Mrs. President is the woman of that night

Chapter 503 When did I become a third child?

Bai Jingxian herself was born a famous lady, and she lived a pampered life in the Bo family for many years, with an air of luxury and elegance.

In addition, she has always been a leader in the company. Normally, just one look makes the other party dare not say a word. Now it is really new to be scolded by a little girl pointing her nose.

She laughed back in anger: "You said Yinyin is mistress?"

"do not you know?"

Chen Qingyan didn't notice the danger approaching at all, instead she took Mrs. Chen's arm and began to act like a spoiled child: "Mom, have you seen it? There are not many well-behaved girls like me. With a daughter like Jiang Yinyin, I feel ashamed. "

"Madam Chen really gave birth to a good daughter, but I don't know how much disaster this kind of IQ will bring to the Chen family in the future."

Bai Jingxian's cold tone made Mrs. Chen change her face.

She has always pampered Chen Qingyan, and she feels that the huge City A always treats the Chen family a little bit less, and it is not a big deal for children to be naughty.

What's more, she was also brainwashed by Chen Qingyan. Letting Chen Qingting replace Jiang Yinyin and marry into the Bo family is beneficial and harmless.

So she ignored Chen Qingyan's trouble to find Jiang Yinyin at all. Who would have thought that this voice would become more familiar the more she heard it.

She frowned slightly and looked over, her eyes immediately changed: "Bo... Mrs. Bo."

"Mom, what are you talking about! How can she be Mrs. Bo? She's just a mistress, and even if she gets the certificate, it's by some shady means!"

As Chen Qingyan chattered, Bai Jingxian's expression became colder, and Mrs. Chen's expression became extremely unnatural.

She kept pulling Chen Qingyan's arm: "Don't say it, don't say it soon."

"Is there anything I can't say? They dare to do it, but I can't say... ah!"

Bai Jingxian raised her hand and slapped Chen Qingyan, interrupting her words.

Chen Qingyan covered her red cheeks, her eyes were full of shock, she obviously didn't understand why she was beaten.

Bai Jingxian's gaze had already fallen on Mrs. Chen's face: "It is said that there is a bear parent behind a bear child, and today I have seen it. Since you are reluctant to teach your precious daughter a lesson, let someone else do it for you. What does Mrs. Chen have? Opinion?"


Chen Qingyan obviously came to her senses, she asked Mrs. Chen to seek justice for herself with red eyes.

Mrs. Chen pressed Chen Qingyan's head and bowed her head to Bai Jingxian to admit her mistake: "Mrs. Bo, Qingyan is still young and ignorant. I will apologize to you on her behalf. You should stop haggling with the child."

"Mom! She's the mother of a mistress, why are you belittling her?"


Bai Jingxian looked coldly at Mrs. Chen and Chen Qingyan's winking, and a sneer appeared on her face: "Tsk, it seems that your daughter really doesn't know my identity at all. I don't think the previous cooperation should continue. Anyway, the next one The monthly contract is expiring."

Mrs. Chen's eyes widened slightly, and her eyes were full of panic.

She is very clear that the cooperation between Chen and Bo plays a decisive role in improving Chen, so it is canceled now?

Chen Qingyan will definitely be punished when she returns home!

Madam Chen eagerly stepped forward and grabbed Bai Jingxian's arm: "Madam Bo..."

"Mrs. Chen."

Bai Jingxian pushed her hand away, and her voice became a little colder: "Is this the rules of your Chen family? Our Bo family doesn't have this!"

Chen Qingyan was very dissatisfied when she was harshly criticized, and now she was disgusted even with her own mother, she was completely angry.

"You are the mother of a mistress, why are you so proud? Will your daughter know how to crawl on the bed!"

"Since when did I become a mistress?"

A clear male voice sounded, making everyone look over.

Bo Yanchi walked over with a gloomy face.

He didn't even look at the Chen family's mother and daughter. He glanced at Jiang Yinyin and then at Bai Jingxian.

"Mom, are you alright?"

"Your mother is not so cowardly that she is bullied by some low-class people. But today, I know how much Yinyin has been wronged. It is really stupid for someone to dare to bully our daughter-in-law of the Bo family like this."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Qingyan was completely dumbfounded.

She never thought that the person she always thought was Jiang Yinyin's mother was actually Bo Yanchi's mother?

This oolong made the whole thing go in a different direction.

Chen Qingyan, who was dumbfounded by Mrs. Chen, could only pull Chen Qingyan to apologize continuously.

Bai Jingxian is not a person who can be reasonable and not let people know, but she is not the one who sees her family being bullied and calms things down.

She sneered: "What's the use of saying I'm sorry? Your daughter keeps saying that my daughter-in-law is a mistress, and you didn't try to stop me before. Then I'm curious, and I want to know who my original daughter-in-law should be." who?"

This sentence made the people around couldn't help laughing out loud, the faces of the Chen family's mother and daughter turned blue and red, as if they had been slapped a dozen times back and forth, and they were in hot pain.

Who is the daughter-in-law of the Bo family? Isn't that the Bo family's final say?

When can it be someone else's gossip?

What's more, the mother and daughter of the Chen family said that Chen Qingting was Bo Yanchi's original partner, which was the biggest joke.

It's a pity that Chen Qingyan still doesn't understand this truth, so she poked her neck and said, "Of course it's my sister! They were a couple at school back then, and everyone knew they were a couple! Who knew that she was going to study abroad, and the Bo family changed their minds. "

Bai Jingxian is not Jiang Yinyin, nor is Chen Qingyan Chen Qingting, so naturally she won't save face.

"When Ah Chi was in a coma in a car accident, why didn't I know that the Chen family still had such thoughts? Speaking of which, I knew that the Chen family was vigorously searching for suitable people and wanted Chen Qingting to get married as soon as possible. Who on earth changed his mind? what?"

People who can come to the famous brand store are basically people in the circle, so they have heard about these things.

Besides, who would offend the Bo family for the sake of the Chen family?

Even some people who couldn't afford to offend the Chen family would not help each other, and would never offend the Bo family.

In this way, the words of the people around are all jokes about the mother and daughter of the Chen family——

"I know about this! At that time, Mr. Bo was in a coma in a car accident. The Chen family was worried that their daughter would be affected, so they forced the eldest daughter to go on a blind date. In the end, it was because the daughter suffered from depression that nothing happened."

"Then Miss Chen is quite infatuated."

"What's the use of being infatuated? If you have family members who only know about benefits, you won't be able to get well in this life?"

The Chen family's mother and daughter have been ridiculed like this, how can they stay?

It's just that when they wanted to leave in desperation, they were stopped by Jiang Yinyin.

"Mrs. Chen, Ms. Chen, I was splashed with dirty water by you all for no reason, so it's inappropriate for you to just leave like this?"

She stood in the direction of their departure, with a smile on her face: "Why don't you all bow and apologize to me on the spot and say sorry, let's make this matter a big deal, how about it?"

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