Xue Ying frowned and followed Jiang Yinyin's pace.

The reason why I was dazed just now was because I heard the word Mu's family.

Suddenly remembered... There are several brothers of his at the Mu family.

I don't know how they are doing now, and I always feel not very good.

"Where is your brother?"

Jiang Yinyin was very good at observing words and expressions, so she understood something when she saw Xueying was stunned just now.

"Not really, just a few idiots."

Thinking of those three people, Xue Ying immediately vetoed it, they were also his brother's business.

In this way, Jiang Yinyin didn't ask any more questions, but she still reminded, "If it's really your brother, those few people's experience may not be very good."

"It can only be said that they are asking for their own blessings, and the three old ones in my family are not easy to mess with."

Thinking of the combat effectiveness of the three of them, Jiang Yinyin couldn't help admiring them.

But that's good too, if you don't get kidnapped, you can't save yourself, and you have to ask her to save them.

But seeing Cai Cai's location moving, it is obvious that these three people should have escaped.

It seems that only by going to the old house can she be lured out, tsk.

It's really uncomfortable to feel that this kind of thing is in the hands of others.

At the same time, the old house.

The three old slickers were already sitting on the ground at this moment, all of them stared at the three people who were tied up with their eyes wide open.

"So, you are also sent by someone."

The panda man nodded hastily, his appearance can be described as very funny, "We were really sent by others, we don't know anything else, and when we came, the three of you were already tied up, no, I'm just looking at the rest of you..."

Mu Xionghui glanced over and told him to shut up immediately.

The panda man looked at the eldest among the three in fear, and swallowed his saliva.

"Boss, let's talk about it."

The bald man was stunned, and looked at the three of them and shivered, "I don't know about it, we really just said that we want to watch you, and if you look good, you can get a bonus..."

The three old men looked at each other for an entire afternoon, but they didn't ask what was going on.

The purpose of the other party is to tie them here... Look?

They are not monkeys, and they cannot be visited by people. Is it necessary to watch them?

"This matter is definitely not simple. The three of us can't get out now. The door locks are controlled by someone and we can't open it. How did the three of you get in?"

The bald man trembled, looked at Second Uncle Mu, and said tremblingly, "The three of us were let in by someone else, and the door card has been degaussed, so we can't get out either."

The three old men clicked their tongues, and the three of them trembled for a while, afraid that something was wrong with them, so they ate them directly!

These three old men are really scary!

Third Uncle Mu looked around, carefully recalling a series of things that happened since they woke up, and then, his eyes fell on Mu Xionghui.

"Perhaps the other party's target has not been us?"

These words awakened Mu Xionghui instantly.

He instantly thought of a person, his own daughter!

If there is anyone around him who needs to be attracted, it is only his own daughter!

He is also the person he cares about most now!

"It seems that the other party's purpose is on Yinyin. They locked us in the old house with a closed signal, just to prevent Yinyin from being able to contact us, so they can come back, and then come to the old house."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three of them darkened a little.

In the next second, his eyes fell on the trio of great wisdom again, "Tell me, tell me exactly where those weapons are buried."

The bald man was startled, and then felt guilty, "What... what weapon?"

"Stop pretending, you think us old guys are just for nothing? If you really just came to watch us, why bother."

The three of them didn't expect that the three old men actually thought of this. Now, in order to save their lives, they can only tell the whole story.

"It's all far-infrared positioning, you can't remove it..."

The three of them were dragged to a place, watching them fiddle with a small instrument, they took a few wires in their hands.

The bald man opened his mouth to speak, but before he finished speaking, his eyes widened when he saw the box was opened.

These three people... what is it!

That's high technology!But how could it be easily opened by a few wires after it had just been shipped from overseas?

It is really puzzling.

"Tch, I thought it was a high-tech thing, but I didn't expect it to be here."

Uncle Mu said disdainfully, and the trio of bald men stared at the wire in his hand, swallowing their saliva in shock.

As the three went smoothly, the trio of bald men gradually became numb.

Sure enough, they couldn't look at them the way they usually look at the little old man.

They are so stupid...

The three of them demolished the house all the way, the old house was almost beyond recognition, and finally came to a tiny device near the gate.

Looking at the fine lines on it, the three of them felt a little troubled.

"Smash it open?"

Second Uncle Mu glanced at Third Uncle Mu, who shook his head, "The wire is too thin, if it is broken, it will be bad if the glass cuts the circuit."

Hearing this, Second Uncle Mu had no choice but to give up this idea and looked at his elder brother.

"Then it seems that only you, brother, are here."

Mu Xionghui was thinking about it, and seeing the two of them backing away quickly, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

In the next second, he touched the panel in front of him, and then an electric current swept through his body in an instant.

Mu Xionghui immediately performed a mechanical dance on the spot... "Not yet, hurry up, get me out of the way!"

Although it is a micro current, it still feels very uncomfortable.

Especially, his body is also old...

"Ahem, ahem, hey, hey, I really don't have to worry about it."

As he said that, Mu Xionghui only felt that his coughs were a little bit ashes.

Anyway, I was electrocuted quite badly...

However, when the remaining two were in contact, they were also shocked several times.


The three screamed one after another, but they quickly returned to normal.

The three members of the Mu family sighed, and after breaking free quickly, they could feel their hair all stand on end!

It looks really miserable...

"Cough, cough, cough, really old, old."

Looking at the current circuit in front of them, the three of them frowned a little. After thinking about it carefully, they decided to wait for Jiang Yinyin to come to rescue them.

No, the three of them immediately sat at the door.

It's just that they forgot one thing, the Mu family's old house has more than one gate.

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