I Xiaolong

Chapter 599 If she reappears, let go of evil thoughts!

Of course Su Xiaxia can be sure, because she had never been abroad before coming to Haran, so how could she have been here.

"You remembered wrong!"

Jitu said: "I'm not saying that you have been here before, but that this is not the first time you have seen the scene here, in reality, or in novels or movies."

Su Xiaxia had an epiphany, not to mention it was true, this scene was indeed very similar to the scene described in one of her favorite novels.

It was a fantasy romance novel that was very popular in China, and there was also a film and television drama of the same name.

Su Xiaxia doesn't have many hobbies on weekdays, so she is obsessed with them. After all, her ideal is not to do business, but to be able to take the artistic route.

The scene here is where the hero and heroine meet in the most exciting part of the novel.

A towering restaurant in the sky, outside the restaurant is the endless sea, and there is a big and round moon.

"Then here comes the question: how do you know I've read this novel?" Su Xiaxia asked strangely.

Jitu smiled, and then gestured to the dress Su Xiaxia was wearing today.

Su Xiaxia came to a sudden realization again: this dress of hers was a derivative of that novel, and it was the dress worn by the heroine of the novel, the princess fish, on a date.

"It's really embarrassing. This kind of thing can happen to me." Su Xiaxia stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. She had heard of the Internet, but never heard of the novel.

"Did I meet a book friend?" Su Xiaxia laughed dryly. This purposeful blind date actually allowed them to find a topic.

"No! You have met the person who created you, if you are the heroine of the novel." Jitu smiled gracefully.

In fact, ever since he colluded with auspicious stars and became the "Prince of Auspiciousness", he has become a conspirator, and his inflated ambitions and despicable methods are clearly visible.

However, when facing this girl now, he has a kind face from beginning to end, and even his eyes seem to have become extremely clear.

It was as if he had split his personality and now entered another personality.

"What do you mean? You are the author of this novel?" Su Xiaxia asked curiously.

Seeing that Jitu didn't deny it, Su Xiaxia said displeasedly: "You are really enough. Is it difficult to know many writers? You can't even eat. Hmph, you are too rich with too much money, and you are going to have sex with those poor Writers grab food!"

Saying this on the lips, but in my heart I can't stop a little worship.

Among other things, the sight of such a talented author and a mysterious person who has captured the hearts of countless young girls in China sitting opposite him is very exciting.

Jitu laughed again, very relaxed.

"I don't bear this crime. In fact, I just spend too much time in boredom, and my life is too empty, so I write something for fun. I don't do it for fame or profit. The stories in this book have become popular in many countries and have been popularized by many people. People see it, and that's enough for me."

Because of his health, Jitu was hidden by the royal family of Haran and could not show his face in public, so he lived in seclusion on a small island.Even if the house is full of money and there are many servants, these are of no significance to him.

His only spiritual sustenance is reading, so he has read a lot of books. When he shows his elegant and erudite side, his personal charm is outstanding.

For example, Su Xiaxia, after just a few conversations with him, she had a good impression, even better than the real Prince Auspicious, and even relaxed her guard against him for a while.

At this time, she almost forgot that this person is a heinous conspiracy, and she cooperated with Qin Chuan to arrest this person today.

But she knew that now the clock tower was under the control of Qin Chuan and his subordinates, Qin Chuan could show up at any time, and she didn't need to worry about her own safety.

Everything can be said to be within her grasp.

However, Su Xiaxia still had no intention of letting Qin Chuan do anything about it.If she was just curious to experience the feeling of being on a blind date with the royal prince, now she has another reason.

At this time, she has turned into a book fan, facing her idol face to face.

"Are you the prototype of the male protagonist in that novel?" Su Xiaxia asked Jitu again curiously.

The male protagonist in the novel is handsome, wealthy, talented and extremely rebellious. In order to be with the female protagonist, he gave up the glory and wealth bestowed by his family, wishing to go through a thousand calamities only for the female protagonist.

It sounds vulgar, but Jitu's talent makes it a sharp weapon to capture the hearts of countless girls.

Jitu nodded and said, "As I said, I will write some stories of my own for entertainment."

"Then the heroine...?" Su Xiaxia couldn't help gossiping.

"It's the same as the description in the book." Jitu replied.

"A girl who encountered a sea storm and was rescued by the hero?"

Jitu nodded. He lived in seclusion on the island, and a shipwreck ran aground. The only survivor was the girl.

He rescued the girl, but the girl lost her memory due to drowning. She couldn't remember where she came from, the ship was damaged, and no information about the girl could be found.

Therefore, the girl became a resident of his island, and he lived with her on the island ever since.

Emotion is a strange thing, it doesn't even need to be accumulated, sometimes a look can be better than years and thousands of words.

They will soon enter the marriage hall.

However, for the royal family of Harlan, it is difficult to accept a girl of unknown origin to marry into the royal family, not to mention that Jitu's status in the royal family of Harran is sensitive. If it is not for physical reasons, he is the first heir to the throne.

His identity is easily exploited by people with ulterior motives.

What happened later confirmed the worries of the royal family of Harlan, but it was ironic: because some people did take advantage of their status as auspicious disciples, but they were auspicious stars within the royal family of Harlan.

The girl was expelled from the country of Harran, and has not been heard from since then.

The evil thoughts in Jitu's heart were also generated from that time.

He was deprived of everything by fate, his health was deprived, heir's rights were deprived, and now he was even deprived of the right to be with the woman he loves.

Inexplicably, he became very eager to resist fate, and the only choice was to become the king of Haran at all costs.

By becoming the king of Haran, he can find all the justice that belongs to him, marry the one he loves justifiably, and live up to his life that may perish at any time.

Until that day, he received an email from that girl.

"Don't let me down because of your kindness. Although I won't show up again, please promise me that if I show up again in another way, please let go of the evil thoughts in your heart. Take care!"

Another way?

Jitu didn't understand, he only knew that girl would never appear again, he created the world-best-selling novel with the story of himself and that girl, he believed she would read it.

Until Su Xiaxia appeared!

The first time he saw Su Xiaxia wearing the dress of the heroine of the novel, Jitu was shocked. From this innocent and lovely girl, he found the shadow of that girl, and the overlap was extremely high!

Is this another way of what she said?

"That...you may have misunderstood what she meant, I'm not your heroine!" Su Xiaxia laughed awkwardly again after hearing Jitu's touching story.

"It can't be such a coincidence! I have begun to believe in fate and God's will!" Jitu smiled kindly, stood up and walked in front of Su Xiaxia, and stretched out his hand to Su Xiaxia.

"Let me re-introduce: I am not Prince Jili, but Prince Jili's twin brother, Jitu, the eldest son of the royal family of Haran, although you already know it."

Su Xiaxia was frightened, her eyes showed panic, she subconsciously backed away, she didn't dare to reach out to shake his hand, the knife was in her hand, she almost shouted for help.

Jitu withdrew his hand, then gestured out the window.

"If I'm not mistaken, this building is already under the control of your brother-in-law's people. I have no other choice but to capture it without a fight! Don't be afraid, I'm just fulfilling that girl's orders. It's time to let go of the evil thoughts in my heart."

"Thank you, Miss Xia Xia! Now do what you should do!"

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