As time went by, the rest area gradually became more crowded, and the fact that these people could stand out from the three thousand disciples was enough to prove their respective strengths.

Their performance was noticed by the higher-ups, and it was at this moment that they were noticed by the core figures at the top of the sect for the first time. Regardless of whether they could squeeze into the top [-] or not, they would be trained by the sect.

An hour later, the [-]th disciple stepped into the rest area, which also meant that the first selection match was officially over.

Just when Jiang Yu thought he was about to enter the intermission, Ning Fengzhi unexpectedly announced the start of the second selection ceremony.

They really didn't even have time to catch their breath.

The rules of the second round of competition were also very simple. After Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, a strong man in armor moved the iron model of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda to the square.

There are only a hundred iron towers.

The remaining [-] disciples who can own the pagoda within an hour can successfully obtain the quota of partners, and once they pick up the iron tower, they cannot let go.

Moreover, there is no limitation of soul power in this round, and the degree of freedom is much greater than the previous round.

The seemingly simple rules actually imply a great danger. The remaining contestants will definitely do their best for the pagoda. After all, no one wants to back down when they have reached this point.

Even if you snatch the pagoda, you will definitely be besieged by the rest of the people. Within an hour, everyone will be caught in endless battles.

The key is that there is no rest time for them to recover their soul power. Everyone's soul power is obviously consumed by the end of the game. It can be said that the gap between everyone is not that big.

After all, the disciples who can enter the top [-] are very powerful in terms of martial spirit quality and fighting skills.

Seeing that the Iron Tower was right in front of them, many contestants hesitated and stood there watching.

They are not stupid.

I still know the truth of shooting the first bird.

Whoever goes up first will definitely be besieged.

However, not all people in this world are without courage. At critical times, there will always be someone who will take the lead.

Seeing that no one dared to step forward, Jiang Yu walked out of the team and walked straight towards the direction where the iron tower was placed.

"Who is this person?"

Immediately there were discussions.

"I don't know if he is brave or stupid, but if he dares to be the first to go forward, he is not afraid of being besieged!"

"I don't know if he's stupid or not, but he does have the capital to be proud. He is Jiang Yu, the first genius of my sect who was born with full soul power, and a direct disciple of Sword Douluo. It is said that even his old man thinks he is His swordsmanship is not as good as Jiang Yu's."

"This is too exaggerated!"

Someone voiced doubts.

"Elder Jian is the No. 1 sword in mainland China. Even the titled Douluo, who is known as the King of Swords in the Wuhun Temple, is willing to bow down and dare not compete with Elder Jian."

"Aside from being handsome, this Jiang Yu doesn't seem to have much talent? I'm afraid it's not an embroidered pillow."

In fact, it's not their fault for questioning. After all, there are too many people who look good but don't use it. Apart from winning No.1 in last year's rookie competition, Jiang Yu has no famous record.

Moreover, the ratio of newcomers is not high, and the players covered are just some newcomers who have just joined the sect.

The gold content is not high.

If you have to compare it, the rookie competition is just the size of a county-level game challenge.

The scope of influence is quite limited.

Jiang Yu randomly chose an iron tower on the stage and put it on his palm. Only then did he realize that although the small tower is not big, it still weighs a bit, probably weighing at least twenty catties.

This weight may not be a big deal for adults, but don't forget that many of these contestants are still children, and for them, the weight of this iron tower is definitely a test.

It can be said that even a genius like Jiang Yu has a certain amount of pressure to support the iron tower for an hour and also have to deal with the challenges of other players.

In this situation, the one who successfully obtained the quota must be the best among the many disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Jiang Yu also couldn't help admiring the rules set up by Ning Fengzhi, he deserves to be one of the most wise men on the continent.

Not long after Jiang Yu got the iron tower, someone rushed towards him, apparently planning to snatch it.

Jiang Yu looked down on this kind of person the most.

I didn't have the guts to come just now, but now I rushed out to grab it.

"I want the iron tower in your hand."

The young man looks majestic and fierce, just like the fat tiger in Doraemon.

After the man finished speaking, he released his martial soul. His martial soul was a black elephant, with a circle of yellow soul rings tightly surrounding it, exuding a shining light.

It goes without saying that he is a powerful soul master.

"Hand it over wisely."


Jiang Yu didn't say much, and with one punch, the man was sent flying tens of feet away.

Although he doesn't look very strong, he actually possesses a lot of strength.

You must know that Jiang Yu has eaten a lot of nourishing soul beast meat and precious medicinal materials since he was a child, and the milk he drank was Bibi Dong's. Title Douluo's milk has obviously improved Jiang Yu's physique invisibly.

Coupled with the fact that he has cultivated the Primordial Purple Qi, his strength at this time is probably no less than a thousand catties.

Even if the soul master was on full alert just now, he might not be able to block Jiang Yu's attack.

"I'm going, this is too fierce!"

A disciple who knew the Black Elephant soul master looked at Jiang Yu in disbelief. He knew the strength of the Black Elephant soul master, but he didn't expect that Jiang Yu couldn't even resist Jiang Yu's blow.

Only at this moment did he believe that Jian Douluo's words were likely to be true, not that he was modest.

This Jiang Yu was like a tyrannosaur in human form, and no one who had seen his strength dared to recklessly step forward to challenge him.

"I missed the opportunity in the rookie competition before, and I took this opportunity to fight you."

Just when everyone was shrinking back, a handsome young man wearing a black cloak walked out from the crowd, and he proudly said to Jiang Yu: "Xiao Fan, the martial soul is cold and cold, and the sixteenth-level agility and attack type combat soul Teacher, please teach me more."

"Xiao Fan!"

Jiang Yu was very impressed with this person. At the beginning of the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect's rookie competition, the two had a chance to compete, but Xiao Fan had something to do with him and quit the competition. He learned about Xiao Fan's situation through his mouth.

Xiao Fan possessed an extremely rare mutated martial soul. Originally, his martial soul was just an ordinary flame, but it successfully evolved into a strange fire with the power of ice.

But it was precisely because of this that Xiao Fan's family caused great trouble.

The Xiao family was originally one of the three major families in a remote town in the Heaven Dou Empire. Xiao Fan's talent was considered a threat by the other two families, so they formed an alliance to destroy the Xiao family.

Only Xiao Fan and his god-sister Xiao Meier escaped, and they joined the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect after several twists and turns, because of their outstanding talents, Xiao Fan and Xiao Meier quickly became the core disciples of the sect.

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