogance, so before he could say a few words to Jiang Yu, he became acquainted with each other.

"Hahaha, I don't know why Big Brother Huo came here!" Jiang Yu laughed loudly, and then expressed the doubts in his heart. The two brothers and sisters must have some kind of purpose in coming to Huoyan Valley.

"My girl..."

Huo Wushuang didn't hide anything, pointed to Huo Wu behind him and replied straightforwardly, "The cultivation of soul power has just broken through to level [-]. We came here to hunt for a strange soul beast for her as her third soul." ring."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Yu felt a little weird, instead of going to the Star Dou Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts, what would he do in this place where birds don't shit.

He's been here for quite a long time, let alone a soul beast, and he hasn't even seen a single hair.

"But there are no soul beasts in this Fire Rock Valley?"

As soon as Jiang Yu expressed his doubts, Huo Wushuang explained to him.

"The place where this kind of soul beast lives is very special. They usually only appear around the crater, and they are elves formed by gathering the essence of the fire."

"Fire spirit?"

Jiang Yu never thought that there would be such a strange soul beast here.

It sounds like a congenital spirit.

"Brother Huo, I also want to go with you, I have never seen this kind of soul beast before!"

Even if Jiang Yu is interested, even if he doesn't need a soul ring now, it's good to see it.


Huo Wushuang agreed to Jiang Yu's request in one gulp, and multiple people also contributed more. According to their internal records, the speed of the fire elves was extremely fast, and they might not be able to trap the fire elves just by relying on their brother and sister.

With Jiang Yu's help, their chances of winning were better.

So Jiang Yu joined their team, and the three of them walked towards the valley together.

Along the way, Huo Wu kept chattering in front of Jiang Yu, as if he wanted to check his family background, and even asked about his ancestors.

Fortunately, Jiang Yu had undergone systematic undercover training, so he didn't even need to write a draft to make up a story, so he quickly fooled Huo Wu.

As they approached the crater, the surrounding air became hotter and hotter, and the frequency of ground fire eruptions gradually increased.

If it weren't for the fact that all three of them had fire attribute spirits, they might not be able to stand the environment here. But even so, the flushed faces of Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang gradually became dignified.

Obviously, they were about to reach their limit, and if they couldn't find the fire elves, the brothers and sisters had no choice but to go back home, and the next best thing was to choose other fire attribute soul beasts as their soul rings.

But maybe they were lucky, just when they were about to give up, a strange creature appeared not far in front of them.

"Fire Spirit!"

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