Sword Douluo, the emperor of Douluo

Chapter 15 Vegetable and Meat Buns

Several green vines as thick as the mouth of a bowl flew towards Jiang Yu's direction.

Although Chen Tong's first soul skill looked somewhat similar to Tang San's Blue Silver Grass spirit skill, its power was definitely not the same. After all, the Blue Silver Grass before it evolved into the Blue Silver Emperor was quite ordinary.

The soul skills released by Chen Tong are not comparable to Tang San's grass in terms of size, hardness and thickness.

Facing the menacing huge vines, Jiang Yu rushed forward with swords in both hands.

Ever since he practiced the "Grandmist Purple Qi Dao", his physical fitness has been enhanced in all aspects, even his speed is different from ordinary people, even without the blessing of footwork, he may not be worse than Tang San who has practiced the Ghost Shadow Fan Trace Step .

This is the benefit of top-level exercises.

Various magical abilities can be displayed without additional supporting efforts.

An afterimage passed by, and the huge vine was cut to pieces, and Chen Tong didn't even see who did it.

If you slow down Jiang Yu's movements ten times, you can clearly see that he swung the long sword ten times at the moment he touched the vine.

It's a pity that Chen Tong didn't practice any pupil technique. If he could write sharing eyes or Ziji magic pupil, he wouldn't be so passive.

Just when Chen Tong was dumbfounded, Jiang Yu's sword had already reached his neck.

"I lost!"

He didn't expect the game to end so quickly, as if it was over before it even started.

"Actually, your strength is not bad! If you didn't meet me, you might not be able to enter the next round."

Jiang Yu put down the sword in his hand when he saw that he conceded defeat. He was not surprised by the result of the match.

Just kidding, if you have to fight against soul masters of the same level, how can he be considered a genius!It is not a problem to instantly kill soul masters of the same level with his strength.

"Xiao Yu's speed is so fast." Gu Rong has been watching the battle on Jiang Yu's side, seeing what happened just now, even he can't believe it.

Jiang Yu's speed was really too fast.

If it wasn't for his cultivation of Title Douluo, he might not be able to see what Jiang Yu did just now.

"Old man Jian, why don't we discuss it, and you divide this apprentice into half of me."

Gu Rong couldn't help showing a shy smile to Jian Douluo.


Chen Xin was quite proud, and rejected the old buddy's request straight away, so he wouldn't divide such an excellent apprentice with others!

"You old man, you usually like to deliberately embarrass this kid Xiaoyu, but now you still pretend to be."

Seeing that he disagreed, Gu Rong immediately became angry.

"Uncle Bone, Uncle Jian."

Ning Fengzhi, who was caught in the middle, was afraid that they would quarrel, so he quickly tried to persuade,

"No matter whose disciple Xiao Yu is, he is a member of my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, so why are you fighting here!"

"We will continue to pay attention to his next game and see what kind of awakening this kid can bring us."

Under Ning Fengzhi's persuasion, the two titled Douluo stopped arguing and started paying attention to the competition.

The battle in the square continued until the afternoon, and the senior officials of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School who were watching the battle had a lunch and afternoon tea along the way.

The players on the field were not treated so well. They had never heard of their battles, and they couldn't even drink their saliva after eating.

After all, no matter how hard it is, you can't suffer from the top management, and these young lads should take it as experience.

There is a saying that is true, the heavens will give great responsibility to servants, and they will definitely grind their muscles and bones and starve their bodies and skins.

Now is the time to put this truth into practice.

This is also a test for these disciples.


Under Jiang Yu's violent attack, a well-built boy lasted only three moves before being defeated.

"The tenth!"

Looking at the opponent rolling on the ground, Jiang Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then he only needs to deal with the next round with all his strength. The rules of the game are only to defeat ten opponents, and he is not interested in competing with other opponents.

Jiang Yu soon walked towards the rest area, where the winners could wait first.

Jiang Yu was the ninth person to arrive at the rest area. Before that, there were seven men and one woman, all of whom were older than him.

"Cuckoo... Gulu."

After standing for a while, Jiang Yu's stomach growled. He hadn't eaten since the morning, and the match just now had exhausted a lot of energy, so it was inevitable that he would feel a pang of hunger.

"Here, take it."

At this moment, Jiang Yu heard a familiar voice behind him, turned around and saw that it was indeed Ning Rongrong.

Jiang Yu stared at the oiled paper bag in his hand, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Your favorite vegetable and meat buns!"

Ning Rongrong smiled sweetly, her bright smile revealed a very healing feeling.

"Vegetable and meat buns!"

Jiang Yu quickly opened the oil paper, saw the two buns inside, and was no longer polite, quickly picked up a big one and stuffed it into his mouth, took a big bite, and the delicious oil juice sprayed into his mouth, full of happiness Feelings arise spontaneously.


Hearing her belly growl, Ning Rongrong hurriedly covered her little belly with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Haven't you eaten yet?" Jiang Yu stopped and looked at Ning Rongrong with puzzled eyes.

"I'm not hungry yet, you eat first."

Ning Rongrong waved her hand and said stubbornly.

"Here, eat it for me."

Jiang Yu didn't believe her words, picked up an uneaten bun and stuffed it into Ning Rongrong's hand.

"I'm really not hungry."

"If you don't eat, I won't eat either."

Jiang Yu didn't say much, but put the bun back into the oil paper bag, showing his attitude with practical actions.

"No, I can't eat it!"

Ning Rongrong picked up the bun and stuffed it into her mouth, maybe she ate it too fast, the oil inside sprayed out from the corner of her mouth and flowed outward.

"Silly girl! Eat slowly."

Jiang Yu wiped the corner of Ning Rongrong's mouth with his hand, then picked up the bun with his other hand and started to eat.

"I'm not stupid!"

Ning Rongrong blushed and muttered.

Seeing this scene, the contestants standing next to him couldn't help feeling envious, why!

It was all given by the contestant Jiang Yu, who was able to eat steamed buns, and who was also the suzerain's most beloved daughter, the little witch who made the entire Qibao Liulizong frightened.

And they can only stand aside and eat "dog food." Why is the gap between people so big!

"I'm leaving. If they find out that I secretly gave you steamed stuffed buns, you will definitely be gossiped behind your back."

After Ning Rongrong finished speaking, she turned and looked at the other contestants, "If you let me know who of you dares to leak it, you will all understand."

Ning Rongrong's complexion suddenly became cold and hard.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

The contestants quickly responded, they did not dare to offend this unruly and willful little princess.

"This girl!"

Seeing Ning Rongrong's beautiful figure gradually disappearing, Jiang Yu's heart warmed up, it was such a good feeling to be missed.

Although he knew that being an undercover agent could not be emotional, he still couldn't help thinking of Ning Rongrong as his younger sister in his heart.

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