Bo Yanchi had a faint smile on her handsome face: "I'm just telling the truth."

"I just like to hear your truth."

Jiang Yinyin leaned in his arms, recalling her conversation with Chen Qingting.

"Speaking of which, she really has deep feelings for you. Although she is very resistant to being a mistress, she still wants to be with you."

"If she really cared about me so much, why didn't she come to congratulate me?"

He sneered at what he said, and she raised her eyebrows.

"There is a problem, Bo Yanchi."

She met his puzzled eyes: "Your point is that she didn't marry you. It seems that you are not completely indifferent to her. You even have a little resentment towards her in your heart?"

When she said this, she looked at Bo Yanchi with piercing eyes, as if she wanted to look into the depths of his heart.

He looked at her with no intention of shifting his gaze.

"I'm just stating what you said, her so-called affection for me. Since she loves me so much, why didn't she marry me then?"

Bao Yanchi shrugged with a smile: "She would definitely say that all kinds of things were delayed at that time. It was nothing more than the Chen family's unwillingness, which restricted her personal freedom. But as an adult, she even put all her eggs in one basket to find the courage and ability of her lover. No, why ask others to be with her?"

Jiang Yinyin felt the urge to applaud.

She really didn't realize before that Bao Yanchi was actually sober in the world.

Chen Qingting may really love Bo Yanchi, but her affection for him is not as good as the presence of too many, so it is impossible to get his affection.

Jiang Yinyin didn't continue to dwell on this issue: "The Chen Group's attention has always been on the food market, why would it hoard such a piece of land in the suburbs?"

"That piece of land was initially used by Mrs. Chen to build a factory, but with the development of the city, although it is located in the suburbs, it is also very close to the urban area. It would be a bit of a waste to build a factory."

" it difficult to buy from them?"

"If you want it, it's not big."

"Bo Yanchi, I want to handle this matter myself, so don't interfere."

She was very willing to rely on Bo Yanchi, after all her husband didn't rely on him, so should other women rely on him?

But she also needs to prove her ability, if she can't rely on him to complete everything, then she will seem somewhat useless.


He nodded without any objection: "By the way, Mom's birthday will be in a few days. I want to hold a small banquet at home to have fun. What do you think?"

Ever since they left City A, Mr. Bo and Bai Jingxian have become very busy people, and they need to deal with all the company's affairs.

Now that Bo Yanchi and Jiang Yinyin are back, they should really be given a good rest.

"I agree. Grandpa and mom have worked hard during this period. Let them have a good rest. Grandpa can play chess with chess friends, and mom can also go to fashion weeks around the world. In addition, I also want everyone to see, Who is Mrs. Bo?"

Bao Yanchi looked down at the woman in his arms, and his eyes were full of doting: "It turns out that you are also jealous."

"Why not? I want everyone to know that you are my man."


The 55th birthday is not a big birthday.

However, the high society will hold various banquets under the pretense to win over all the relationships that can be won, so as to make the relationship between each other closer.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Bai Jingxian held a birthday party from the outside world.

Bai Jingxian didn't want to make trouble at first, but thinking that Bo Yanchi and Jiang Yinyin wouldn't come back for a long time, she should show her face.

She even took Jiang Yinyin to a famous brand store to buy dresses.

When the shopping guide saw them coming in, she greeted them immediately.

"Mrs. Bo, many new dresses have arrived today, all of which are very suitable for you. They are noble and generous, and can bring out your temperament."

"Today is to choose for my daughter-in-law."

Bai Jingxian patted Jiang Yinyin's hand: "You are young, beautiful, and have a good figure. Pick a few more sets, you can't have too many clothes."

Jiang Yinyin smiled and took Bai Jingxian's arm: "Mom, what's the capital of being young? Who hasn't been young? Like you, at this age, you can still take care of yourself so well, which is enviable."

"You're a sweet girl."

The shopping guide looked at them and smiled: "Mrs. Bo and Mrs. Young have such a good relationship. How can others tell that you are a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? I'm afraid they will think you are a mother and daughter. Why don't you try a mother-daughter dress? Very good."

Bai Jingxian wanted to refuse, but Jiang Yinyin said, "Mom, go and have a look, what if it's suitable? Let Bao Yanchi get jealous!"

"Let's have a look."

The shopping guide smiled and took them to the second floor: "These are parent-child dresses, but they have the same color but different styles. Style a is mature and generous, style b is cute and cute, especially suitable for you."

Jiang Yinyin glanced at it, but felt that her eyes lit up. It was really a parent-child outfit that had never seen a dress before.

The key is from the color to the design, it is really great.

Especially the navy blue dresses, one is a v-neck dress and the other is a suspender knee-length skirt, which are really chic.

She reached out and pulled up the skirt: "Mom, how about we try this skirt?"

"Wrap those two skirts for me."

Before Bai Jingxian could speak, a very young voice spoke beside her.

Not to mention that Jiang Yinyin frowned, Bai Jingxian's complexion turned ugly.

Following the voice, Jiang Yinyin only felt that the enemy's road was narrow, it was Chen Qingyan, and beside her was a woman who was fifty years away.

"Mom, these two skirts are beautiful, they are very suitable for us, why don't you just buy these?"

Without waiting for Madam Chen's response, Bai Jingxian reached out to take off the hanger and handed the short skirt to Jiang Yinyin: "Go to the fitting room and try it on."

"Ma'am, I want this dress." Chen Qingyan stepped forward to stop her.

Bai Jingxian raised her eyelids and looked over, with obvious coldness in her eyes: "Who agreed?"

Chen Qingyan obviously did not expect Bai Jingxian to be tough.

Her complexion was also ugly: "Sure enough, what kind of daughter has what kind of daughter, and the daughter is a mistress, and mother will not be a good thing!"

Bai Jingxian's eyes narrowed: "Who do you say is mistress?"

Chen Qingyan sneered: "Why, you still don't know that your precious daughter is on the list of Bo Yanchi? If she hadn't been the mistress, do you think she would be able to take you to such a expensive place for consumption?"

The mocking tone coupled with a disdainful expression immediately attracted a lot of melon eaters.

Jiang Yinyin stood where she was, but couldn't help but light the wax for Chen Qingyan. This time, Chen Qingyan really hit the muzzle of the gun.

Wait and see how Bai Jingxian deals with her!

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