In the next second, a dagger was pressed against his throat, and he straightened his back in shock.

"I think you know, what do you think?"

Jiang Yinyin smiled slightly, the smile on her face was like a cherry tree, making people timid.

"I really……"

Before he finished the rest of the sentence, Xue Ying felt the pain in his neck again, and he immediately stopped talking.

When his eyes fell on the woman, he also realized that if he didn't tell the truth, he might become a corpse too.

"I can tell you, but you have to keep your promise and let me go."

Hearing this, Jiang Yinyin smiled, and retracted the dagger a little, "As far as I know, there should be less than twenty of you Xue Ying, and now you are the only one left, what do you want to do?" ?”

Looking at the woman's eyes and the meaning mixed in the words, Xue Ying instantly understood something.

"You want to take me in? You killed so many of my brothers and let me work for you, so you won't be afraid of waking up in the middle of the night!"

Looking at the bodies of his brothers, he said angrily, his eyes turned red with sadness.

"He is a real man, but I think as long as you are a human being, you are afraid of death. Do you think you are afraid of death?"

After Jiang Yinyin asked the question honestly, she threw the dagger on the ground, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the blood from her hands, obviously disgusted.

Seeing this move, Xue Ying was extremely angry, but he could only be angry.

This woman is so scary!

After half an hour, the man finally lowered his head.

"I can tell you everything I know, and I can follow you..."

Jiang Yinyin is not a fool, she will not keep a potential danger by her side, "It's not necessary to follow me, but I will be here for a few days, as long as you follow me for a few days."

"As for the others, it depends on your performance. Of course, if you try to attack me, you will die faster."

When they were fighting just now, she naturally made double preparations, and she stabbed the man in the back of his neck.

It won't be long before people either die slowly in their dreams, or sleep forever!

"Okay, then it's settled."

Xue Ying told the whole thing directly, but still didn't say anything about the employer.

After all, there are rules in their profession, and it is impossible to know who the employer is.

"There should be a computer in your base, right? Use it for me."

Sitting in the co-pilot, Jiang Yinyin glanced at the phone that she couldn't get through, and frowned slightly.

It keeps reminding that the other party has no signal and is not in the service area. The only possibility is that the signal is blocked.

To actually use such a method, it seems that this is specially to lure her here.

As for the employer, she just had to check it out on the Internet.

It's not difficult for her to hack a system.


Xue Ying grudgingly hummed, then glanced at Jiang Yinyin.

A thought suddenly popped up in his heart, if it wasn't because Jiang Yinyin killed his brothers, maybe he would really follow Jiang Yinyin.

Unfortunately, some things can't be both.

"Go directly to your base. Your base should have enough equipment, enough for me to break the system."

I just tried to crack it from my mobile phone, but found that there is no way to get in.

Obviously, the other party knew her id well, so they directly pulled her into the blacklist.

It seemed that the people really came after her, and I don't know how the three little old men are doing now, whether they are still alive or not.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yinyin clicked her tongue.

The phone was still not connected, so she gave up the idea of ​​continuing to make calls, and then sent a message to Bo Yanchi, indicating that she had returned here, so that he didn't need to worry.

Snow Eagle's driving skills are excellent, but after a while, he arrived at the downstairs of the base.

Jiang Yinyin glanced at the unfinished building in front of her, and raised her eyebrows, "I didn't expect the third base to be here. No wonder someone looked for your location before and couldn't find it. It's hidden enough."

Xue Ying glanced at her, "How do you know so much about our affairs?"

Jiang Yinyin smiled and shrugged her shoulders, "I can't help it, my news is so well-informed."

Before getting on the plane, she had already seen Xue Ying in the background, and she had accepted the assassination order.

It happened to be at the place where she landed, this is not obvious, she is not a fool.

Xue Ying didn't ask any more questions, anyway, he had already been defeated by this woman, so it was useless to ask anything now.

If he had known that this woman was so powerful, he would not have accepted this order!

Seeing the unconvinced look on the man's face, Jiang Yinyin raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "Don't be unconvinced, I will tell you who I am before you die."

Patting the man on the shoulder, Jiang Yinyin went straight upstairs, and soon they arrived at the base, after seeing everything that was digitally detailed.

Even Jiang Yinyin couldn't help sighing, sure enough, only these guys who lick blood on the tip of their knives can have such sophisticated equipment.

If it wasn't for the fear of being discovered, her set of equipment should have been shipped back.

But at this moment, she is also glad that she has not exposed her identity.

Otherwise, the other party might restrict her actions.

"I have unlocked the password, you can use it as you like."

With a sullen face, Xue Ying said aggrievedly, suddenly he frowned, and touched the back of his neck.

Watching his actions, a dark light flashed in Jiang Yinyin's eyes, and her fingers jumped on the keyboard.

However, within a few breaths, he had already invaded the mercenary system, and directly clicked on the trading task. After a careful inspection, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"It's really a person who makes me a little unexpected."

Looking at the word "Mu" above, a cold light flashed in Jiang Yinyin's eyes.

Although I know it was done by the people behind the Mu family, I still don't have a name, and I don't know the specifics.

I'm afraid it will be a very embarrassing thing to investigate.

She pressed the center of her eyebrows a little irritably, and then began to investigate another matter, after locking on to the positions of a few old guys.

Jiang Yinyin clicked her tongue, but she didn't expect these old guys to be in the old house.

But... why is it at the old house?

It's too late to think about it, the top priority now is to find the three old guys, so as to save other things from happening!

"You follow me to Mu's old house."

Throwing the car keys to Xue Ying, Jiang Yinyin picked up the computer and kicked it in her arms, and glanced at the man: "Let's go, why are you so dazed, I don't know if it's useful if I'm dumb."

snow eagle...

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